The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle - Paradise and Purgatory

The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle - Paradise and Purgatory

Bethesda Softworks

2 года назад

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NoctisAttano - 15.09.2023 22:25

Is anyone playing this game in 1st person mode? I mean actual playing it, not sightseeing. I remember the postures and animations being a bit of a let down back in a day when I tried this game, but first person view is really not a high point in games that have melee combat.. especially with multiplayer.

Chad Rowland
Chad Rowland - 07.08.2023 04:34

I need Skyrim 2

Jeffery Clinkenbeard
Jeffery Clinkenbeard - 21.06.2022 23:35

this is cool But once you get used to playing in VR all other gaming systems become obsolete...

Matteo Zappon
Matteo Zappon - 12.06.2022 09:30

Tes ?

Jake Jones
Jake Jones - 09.06.2022 23:13

ZOS devs are absolute POS

احمد - 07.06.2022 20:00

Please when will the Wolfenstein 3 ad be created? Please tell us and talk about the Wolfenstein series because I love this series madly

maboleth - 05.06.2022 12:13

blah blah, so much noise and nice trailers, same do this do that gameplay.

Peter Angelo
Peter Angelo - 02.06.2022 19:48

I'll say something great once I see something I haven seen repeated 100s of times in ESO for years. I played this game since 2016, and now I'm getting tired of repeating the same things over & over again. There's no excitement in this game anymore if you've been playing it for long. This game has turned into some sort of comic-con for cosplayers, different map same storyline with the same cast trying to end the world or turn citizens into undead/ mindless followers, and your goal is to stop them. OG players are running away from this game to other games, step your game-up Bethesda, you're better than this.

OGSwiftOne - 01.06.2022 23:05

Why doesn’t 76 get these kind of dlc’s?

Tusk - 31.05.2022 06:32

Let me guess: Its another game with no npc! Nobody will buy your crap games anymore bethescrap!

Im Cptn Awesome
Im Cptn Awesome - 30.05.2022 10:35

Reasons why I stopped playing:

1. The leveling system. The fact that every time I level up, my enemies get STRONGER, means this game is forever a drag. I can't train and come back, even after reaching max level, I still struggle with common bosses. Potions have a cooldown, too, so stocking up on them does not work. The only hope is perhaps teaming up with other players, but in ESO--just like every MMO--other players are too busy doing their own thing.

2. There is a lack of clarity. It can be all too easy to play this game for two hours and make no progress. Staying organized is a chore as everyone makes quest markers pop-up everywhere. The map system just doesn't work great. It's too easy to get lost, too easy to not progress.

3. A lack of immersion. This is not like Oblivion and Skyrim in which you can shoot an arrow that has physics attached to it. Arrows launch in a fashion similar to much older games that don't have that realism. Yahtzee of Zero Punctuation described ESO's combat as like playing with a child's "fisher-price keyboard", just like most MMOs.

4. PvP ruins PvE, as usual. Now every game has to have PvP in it, and PvE players suffer for it because of the "balance". Rather than be an amazing single-player and co-op experience, there are noticeable nerfs, all because everything has to be balanced for versus modes. One example is the pet system. You can unlock a wolf that follows you around, but he doesn't fight, as that would mean rebalancing PvP. That's a soft example, there are numerous more severe examples.

5. The monetization. This could be the worst of all. There are in-game items that cost as much as 50% the full price of the game at launch! Specifically, there was an Elk mount that I wanted, but it was locked exclusively behind "crowns" which are purchased with real money. It was priced at about $30 worth of crowns. The game is $60. How could a single mount be valued at $30?

When I saw that pre-ordering ESO: The High Isle meant you get an awesome snow Elk mount, I considered doing so. But for all the reasons above, I cannot continue with ESO.

Lyrian Maximus
Lyrian Maximus - 29.05.2022 09:57

Only 5 more years til TES 6.
Everyone enjoy this.

Wiedźmin - 26.05.2022 22:11

Too bad there is no Polish language, it would be fun to play. ;p

Ronin Evans-Brown
Ronin Evans-Brown - 23.05.2022 15:50

Hold up is that deer man the skull I found in the soul cairn?

Wayne Blackmon
Wayne Blackmon - 22.05.2022 07:26

This sounds more like democrat party propaganda than ESO lore. I play ESO to get away from the real world, not wallow in its political cesspool.

DharkBizkit - 21.05.2022 01:40

nah, thanks but no. i dont think eso will ever get me back, iam sticking with gw2

Anderson Reid
Anderson Reid - 20.05.2022 14:27

I'm not a fan eso at all I don't consider canon but I do love the concept art and design

Ashmaker - 20.05.2022 00:56

Its crazy how ugly the armor is in this game lol its like they dont even try.

Fantasy MMORPG Roleplayer
Fantasy MMORPG Roleplayer - 18.05.2022 11:14

I'd like to request an update to the character models.

It's especially difficult to make a handsome male Altmer, and that's ridiculous. They look mediocre at best. It's difficult to immerse myself when the character models are so outdated.

Didn't this game launch in 2014? It's been 8 years. Please upgrade the models.

New hairstyles & hair/eye colors are also needed. I see dark-haired Altmers in game as NPCs, but we can't make them in the character creator. Why?

David Schwab
David Schwab - 18.05.2022 07:34

da fuq? words without any meaning at all. this looks like it sucks

Awalker - 17.05.2022 19:54

we are trapped at lag,

Jeff - 17.05.2022 07:41

As long as my character doesn't end up as some progressives Bitch like in Summerset I'll be fine.

HighTekWiz - 17.05.2022 03:22

As soon as they come out with the panda race; I'm walkin'

theatretim - 17.05.2022 01:49

Well looks interesting I guess - except for the four person stuff which I won't play. Hope the solo stuff is worth it.

Geomancer - 16.05.2022 18:46

wait.. are we the baddies

RB - 16.05.2022 03:36

i love eso, but the fuck is this 1 dollar trailer

ManiacDub - 13.05.2022 02:00

I so excited always love some new places to explore.

Bort Sampson
Bort Sampson - 12.05.2022 13:27


Aleana Robins
Aleana Robins - 11.05.2022 15:12

cant wait

Doctor Proteus
Doctor Proteus - 11.05.2022 14:20

I hope this is going to reference the many great deeds we've done throughout the game. The factions should be begging the player for their support at this point after they've saved Tamriel/The World over a dozen times while the factions only drain resources that could have been used to protect their people from external threats like Demons and Dragons coming to kill us all. Instead they kill each other over who gets to sit in the fanciest chair.

Daddy Dagoth
Daddy Dagoth - 11.05.2022 08:28

Honestly ZoS I'll happily spend an extra year here if it means next Xpac has more changes for combat and play styles. Like a non Sword and board tanking tree or hand to hand tree

Bella Waters Dad
Bella Waters Dad - 10.05.2022 22:49

Hate the quest system, and the fact there is no logical zone order anymore...hard to stay focused and where to go in which order

introspectiveSeraphim - 10.05.2022 17:32

i stg if they renege on the initial "Ascendant Order are war profiteers" idea in favor of "lol they want ppl to be equal but they MURDER about it" im gonna fucking riot.

Legion92 - 08.05.2022 23:40

Looks cool, but it's weird they didn't give it a cinematic trailer

Amy Mitchell
Amy Mitchell - 08.05.2022 21:54

I love you so much professor I love you love you so much I love you love you I love games I love everything especially before I mean fallout 4

Neil Kuckman
Neil Kuckman - 08.05.2022 05:24

I think it's time for ESO to start taking their DLCs into a new direction.

I think It would be a nice change of pace, for them to set a future DLC in a location that already exists. Or even provide a continuation of already existing one-off stories.

How about a sequel to Dark Brotherhood? Or just a different story, in an all new sanctuary?

They have all of these systems: Assassination, Theft, Archeology... But each are only tied to a single story. Why not expand upon that?

Bl4ckFir3 - 07.05.2022 22:37

I hope sometime do a Latin American server, is frustating to play with the delay of the skills, etc.

Dergen - 07.05.2022 07:45

Came here looking for the Elder Scrolls VI
I’m extremely disappointed that this is the latest elder scrolls news

Fate Avarrencus
Fate Avarrencus - 07.05.2022 03:49

So no daedric intervention at least? should we support them?

Magnumicon - 07.05.2022 00:39

I want to be a deer-man.

KODDEZ - 06.05.2022 21:35

Again boring location, thx Zenimax 😥

Varrning Skopeftis
Varrning Skopeftis - 06.05.2022 03:58

Fix balance in PVP, its broken.

Sings-In-Swamps - 05.05.2022 23:33

Too many dryskins.

Mark Oudshoorn
Mark Oudshoorn - 05.05.2022 20:53

I'm sorry, all I can hear is card game

Martin Henzl
Martin Henzl - 05.05.2022 19:33

I came here cuz today you advertised the "latest high isle trailer"... with link to this month old video...

e. - 05.05.2022 19:10

In the end, you still cant cast skills and the game will remain laggy and shit for many more years to come. Now enjoy another re-skinned shit dlc and get the new meta set then we'll nerf it in time for the next dlc!

C Taylor
C Taylor - 03.05.2022 22:40

Why do we never get the outfits we see in the trailers!?

The Geo-Archaeologist
The Geo-Archaeologist - 03.05.2022 01:34

"Comfort breeds complacency"
Meanwhile Todd Howard releases Skyrim 30 more times
