How to spend SKILL POINTS! - Warhammer 2 Campaign Beginner's Guide

How to spend SKILL POINTS! - Warhammer 2 Campaign Beginner's Guide


3 года назад

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James Levesque
James Levesque - 12.06.2023 21:00

Skillpoints are a problem for total war. Too top heavy if you ever loose the general its an automatic reload. Alsp they have too heavy an effect on the campaign and tip i things over part of what makes late game booring.
I agree in principle a lord should level up and have some effect; better at commanding an army and some infrastructure buffs like public order. But its too much.
The war
The way heros and lords work in general are clashing.

Turtle Expirement
Turtle Expirement - 02.06.2023 01:11

How do you reset them?

Nr4747 - 16.03.2023 17:05

Route Marcher and Lightning Strike are both insanely useful, the latter especially on higher difficulties.

InvincibleIrishman - 27.02.2023 07:29

I might have missed it, but putting points in mounts you aren't going to use is definitely a waste

marko markulincic
marko markulincic - 11.02.2023 10:18

Kinda feel blue line is the most useful, lighting strike one of the best skills u can get u can defeat 4 armies if u need with that skill, upkeep reduction very good, replenishment quite important when you play higher diff., ambush chance for skaven quite useful, only line i would prefer over blue is magic line maybe

Petercross - 17.12.2022 22:00

I learnt something today. Thanks for these videos. I definitely spend my points too fast and never thought about questioning what role I wanted my characters to play. This game is becoming more complex the more I get into it. Exactly what makes me love the game.

Georgi Velev
Georgi Velev - 23.10.2022 14:15

Ok, I am 6 min into this video and you still haven't clarified if the points are a limited number?

Joon Shian Tan
Joon Shian Tan - 24.09.2022 16:08

hi, why is my lord’s skill tree for mounts forcing me to unlock all to reach the best mount

Officer McChicken
Officer McChicken - 06.09.2022 20:23

If your lord is level 20 and you don't have Lightning Strike, you will lose in any PvP encounter if you are playing multi-player campaign.

Accompaniment to that, never send an army alone to accomplish even a seemingly simple task.

Karim Daouiji
Karim Daouiji - 30.08.2022 11:39

I nearly always rush the blue line. lightning strike is to awesome.

Black Baron
Black Baron - 16.08.2022 14:13

Why I am watching this when I'm using level 60 + 2 skills per lvl mods...

Charles Hixon
Charles Hixon - 12.08.2022 02:01

Lohkir Felheart with 20% increased Sacking & another 20% from the Red Blades, Blessed Dread with 20% increased sack, Black Ark Slave Pens with 20% increased Sack. Add an assasin with scavenging... MONEY!

Duckter Doland
Duckter Doland - 31.07.2022 09:26


Archon - 24.07.2022 18:54

Get Lightning Strike ASAP. B)

Jonathan Dupree
Jonathan Dupree - 23.07.2022 13:34

I could have used this video years ago!

Sanguine Aurora
Sanguine Aurora - 11.07.2022 17:10

It is the Campaign AI who should learn this, so when i Confederate with Mannfred, he won't have skelly bois and corpse carts buffed and 4 mounts available with a random spirit leech upgrade thrown in there.

David Davidson
David Davidson - 10.04.2022 05:56

+3 skill points per level, beneficial skill dump mod, infinit respect mod, everything is a lot more crunchy.

J B - 31.03.2022 18:00

This is why the one button respec mod is so great. It gives a one time skill reset per lord/hero. That way, you can buff your early game stuff and respec when you transition to a more elite/focused army.

Jon D
Jon D - 21.02.2022 00:52

im drunk 3 min in lol

StormcastMarine - 02.02.2022 07:36

A thousand hours in and I've never seen that undo button 😭

Joshua Sweetvale
Joshua Sweetvale - 17.12.2021 14:12

My first priority is almost always Lightning Strike. Then army buffs. Then personal power.

mutexin - 10.12.2021 21:55

You didn't mention a very important thing about character skills. There are some character skills which buff an army where the hero is embedded. For instance, Triangulation gives +12% damage to all missile units(which is a truly OP skill). Those skills have a remark (Hero's army).

Vanbombgun - 15.10.2021 17:13

You can switch back and forth to any mounts you have unlocked or even unmount again in the same way you equip weapons/artifacts and such once per turn.

FreeSpirit985 - 25.09.2021 03:43

this is the very first video by Zerkovich that I felt like actually disliking. I clicked on it because I like exceptions, lol: all others I've watched so far (and they are many!) were absolutely awesome.
I too feel like the emphasis on Lightning Strike was insufficient, and stuff. Comments are actually more informative here. Oh well. Still counts for the algorithm :P

Evangeline - 26.08.2021 16:48

"There's no real right or wrong way to use them" Until you confederate some high level legendary character with full generic blue line skills. Then you realise there are objectively wrong ways.

TheGrammargestapo1 - 30.07.2021 00:54

goddamn it, i'm recovering from surgery, i've just got off all my pain meds so it's safe for me to drink alcohol again, and i took that fucken "take a shot every time i say gobbo" as a challenge, got my bottle of whiskey i've been saving and restarted the video

RimshotKiller - 28.07.2021 18:14

Honestly, beginners will start campaign on easy/normal difficulty, and these are usually so easy that wasting a few points here and there doesn't make a big difference. So to new people: these are good tips, however you don't have to worry too much about it because the common sense to spend them on things useful to you will come automaticly when you play the game for a while.

Nostradamus of Games
Nostradamus of Games - 28.07.2021 16:21

I wish the base game gave you two points instead of one. Granted, there is a mod for it, but like many modders he's abandoned it so its impossible to play on the modern version of the game.

Anon ymous
Anon ymous - 19.07.2021 22:57

I would like to see what skill points you would put onto: GROM THE PAUNCH

Jeron Diovis
Jeron Diovis - 17.07.2021 20:47

You missed one thing about proper leveling: you don't have to spend skillpoints immediately when you got them.
It's usually very effective to keep some points until lord reaches like level 13, where you can immediately get the entire line of his strong unique abilities. Rather than spend those points on yet another +6 ATK or -4% upkeep.

jumong1492 - 17.07.2021 14:15

Hero level 40 redundant skill points???

Mb M
Mb M - 12.07.2021 13:00

Usually the latter tree skills are better(not always) but I pick my end skills then map the quickest way there with the most useful skills along the way. I usually only drop more than necessary to move on when it comes to important spells or when I’ve already got the important stuff so I’m picking the most useful of what’s left

Grimmtoof - 05.06.2021 14:23

Hot to spend skill points? Go to the skills tab and click on one of the available skills.

Which skills to pick is another matter....

Agoraphobic News
Agoraphobic News - 29.05.2021 06:17

Is there a way to put ability hotkeys (the ones on the left of the screen) on side-clicks?

Henry Terrero
Henry Terrero - 12.05.2021 05:56

DO NOT take a shot every time he says gobbos, you'll be trashed.

Argentum Vulpus
Argentum Vulpus - 08.05.2021 14:21

My main problem is that I want to buff the army... but herohammer is so much fun

BoneWulfe - 07.05.2021 17:40

You don't get scouting? I end up with so many magic items from that extra 15%

Mace Lupo
Mace Lupo - 02.05.2021 19:50

I like to use skills to buff my troops.

cobrazax - 25.04.2021 06:26

they REALLY should add a way to reallocate skill points...even one per turn would be great as u would add some flexibility to your characters and not get stuck forever with a mistake or an early choice to buff early gameplay...

HaggisOfDeath - 23.04.2021 09:38

I feel like you are describing the trees in the way that CA hoped they would work. Whilst there is truth and logic to what you are saying, ultimately 'Lightning Strike' and 'Upkeep Reduction' are the best and most important talents and if you manage to spend all of your points and not have them, you will pretty much want to scrap the lord when you reach the mid-late game, due to the fact that their army will cost so much relative to what they could (and this is a huge deal as you will need multiple armies to defend your now huge empire), and the fact that the way the AI plays the game is to spam armies that you can never hope to match in numbers due to upkeep increases for every lord you have, it makes 'Lightning Strike' very important unless you want long, grindy and difficult fights all the time.

Smoking GNU
Smoking GNU - 22.04.2021 20:26

Winces at lack of Lightning Strike on any of the example lords

Zero - 20.04.2021 07:27

I usually just pick the single necessary blue and red and top unique trees then leave the rest of the buffs to hero units, unless it’s a one man doomstack like Grimgore..

sam fox
sam fox - 18.04.2021 06:34

I always get lighting strike first thing and if they have any upkeep stuff on the blue line then its up to the red or yellow

Cheesus - 17.04.2021 19:05

I suggest the "2 skill points per Level for lords" most of the time it fits perfectly👌🏻

detorr V2
detorr V2 - 15.04.2021 22:04

I always go for thematic armies. Trogg? troll army. Tehenauin? must be skinks. Random lord number 1? light infantry, or maybe artillery. etc

Russell the WonderBeast
Russell the WonderBeast - 11.04.2021 15:10

Theres a mod for x2 skill points. Affects everyone so no advantage there. I'd recommend it.

solegrave - 09.04.2021 06:57

love your vids, if you can explain replenishment rates in campaigns next that would be great!!

BeatingClownz - 08.04.2021 05:49


Awesome pronunciation. Now i have a new Demon name for me blood-thirsters. Thx mate

Baked1234 - 07.04.2021 21:23

I rush lightning strike on literally every lord. Being able to pick apart multiple armies is stupid strong vs ai

Shar ky
Shar ky - 06.04.2021 19:58

Level 20 - Skill Point Unlocked so Agent/Lord cannot permanently die in battle
