Let God Arrange It For You - English Subtitles - Sheikh Mahmoud Al-Hasanaat

Let God Arrange It For You - English Subtitles - Sheikh Mahmoud Al-Hasanaat

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'Al-Hasanaat Translations' will be providing a variety of videos of spiritual, motivational & inspirational nature, generally from all around the world but, mostly from the Middle Eastern countries with English translations for the benefit of English speaking people.

Besides uploading great sermons from world renowned scholars and true life experiences of ordinary people as well as prominent persons, time and again I shall be uploading Chapters (Surats) & Verses (Ayats) of the Qur-aan of world renowned Reciters (Qarees) with wonderful & soothing voices together with brother Talal Itani's English Translation.

We did not come into this world willingly but, found ourselves in it. Some of the things we have control over them while others we do not. Furthermore, there are those that we can never & shall never have control over them. We all go through diverse experiences & almost every one has a story or some stories to tell, be they good or bad.

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle and different religions try to reconstruct this puzzle into a meaningful purpose & goal. Some believe in a certain religion while others believe in another. Some believe in all religions while others believe in none.

So, what is life? What is its purpose and what is the goal?

With this in mind, 'Al-Hasanaat Translations' shall be providing a variety of videos for all and any who want to learn and benefit from this huge jigsaw puzzle. I do not target this channel to people of a particular faith or muslims alone but, to all those who feel they want to learn more about God and the purpose of life.

We have a lot of learned men in the world. Among them, in the Arab speaking countries. Unfortunately, their speeches & talks are mostly in Arabic & many miss out on them. If you need to know what they say & judge for yourself then this is your channel for that.

I have hundreds of such videos, hundreds, maybe even more than a thousand which I plan to translate, God-willing, for the benefit of the English speaking people, be it their mother tongue or a second language.

It takes time to do that and I try my best to give out the exact meaning intended in them. However, sometimes there might be some small mistakes. Despite that, I do my level best to avoid that & in case of any then, in most cases if not all they still do conform within the intended theme and meaning.

I do welcome corrections from the audience, cause non is perfect but, God.

For the Holy Qur-aan, 'Al-Hasanaat Translations' uses either the Translation of brother 'Talal Itani' or 'Saheeh International'. I find both of these two to be among the best available. They both use simple modern English which makes it easy for many to understand the intended message.

Also, I need to bring to the attention of my audience that in most cases when a Hadith of the Prophet, Peace & Blessings Of God Be Upon Him (PBUH), is mentioned, I support it by giving 'Reference/s' to the 'Hadith Book' & the 'Number of the Hadith'. However, please, note that all the 'Numbering' indicated in the 'Hadith References' are strictly as they are in the 'Arabic Versions' and not as they appear in the 'Translated Versions'.

This is so, cause there is 'No Standard Numbering System' for the various 'English Translations' available, both in 'Hard Copies' as well as 'Soft Copies'.

Also, 'PBUH' is an abbreviation of 'Peace & Blessings Of God Be Upon Him', which is said & used by the muslims when they mention the Prophet Muhammad, as taught to us by God Himself in the Qur-aan, Surat Al-Ahzaab, Ayat 56 (Qur-aan 33:56) & explained to us by the Prophet (PBUH).

'AS' is short form of ''Alayhi/Alayhim Assalaam', which means 'Peace Be Upon Him/Them', used for all the other Prophets mentioned by God in the Qur-aan.

'RA' is an abbreviation of "Radhiy Allahu 'Anhu/'Anha/'Anhum" which means 'May God Be Pleased With Him/Her/Them.'

These will appear frequently in the videos and I find it necessary to note them here.

If you feel you liked any of the videos in my channel, then please, honour me by clicking the 'LIKE' button and 'SHARE' it with others. Also, motivate me into working even harder by 'SUBSCRIBING' to my channel, so I can provide more of these videos.

I shall be happy to read your good comments and any positive suggestions are most welcomed. May all those who strive in righteousness be blessed. Ameen!
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