Google Sheets FILTER - Advanced tricks with SUM, UNIQUE, IF, LEN, IFERROR

Google Sheets FILTER - Advanced tricks with SUM, UNIQUE, IF, LEN, IFERROR

Coupler․io Academy

5 лет назад

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@profocelsomarin4123 - 01.12.2022 01:06

este vídeo é muito bom, volto nele com frequência

@joshbottube - 11.09.2022 22:45

Super dense and helpful. I suggest watching this repeatedly on .75 speed for anyone less than professional. It would take a lot of work for the @Railsware crew but timestamps would be incredibly valuable to all advanced formula videos.

@tridibbiswas3361 - 15.08.2022 14:52

Hi, Thank you for the detailed videos. I am new to Googlesheets. It was really helpful. I wanted to make the formula font in the formula bar to permanently bold as in your vide. Can help me on how to do it?

@profocelsomarin4123 - 24.07.2022 18:54

Eu achava que o Google Planilhas perdia para o Excel no uso da função filtro, e com este ótimo vídeo mudei de ideia. Este vídeo é ótimo.
Vocês não pensam em fazer um vídeo sobre os possíveis usos de {} nas funções?
Eu sempre encontro a sintaxe para o uso de {} de forma muito casual e discreta, embora este vídeo de vocês é o melhor ao reunir tanto conteúdo.
Perdão por me estender tanto mas estou com muitas dúvidas sobre o uso de {}.
Existe alguma fonte que poderiam indicar para eu me aprofundar no uso de {} nas funções do Google Planilhas?
Ou vocês pensam em fazer vídeos sobre {}?
Continuem com o ótimo trabalho

@laurenkemp8716 - 15.06.2022 21:08

What is you have multiple answers is a column Such as both EMEA and Africa in one cell. How would you filter that to show results for only EMEA in a different tab? The ="EMEA" would not include that one row as it had both. How would you have it included?

I am trying to build a sheet based on a list of symptoms provided and each cell can show more than one symptom. Need a way to tell the filter to include that row if it has that specific wording in my filtered column.

@germaincharlie2277 - 13.02.2022 09:35

Thanks for the video, it's very helpful. I've encountered and issue where i want to assign different filter formula based on cell value; for instance : filter(A2:A, B2:A>100) & filter(C2:C, B2:B<=100).

@eljinet - 08.01.2022 09:01

So on Google Sheets I have this:

=iferror(FILTER('RAW DATA 2'!$B$2:$G,'RAW DATA 2'!$B$2:$B>=$B$1,'RAW DATA 2'!$B$2:$B<=$B$2),""), the formula is working. However, I would like to skip a column from the range, my range goes from B2:G, I would like to skip column D from the range, how can I do it?

Thanks in advance.

@ValmisFilm - 20.07.2021 14:41

Thanks. But what should I do, if there is a table
Title1 1 2 3 2
Title2 a b c d
Row3 9 8 7 6
Row4 5 4 3 2

And criteria is in another table that I must use Title1 and Title2 and look for Row3, as in find in column "Row3" and "2" in Title1 and find "b" in Titile2. Result should be "8"

@EduardoBicelisGarcia - 07.06.2021 21:48

Very smart content and approach. Thanks for taking the time!

@shoaibshaiby1 - 17.05.2021 11:28

how to use unique and filter function together in wide range ie A1:K

@SlashchinynOleksandr - 27.03.2021 22:21


Where is the mistake?

@abelbanko5619 - 22.05.2020 16:48

How do you use indentation? Can't figure it out

@abbesatty9498 - 13.05.2020 04:42

Very helpful and well paced tutorial.
Just want to add that some locales (like mine) preserve the comma (,) as number separator, in this case G sheet offers the backslash (\) as AND operator.

@mabdoh - 06.04.2020 11:09


@juanbenitopachecorubio2714 - 04.04.2020 20:14

So helpful the content thanks!

@miguelribeiro1182 - 04.04.2020 16:29

Awesome! Is there any way to bring the filtered content in a a-z classification using formulas?

@AvinashPrince - 02.07.2019 13:03

Although you're sharing useful content, I feel like you're rushing, maybe you should slow down a bit and explain patiently. It's okay to have long videos!

@punki36 - 14.06.2019 04:03

Wooow, you are Awesome!! Thanks for the content!!
