Docker containers on Mikrotik? Part 2: PiHole

Docker containers on Mikrotik? Part 2: PiHole


1 год назад

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Quettesh - 13.10.2023 13:27

I have a problem, if the router (AX3) is powered off by unpluggion the power adapter, all my active VETHs will disappear.

Антон Лущиков
Антон Лущиков - 28.07.2023 14:37

@Mikrotik, one question, how and what should I modify to get proper stat for Client stat? Right now it shows only one IP - Dockers Bridge IP Gateway... Some additional NAT rules or ...?

Adrian Potcoava
Adrian Potcoava - 13.07.2023 20:10

Since RouterOS ver7.8, because of the changes made in the USB management, instead of disk1, I recommend using usb1-part1.

hig4t0wer - 20.04.2023 23:59

Great tutorial. I followed it and got myself a Pi-hole. However I than upgraded to cbcrowe/pihole-unbound to make my own recursive DNS server. Now I have 2 instances of Pi-hole + Unbound and would like to set up gravity sync. For this I need SSH access to both instances. Is it possible to access Docker container on MikroTik via SSH? I tried and failed.

Alex Raiche-Marsden
Alex Raiche-Marsden - 17.03.2023 00:01

I cannot find info on containers and VLANS. What if I have 3 vlans. Should I put the container on its own VLAN.
These cookie cutter examples great for loading a container but almost useless for actually applying pihole or any other functionality, in a slightly more complex but very common single bridge multiple vlan household. Would be great for video #4

clearheadedness - 08.03.2023 16:38

will it run on
Hex S?

jonneymendoza - 02.03.2023 13:57

After following this guide i get a 403 error when navigating to the pihole url

luca sr
luca sr - 28.02.2023 17:40

status:error :(

Tischenko Alexandr
Tischenko Alexandr - 23.02.2023 15:28

Can I ask you, how we can update running containers? For example: on the Linux docker environment we have a containrrr/watchtower but it requires interaction with docker (-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock)

Lukas Javorský
Lukas Javorský - 08.02.2023 23:30


I've just wanted to try your recommended guide but I ended up with an error which I cannot find any helpful information about what could be wrong.

My device is: MikroTik hAP ac3
Architecture: arm
Packages versions: 7.7
I use an external USB stick (8GB) for the container storage, File System=fat32, Formated on a Mikrotik router.

I pretty much followed all of your steps, the only difference is that I used the USB stick as the 'src' and 'mount'

The log from this is:
container,info,debug getting layer sha256:330ad28688ae3fa5f3b241fef3efd076299bec9874e0597b1c16dcf8a165a53d
container,info,debug layer sha256:330ad28688ae3fa5f3b241fef3efd076299bec9874e0597b1c16dcf8a165a53d downloaded
container,info,debug failed to extract layer
container,info,debug was unable to import, container 54752d2d-d6ad-4b91-b99d-c1c60d3cdf2d

Could you please help me understand what could I have done wrong?
Thank you so much in advance.

Animated Baby
Animated Baby - 06.02.2023 05:20

what is the password to access pihole. the one I entered in evns shows that it is wrong

Sebastian Koba
Sebastian Koba - 21.01.2023 12:28

root@pihole:/# pihole -up
Function not supported in Docker images

Galen Faidley
Galen Faidley - 11.01.2023 22:43

Thanks for the very helpful videos. Did you do something to isolate the 172.17.0.x and the 192.168.88.x networks? I think the device is routing between those two networks. I can directly access the 172.17.0.x deceives from clients on the 192 network. This is on a factory reset hap.

詹文明 - 02.01.2023 05:13

Hi . Can I run OPENWRT on MikroTik on container?

Uzhac Uzhacny
Uzhac Uzhacny - 28.12.2022 12:28

uz 7.6 hap ac3 nemaina paroli netieku klāt! pie web interfeisa!

John Toumpis
John Toumpis - 26.12.2022 21:56

Nice presentation on both CLI / GUI option. Thanks for sharing!

nativeme - 21.12.2022 19:03

If i would like to show someone how to make good tutorial video i would just send him this as a reference.

Hangar Queen
Hangar Queen - 17.11.2022 00:53

I was all psyched to implement pihole or adguard on my RB4011, and was following through this process -- until I got to the point of configuring the container temp directory used for the docker image pull. The video shows it as "disk1/pull", but I don't have a disk1. Aha!, you've mounted an external drive on yours.

But the RB4011 doesn't have a USB port for adding external storage, unfortunately. And apparently RouterOS doesn't yet support mounting a network share?! Even though I have about 400MB free on my internal drive, I don't think I'd want pihole or adguard frequently writing to it. The internal drive is a NAND flash drive and would burn out pretty pretty quickly, I fear.

So now I'm trying to figure out what Mikrotik devices support adding external storage, at a reasonable price. The only one I see is the RB3011, which has a USB port but in other respects seems like a downgrade from my RB4011. And when might RouterOS support mounting a network share? Crazy in this day and age that it doesn't.
