Better Ray Tracing, (Almost) No Cost - Nvidia DLSS 3.5 Ray Reconstruction Tested

Better Ray Tracing, (Almost) No Cost - Nvidia DLSS 3.5 Ray Reconstruction Tested

Hardware Unboxed

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Rovo Sunny
Rovo Sunny - 01.11.2023 03:38

How do I check if I have dlss on my nvidia graphics card?

Doctor Fresh
Doctor Fresh - 29.10.2023 07:13

Man this whole DLSS 3.5 naming scheme and feature set is confusing. They just need to split them up into there own thing.

RevFilmore - 20.10.2023 15:09

I don't look for errors in the reflections all the time, but I will notice crap skin textures, clothing textures and actor movement screaming for better mocap. I'd focus the AI there.

Phillip Lemmon
Phillip Lemmon - 17.10.2023 04:10

all the high end gpus perfomr just ablit the same all across the boead,.....
WITHOUT all that AI crap!

Chris Walker
Chris Walker - 15.10.2023 13:32

There are more negatives to RR than what u detail.
Theres way more noise and ghosting particularly when driving around the city or even speaking to some characters and there hair leaves major ghosting trails. Same also with the katanas animation.
U didnt come across this??

jun wang
jun wang - 12.10.2023 19:17

It depends on individual circumstances. For me, I directly applied the HDRmod to 2077 (originally it doesn't support HDR; I used HDRmod to simulate HDR on an SDR display). Then, I set it to 1080p, all options at the highest except for the lowest level of volumetric clouds and fog. I used DLSS on 'Ultra Performance' and enabled ray tracing. After that, I used a mod to change the number of rays and reflections to 3 (originally they were all set to 2). At this point, turning on and off DLSS 3.5 makes a noticeable difference; there are more details.(rtx3060laptop)

ETophales - 09.10.2023 16:25

AMD has done a lot of work on optimising ray tracing, and I think that AMD should get a pet ray tracing game of its own, to hopefully show that decent ray tracing can be done even on lesser hardware.

Adrian Wi
Adrian Wi - 08.10.2023 00:13

What i really don't get, you always say bad Nvidia for pricing but still you praise them with the features, actually drawing people on to them...
Free marketing at its finest

Gabriel F.
Gabriel F. - 05.10.2023 09:17

The worst side effect of RR is ghosting on NPC movements and faces. It's by far the most crippling downside for me and many others, wish this was mentioned.

Crittek - 05.10.2023 08:10

Did you just call a 2060 mid tier?

arjunyg - 02.10.2023 10:23

This has brought up a huge question for me: did Nvidia make any notable changes to DLSS super resolution in 3.0? Meaning if frame gen is off/not implemented, are there image quality or performance differences between DLSS 2.x and 3.x? (before 3.5 that is…)

Game Cooker US Rocks VR
Game Cooker US Rocks VR - 01.10.2023 17:15

Nice video Hardware Unboxed.
Everyone's always talking about not being able to have super high FPS with RT or RR.
For a single-player game you only really need to achieve 60 frames per second to get a nice experience.
Plus, if people used dlss balance mode that usually still gives a very nice picture quality and you get even more fps.
I have an RTX 4090 so I am not talking from poor man's ignorance. I have an RTX 2070 and 2080 t.i. also so I know how these things look and run.

Coldrun Hershel
Coldrun Hershel - 30.09.2023 00:52

Ray Reconstruction without Path Tracing. small instruction:

1. Navigate towards: *AppData\Local\CD Projekt Red\Cyberpunk 2077
2. Open UserSettings.json file
3. Find a line: "name": "DLSS_D",
4. Set the value under it from False to True
5. Run Cyberpunk

Cory Washburn
Cory Washburn - 29.09.2023 03:04

They shouldn't have released path tracing/ray reconstruction yet. It's just not ready. So many artifacts, blurring, shimmering.

Dricks Dricksonly
Dricks Dricksonly - 28.09.2023 02:02

"Less ghosting".
Are you kidding ? Are you really swallowing this Nvidia lie ?
It adds TONS of ghosting EVERYWHERE! NPCs gets tons of ghosting in medium light, flying papers are themselves... ghosts! There is litterally always something ghosting on screen when this is on.
Immersion breaker.

Ahmed Nofal
Ahmed Nofal - 27.09.2023 21:58


sapphyrus - 27.09.2023 16:00

As if anything below a 3090 can even dream of running path-tracing, this backwards compatibility turned out to be pointless since it's exclusively for path-tracing.

Sydney Butler
Sydney Butler - 27.09.2023 11:26

Well that’s an ironic sponsorship

Aquatic Pears
Aquatic Pears - 26.09.2023 22:26

If you enable this and go to The Afterlife and look at the reflections of the dancers in the water tanks -the reflection looks absolutely stunning

Skauber - 26.09.2023 17:33

Personally, I dont like how RT makes surfaces reflect like mirrors. When did you last see a high traffic area, like a sidewalk, that had a mirror-like finish? Even if its made with tiles or marble, it will have a dull reflection since it sees a lot of wear and tear, and of course, for public safety there would never be mirror-like finishes on sidewalk since they would be super slippery when wet. I feel like RT is overdone in this regard in many cases, and needs to be dulled down to a more believable reflection, and many games even look better when RT is turned off.

ZiiZoraka - 26.09.2023 15:09

you can enable RR in the settings config file for regular RT and it really helps clean up the noisy reflection on metalic guns, you take a pretty big hit to performance though

Matthew - 26.09.2023 11:44

I used to have to play on DLSS performance mode when using my 1440p monitor before the update. Now I can run 1440p quality mode without noticeable slow down. I've also noticed they removed grass shadows from some areas so maybe that has more to do with it.

JLB - 26.09.2023 11:36

While cool, RR adds way too much smoothing to the image. It’s almost as if every surface and character model is coated in grease/vaseline. 2160p DLSS performance looks closer to 1440p DLSS quality which is a significant downgrade in my opinion. Over time I fully expect this to get much better though.

walker2006au - 26.09.2023 09:15

I have NPC's leaving literally 5m of blur behind them when they in distance in low light.

Far too distracting for it to be worth it for now.

Dragonhorse Racing
Dragonhorse Racing - 26.09.2023 08:30

Yeah! but can it run 2077? Ray tracing still feels like crysis on release, nothing ran it great. maybe in 5 more years will be playing Cyberpunk at 240fps

beansnrice321 - 26.09.2023 06:53

One thing I want to suggest is that the game looks a lot smoother in motion with RR on, when the game is targetign 30 fps.

Try it.

Set a max fps of 30 andtest the game both with it off and on.

With RR off, it's a blurry mess but with it on it's reasonably playable even on old cpus/gpus.

Bren Arce
Bren Arce - 26.09.2023 06:08

Interesting. I get around 40fps when using ray reconstruction but when i turn it off i get around 70fps with my 3080 10gb at 1440p. How come?

The Rob
The Rob - 26.09.2023 04:41

I was excited about ray tracing in the 2000 generation. Its nice to know that 2 generations later with a card that costs as much as I want my entire build to be I can almost get there lol. Only a couple generations away now! I don't think my 1070 will make it though, I need a stopgap card.

Toni Cardoso
Toni Cardoso - 26.09.2023 02:11

This channel tries to manipulate laypeople!
RTX 4070TI and 4070
works perfectly in quadHD with everything in utlra Pathtracing DLSS3 and 3.5

Criftyman - 26.09.2023 00:34

DLSS is ghosting in every Version of Cyberpunk 2077, this is horrible. Ray construction have so much more of them, but nobody talks about it.

JCTiggs - 25.09.2023 19:42

Regarding Ray Reconstruction, hopefully they can fix the obvious ghosting/smearing on moving NPC 's. It looks pretty bad, enough to disable RR and stick with RT.

Zaelers - 25.09.2023 18:18

Why is it that every review of path tracing in this game neglects to mention the ENORMOUS ghosting introduced to characters and moving vehicles that pass by you? Even just moving side to side is enough to make NPCs smear across the screen...

Ricky Sargulesh
Ricky Sargulesh - 25.09.2023 17:57

Weird. GN discovered a bigger performance improvement with RR

Joris Mak
Joris Mak - 25.09.2023 17:20

Naming scheme: Forget the version numbers, don't ever name then, don't call this video '3.5'. Just name it by it's name. Upscaling, Framgen, RayRecon. Don't bunch them together :).

Felix - 25.09.2023 16:34

tbh that Ray Reconstruction makes game look worse.. or its just me?

IAMSEYMOUR! - 25.09.2023 15:37

Ray reconstruction is waaaaay too ghosty

Nirmal Singh
Nirmal Singh - 25.09.2023 12:40

RR has weird artifacts, where slowly moving far NPC's move like ghosts and become a mush of boiling pixels, its weird...

NxG LexanTeh
NxG LexanTeh - 25.09.2023 11:44

So this is a Path Tracing ( tech demo ) bugfix. Wow 😮 Nvidia is so smart

Daves! - 25.09.2023 10:56

all those Ray Tracing naming : RT normal RT Psycho RT path tracing RT OD.... Path Tracing Ray Reconstruction...

sweet lord... they went apeshit crazy didnt they ?

ivan jay
ivan jay - 25.09.2023 10:26

Good job CD Project Red... its crazy its like not only was picture quality been updated i actually get a better smooth frame rate as well. Started a new game ... may be my last play through. Played it 3 times all as a different operator so its slightly different each time

brad t
brad t - 25.09.2023 05:37

Ready to destroy my 4090!!

MotoCat - 25.09.2023 04:04

Something I would love to see as an alternative to RT is Screen Space Reflections that can extend beyond the screen space. Say you're gaming at 3840x2160p, then instead of having 2160p/1080p reflections that get cut off by the edge of the camera, have the SSR calculations based off a secondary wider FOV/aspect ratio like 2560x1920p/1920x1440 that can sample off screen content with specific bias toward things above the top of frame (where SSR breakdown is the most obvious)
It would obviously be more performance intensive than standard SSR, but nowhere near the level of RT and universally compatible to boot. Then as the angle gets more acute blend the transition from SSR to cubemap to prevent the very obvious "wipe" effect as the camera moves

I long for the day when all machines can easily run full ray traced everything without breaking a sweat as it's always accurate and lightens the load on developers too.. no baking, fake hidden light sources, cube map trickery etc. But I still feel that day is a long way off, unless someone can implement that reprojection system shown by 2kliksphilip and LTT - maybe then I could go back to low fps

David Schneider
David Schneider - 25.09.2023 02:39

What clickbait. It isn’t better raytracing, it’s better support for reflective surfaces in the denoiser

clownavenger - 25.09.2023 02:36

I think a 4-7 percent performance increase on higher end last gen or middle end current gen cards is pretty nice. Helps my 3080 stay over 40FPS at 2k ultrawide, balanced DLSS. Having a g/sync monitor has been a godsend with how slow some of these recent games run. I hope AMD has a response because Nvidia is using features to justify terrible pricing.

J Wallace
J Wallace - 25.09.2023 00:59

Just got my first RTX card (4090), so I've got a lot of terminology to catch up on! I suspect I will use upscaling and ray reconstruction, but not frame generation.. system latency is crucial for me

Felicity Chevalier
Felicity Chevalier - 24.09.2023 21:46

most of it just looks so similar, who cares
can barely tell the difference in any of them except a couple

Vladyslav Korenyak
Vladyslav Korenyak - 24.09.2023 19:36

I'll wait for DLSS 3.5 for Super Resolution and Ray Tracing then. Thanks!
