Ghostly Encounters: The Haunting Case of Purnima | Shiver

Ghostly Encounters: The Haunting Case of Purnima | Shiver

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@paramisaptharshana5074 - 10.11.2023 14:53

I donno y im afraid of cat eyes(light brown eyes) ppl in this life.

@mudithabandara8575 - 25.10.2023 08:43

Im a sri lankan i can firmly tell that most of sri lankans believe in re incarnation its bcz of our belif system ,there are multiple stroies that ive come across too.even on my dorsum aspect of left hand there is a burn scar which is congenital my late grandfather was good at reading body language he did told me once in your previous life you died due to a burn injuies God know wheather its right or wrong since that NDE and re incarceration those topics caught my interest upto now 🙏👌

@JodBless - 10.09.2023 15:50

"one particular story that had an incredible number of matches with a real case" bro have you ever realized Molly might be talking about a previous life? Cause a story like this and especially the way she talks about the killer (a "monster" that looked a lot like the interviewer, thus not just a monster, but a human. She could've just come up with any "monster") doesn't seem like a coincidence at all, especially since it's this one case amongst so many other stories children made up that apparently didn't show these similarities with a real case.

@crystalthow5533 - 13.08.2023 11:22

I watched one about how he died in titanic, they believed him to be the architect who built Titanic.

@susantaroy7373 - 31.07.2023 08:27

Incarnation theory comes from Hinduism not budhism, budhism came later

@FaeChild1111 - 21.06.2023 23:45

I remembered my life before this one when i was lady hazel lavery i remembered my reincarnation since young

@Jeffreyk7 - 20.05.2023 21:01

There is a great story of a young boy, 9/11 and the reincarnation of a New York City fire lieutenant who perished in The North Tower. The full story as told by the boy's mother on (and off) a popular Reincarnation Forum starting in 2007 up to the present day. The books full title, Fire in the Soul: Reincarnation from Antietam to Ground Zero. The author is Jeffrey Keene a retired Asst. Fire Chief.

@zzzthaoster - 15.02.2023 15:56

What if all of us were reincarnated too, but just a few were fortunate enough to remember their past life.

@miterbenisdurty3862 - 29.01.2023 19:29

Mr ballen brought me here

@ChubbyLLAMAdude - 20.01.2023 00:59

Bro why every single video i find about reeincarnations have creepy music and creepy clips in them?? Its not a creepy thing. This is a gift.

@user-tf1ii2kv8z - 20.11.2022 19:03

පූර්ණිමාගේ සීන් එක නං පිස්සුවක් හොදේ😥

@todayisfriday4035 - 19.11.2022 02:35

This story made me cry😢😢😢

@vincentwiese8414 - 28.06.2022 22:28

Even if you found a story in a newspaper it wouldn't prove anything. Just like the fraudulent James Leininger story. His father and mother fabricated the story using the internet. Both named James that doesn't mean they were the same James Hudson Jr.

@samcum77 - 02.06.2022 12:11

For christians islamists buddhists and even theists it may be some creepy story, which is hard to belive, but for hindus, its not. Our scriptures has a detailed view of birth and rebirths, the whole process..what is soul? Although there are so many books, but two major books are Bhagwad Gita, and Srimad Bhagwatam. Hare Krishna

@nilupulkarunatilake8107 - 31.12.2021 18:22

Poornima's case.Possibly the strongest of the reincarnation cases.

@rajukamakula2984 - 31.12.2021 09:37

Hope she left a karma in her like jigen in boruto😂🔥

@elisae.h.7725 - 13.11.2021 07:09

20 plus years after these documentaries were done... quantum mechanics, the god particle... yet still people dont believe.. smh

@anilgowdam112 - 04.11.2021 18:07

Very very rarely I have a dream that gives me a never forgetting emotions, one such was of a girl who loved me and her whole family was with me, I still can't forget that feeling.whenever I get asked out for dates, I remember her and all my enthusiasm for dates gets down, bcoz the one in my dream looked so attached to me..

@estelleholderharildstad310 - 04.11.2021 17:28

I was born and raised in Paris France, as long as I remember when being 4 years old is that I wanted to have eggs for breakfast (not Common in France in 1965) then at 9 yesrs old in 1970 I decided to drink tea and eat toasts at breakfast, well in 2021 french citizens still don't drink tea, then I would always ask my parents to bring me to London when I insisted about going to England, they mostly responded , we were never going to travel there because they didn't speak english....Result, in 1979 at age 18, I went to London, this was so important and I felt at home there, I am going since every year, well Covid is responsible for me not going since 2020
Anectode, I am watching UK Television only.....And discovered that every serie with maids etc...are of great interest to me firmly believing to be a lady maid around 1800 to 1860,

@BiologywithDrResham - 03.11.2021 20:52

There is always the flow of energy. Nothing ever goes wasted in nature.

@learnmore6315 - 19.10.2021 19:55

We also cannot discount the possibility that these cases are demonic in nature. They want us to believe in something that is not true by using these innocent children. Knowledge of things, distant or future, is a sign of demonic activity on a person.

@loribach534 - 25.09.2021 21:12

For any scientist needing proof of reincarnation, research the works of Edgar Cayce and Dr. Evelyn Fuqua.

Children's minds are open to the "other side" well up until age 3 because they are innocent in nature; they haven't been corrupted by the mundane. Having an open-minded parent to the child's stories is critical! Jesus reincarnated 29 times before becoming the "Christ".

@ranveersinghsangam - 09.09.2021 21:48

Rebirth will happen until will not get per hindu Geeta for all information

@latifamoumen5422 - 09.09.2021 17:07

I read that reïncarnation used tot be in the bible, but it was removed by a roman Emperor, because it didn't fit his narrative and he wanted to control people.
If people Believed there was more than one life, it wasn't easy to control them.

@kimbaforrall864 - 05.09.2021 14:57

I ain't watched all this, but recently been watching loss of these type of stories and they all have one thing in common, it seems to be that they have all had a unpleasant death, I'm starting to think reincarnation is a soul that has been taken early and not got to love out a full life experience. If the soul doesn't get the chance to a full life it's reincarnated and if we did a peaceful death maybe or soul is at ease and can be moved into the afterlife 🤷‍♂️

@uhjustacat - 16.08.2021 09:03

For people who thinks it's a gift well I'm not trying to stop that belief from you but fun fact Buddhist people think it's not a good thing at all and they need to end it by attending something called Nirvana. Lol I kind of agree imagine just being born infinite times and each life there's probably something out of the ordinary. Also besides what's the point you're just going to die each time and suffer.

@DrackoDaDon - 15.08.2021 11:19

I’ve got a story so i wasn’t into reincarnation until a few years ago and even then i was very skeptical but i met my current girlfriend on this app and something about her eyes made me just stop everything and wonder for awhile who was she she looked so familiar so i added her and she added back soon after we began talking like old friends and met up later that week we had a lot in common and was both 22 long story short one day after making love i looked at her and saw her with a Egyptian headdress over here for a few seconds but i swear it felt like longer and i was completely transfixed i told her and she was taken back but believed me cause she felt the same… im sure we were past lovers in egypt and found eachother after all this time it’s truly amazing and i believe everyone has a match out there and you will encounter them stay strong peace and love 🖤

@gunnywhite7742 - 30.07.2021 23:16

After we die it is proven we go to Heaven or hell. Turn to Jesus before its to late! Jesus loves you.

@shashank5665 - 28.07.2021 11:07

Evidence is right in front of our eyes, still these narrators try project them as mere co-incidence. How hypocritical !!!

@ashleyjames9105 - 14.07.2021 00:14

I just wanna ask the reincarnated kids if they where Cristian in there past lives cause then we know for sure that gods real

@peterparkerlspiderman5398 - 13.06.2021 03:40

Fun fact:my family thoughts i need a therapist, but they doesn’t know i believe in this

@lindathegreat6825 - 26.03.2021 11:25


@cynthiaennis3107 - 25.03.2021 20:13

The Jenny Cockell /Mary Sutton account?!?! That is a remarkable account! Loved that!

@cynthiaennis3107 - 25.03.2021 20:08

Good! Reincarnation is in The Bible! There are still remnants if it & I have written all those verses down that I could find, though there may be more & some in The Gospel of Thomas, p109 I think someone had said! (This one I have not yet looked up.)

@cynthiaennis3107 - 25.03.2021 05:53

How ignorant calling reincarnation New Age! This is ancient wisdom that the idiotic west doesn’t want people to know! I’m surprised it’s on YT! As so many people have been “hushed!”

@lilslump8309 - 21.03.2021 23:27

He said the thinks Pam’s son made up stories at 2 years old about dying in a car accident. but most children and especially 2 year olds don’t make up stories about dying in a car accident and having another mother

@spidermoth1170 - 02.03.2021 10:47

Why all the zooming?

@Shearwater6 - 22.02.2021 10:58

Science fact. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It just changes form.

@lindaedwards2342 - 20.02.2021 03:19

In 1975 when my daughter was 2 she came up to me and matter of factly told that she was alive before. I didn't know quite what to make of it but she was quite adamite that she was alive in another life. She just mentioned it that one time but, I will say it creeped me out.

@ExploreDerbyshire - 05.02.2021 00:48

The little girl who described the little girl who was abducted could well be psychic / in contact with that little spirit child

@Renee933 - 31.01.2021 21:55

Was the little girl’s “made up” story actually made up? Or did she recount her experience only when asked? Nobody will ever know. Death is the ultimate mystery. And likely always will be.

@agathasoares913 - 30.01.2021 07:13

Molly was telling memories.... That guys wants to believe that his theory is right...

@Bea-zt1pg - 30.01.2021 00:17

I've had dreams, and some visions. At 11 I dreamed that I was a prisoner, or a slave to be sold. There was me and a few more black women, and there were several men around. The difference is that I was not black, and my right hand had been cut off.

At 13 I dreamed that I was a witch, and my mother (from this life) was by my side, only that we were the same age. Then I had two more dreams about it, and a vision, about an elderly woman, completely covered, in white lace clothes.

At 15, I dreamed that I was a Roman. I don't know if I was a general, a soldier, I just know that I wore a helmet that only those with a great position wore. One of the strangest things is that my mother and I love Italy, we are descendants of Italians, and since childhood, we have dreamed of living in Italy. I even once had a thought, saying that I would like to return to my country.

@PremSingh0906 - 28.01.2021 00:35

The skeptic is a strict christian for sure....

@inkyguy - 21.01.2021 16:23

I wonder whether Trump will be reborn as a higher or lower order worm.

@achieverssuperpower - 11.01.2021 22:01

A soul, I , was driven by pride and unawareness of trap, reborn unconsciously into a medical doctors' family, the victims of one of my past lives. This is when my misery starts, unwanted, unwelcome, and live in threat.
I was so shocked and confronted with position for not being served and highly appreciated like used to be😁

The overwhelmed scene about birth, death, suffering I saw in the hospital by following my doctoral parents reluctantly each day as a shadow, led her to what humanity is looking for but afraid most of us to find. 

The illness, pain, wailing voice, and death enhance my questions about and I lived in fear of death and after life.

 The humiliation, abuse, torture scared me and urged my endless effort to find the way back home, where I never had this kind of experience before in my past lives.

During my journey fighting through the invisible jungle of mind, I met a variety of souls from different dimensions and old friends in the universe, lead my path to liberty and free from the tragic predestination of the human race.

My craving desire on freedom beyond the limited physical reality as a human being led my endless hard work on my mind matrix and connection with multi demential beings and human beings' soul history.

This is when I unlock the coding secret behind the driven force of tragic human predestination and is on my path to liberty.

@leothechibowow9920 - 06.01.2021 01:22

What if its just the dead ghost of the past haunting these children to give them such memories, no??

@kjbennie9245 - 05.01.2021 15:19

Its interesting we dont have memories as a baby up until 2 or 3. I dont remember a thing before 4 and if we are going to mention previous lives, its the age we dont remember being alive. Fascinating! Its almost like as soon as we are old enough to make memories, thats when the door is shut from previous lives
