Defective Nintendo Switch Systems Causing Problems? + Cyberpunk 2077 Gets WORSE

Defective Nintendo Switch Systems Causing Problems? + Cyberpunk 2077 Gets WORSE

RGT 85

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Wesley Perez
Wesley Perez - 12.08.2021 13:36

How can I get a certificate for watching the fourth matrix trailer for seeing the making of?

Wesley Perez
Wesley Perez - 12.08.2021 13:34

Can I smash the like button?

TheLiquidtroll - 23.05.2021 04:45

Mario Golf, Tony Hawk , and the Ninja Gaiden trilogy are day one pick ups for me also.

Jesse Enriquez
Jesse Enriquez - 04.01.2021 08:04

I’m glad, I did not get cyber punk

Super Geek Life
Super Geek Life - 25.12.2020 09:14

I'm going to save up for a Nintendo switch now so luckily I won't encounter this error one thing I noticed about Nintendo is that they do trying to make things right when they mess up outside of the whole joycon thing I'm waiting to get the pro switch that way I'll have the newer system and the games should be a little cheaper by then it is wrong that cyberpunk is telling fans one thing when they didn't even have permission from the company to say that they could even get a refund in the first place especially with Sony's rules the once you download a game you can't get your money back I don't think the company that made cyberpunk or Sony are going to get good reviews going forward especially after this

Sabrewulf Metalhead Gaming
Sabrewulf Metalhead Gaming - 21.12.2020 18:09

I love that hoodie too, but you been wearing it for over a week. Its got 'bits' on it you can pick up whilst watching you on a 75" tv. Now get it changed young man or i will tell your mother!

K2 Comedy Highlight
K2 Comedy Highlight - 21.12.2020 17:14

You're too kind for us and haters making these videos to refresh our gaming knowledge. Please continue being very cool.

eugene gutierrez
eugene gutierrez - 21.12.2020 08:57

I’m better off playing far cry 6

eugene gutierrez
eugene gutierrez - 21.12.2020 08:56

I thought it was me not knowing what I’m doing. Believe this game is defective.

BRB - 20.12.2020 13:26

Imagine Cyberpunk 2077 should launch on the wii

Big Dubyuh
Big Dubyuh - 20.12.2020 01:58

the only people really complaining are console users; Its a next gen title. Did people really think it was going to run well on ps4 and xbox LMAO. it would be like trying to run the game on a 750ti and an i3. I have experienced bugs and glitches but not game breaking. Final thoughts: Maybe don't expect a next gen title to play on a potato. Or force publishers to release a game not ready because the fans cant wait.

Malay Mehta
Malay Mehta - 18.12.2020 23:55

On the system setting there a code that is 20052101 on error history

Malay Mehta
Malay Mehta - 18.12.2020 23:54

When I play fornite in my switch them screen turns white when que up for a match hand reboots up when I press they power button

Dungeonboi Ent
Dungeonboi Ent - 18.12.2020 15:40

I havent pre-ordered a game since that Brink game was a total letdown. I dont need to be the first anymore. I look for multiple reviews on products now, and wait for a deal. On a lighter note I want new reviews for original xbox and xbox 360 games that may have been good if they had better performance. I want to see them played on the series x. I know glitches will still be present but maybe performance will make games that were previously plagued by perfomance issues work very well.

Dungeonboi Ent
Dungeonboi Ent - 18.12.2020 15:32

Microsoft might as well just pick up this company also. Hope this dosent stop the witcher games from being made, and the series on Netflix stays on track. I think the pandemic had to do with a lot of their decisions.

HenryThePooh HTP
HenryThePooh HTP - 18.12.2020 13:25

Thank god. I got one of the animal crossing switches, looks beautiful. Anyways, It works fine (as of right now I have no issues.) But my friend, bought one of the Mario black friday Costco bundle ones, and constantly complaining about hit Joycons disconnecting when in portable and not in portable. Welp

Ashe Plays
Ashe Plays - 18.12.2020 10:47

Waiting for RGT 85 to talk about how Sony has removed Cyberpunk 2077 from its PS store

Ten - 18.12.2020 09:57

You can get a refund now.

Eddie Anderson
Eddie Anderson - 18.12.2020 06:01

I have been having fun with cyber punk on my pc, game is pretty fun imo, glitches happen with all games now days, I can live with them

WalkAmongTrolls - 18.12.2020 05:58

I've never seen so much good will just absolutely pissed on. Lol I seen this situation before though and knew this was overhyped but my god.....

MxNobody - 18.12.2020 05:12

This year stinks and keeps getting stinkier with every minute

Adam Harris
Adam Harris - 18.12.2020 03:00

I've got 50 hours in cyberpunk and have barely touched the main story. It might possibly be my favorite game ever. Bugs and all. Playing on PS4 pro. CDPR still has a huge fan in me.

Chris Gardiner
Chris Gardiner - 18.12.2020 02:53


Chris Gardiner
Chris Gardiner - 18.12.2020 02:51

No Polish jokes ? really?

LetsPlayClassicGames - 18.12.2020 01:37

Hope they honor this and not based on when it was purchased, wife bought my Switch a month or two ago because it's been so hard to get ahold of one these last few months, the next eight days are going to be filled with nervous glances at the switch under the Christmas tree lol.

turtlehead2 - 18.12.2020 01:34

IGN gave it a 9.

Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica
Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica - 18.12.2020 00:42

Bro, I can absolutely relate to the comment about running the heat and getting wrecked sinuses

Lucid - 18.12.2020 00:32

Shawn is cool and all, but I still miss Stevie Richards

MR. ORTNO - 18.12.2020 00:26

Cyberpunk is still a great game it’s just buggy and overhyped but it’s still a GREAT game

Gianni Descalzo
Gianni Descalzo - 17.12.2020 23:20

And now CDPR is letting China decide what games Americans can play.

Xavier H
Xavier H - 17.12.2020 23:15

I recently found your channel and honestly down right find your content very useful

James Dearham
James Dearham - 17.12.2020 23:05

im old enough that i remember a time all the big world games were full of glitches and crashes. So although disappointed i can deal with it for now. i thought it was kind of crazy when they said if u buy the current console version the next gen version would be free but now i understand why.

Pikawho1123 - 17.12.2020 22:43

You in the north east?

Mike Gividen
Mike Gividen - 17.12.2020 22:31

th-th-th-th-thank y-y-y-y-yo-yo-you RGT-t-t-t-t-t eighty f-f-f-f-five! It's so-so-so-so cold in this video!

Hal Slusher
Hal Slusher - 17.12.2020 22:26

Never do bleeding edge.

Hal Slusher
Hal Slusher - 17.12.2020 22:25

Time to unwrap and test

Hal Slusher
Hal Slusher - 17.12.2020 22:23

lot of consoles are being shipped as bricks.

Hal Slusher
Hal Slusher - 17.12.2020 22:20

snowflake university graduates running things

Jaxdash Bolt
Jaxdash Bolt - 17.12.2020 22:15

I’m running it on both pc and series x, I love the story so far, but there are some glitches on both but in saying that I really hope it gets fixed because there are so many good things about this game as well.

Ryan Kelly
Ryan Kelly - 17.12.2020 21:55

Personally I’m keeping my PS4 digital copy. I technically qualify for a refund because I have not played the PS4 version yet but I would rather wait until these patches come out next year. I have the Stadia version to tide me over and I would like a free upgrade to the inevitable PS5 version coming next year so I’m hanging onto my license. Sure some people think I should request a refund based on principle but I would rather not spend more money in the future than get a refund now since I plan on playing this on PS5 eventually. I have faith they will fix the PS4 versions and I will be playing on PS4 Pro anyway so it’s not like I will be running the infamous base PS4 version. Patience is a virtue.

Intellect SourceCode
Intellect SourceCode - 17.12.2020 21:47

My friend got the exclusive cyberpunk2077 xbox and can't even download the digital game that came with he still hasnt even been able to play it.

PsyGnosiS - 17.12.2020 21:31

2020 is a crazy year, First Naughty Dog and now CD Project Red... oboy

Awesomemohawk 45
Awesomemohawk 45 - 17.12.2020 21:24

Imagine waking up Christmas morning to get a broken Nintendo switch and cyberpunk 2077

nintendians - 17.12.2020 21:22

cyberpunk 2077 - like i once said a couple years ago, just make it on the ps5, xbox series x and pc. cd projekt red should notified sony and microsoft before hand for the refund, that's why i don't go fully digital yet.

nintendo switch - i guess someone must mess up during the process of making these "new" "switch"es.

Martin Aurik
Martin Aurik - 17.12.2020 21:19

Maybe “CG Project Red”can give “cyberpunk 2077”for free on Google Stadia for console owners that have the game to play it glitch free😃until the end of Februari after that the console version Will be patcht enough.

Fred Wilson
Fred Wilson - 17.12.2020 21:17

I have one x cyberpunk runs good haven’t had any major bugs I have more bugs in call of duty Cold War

Stephen Arkless
Stephen Arkless - 17.12.2020 20:52

Just found out that cyberpunk runs better on the switch 😉

Brian Smith
Brian Smith - 17.12.2020 20:36


Michael Sierra
Michael Sierra - 17.12.2020 20:26

Gamers: 2020 was a great year for gaming!
Cd Projekt Red: Hold my beer....

Super Ultra Doom 9000
Super Ultra Doom 9000 - 17.12.2020 20:25

I didn’t buy this game on anything
