The Cult of Shane Dawson | YouTube’s Biggest Fraud

The Cult of Shane Dawson | YouTube’s Biggest Fraud

Coffee and Cults

1 год назад

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@polytoxik23 - 30.11.2023 23:12

Logan have not been rectifying his situation ever... He is still trying to run scams to these days. Bad example. Other than that your content was super interesting. :)

@bianca952000 - 29.11.2023 07:09

Never heard of him. Glad about that.

@tystkanin9996 - 26.11.2023 13:46

Jeffree Star uses damaged people who embody spectacle to promote all his makeup for what he's doing with Eugenia Cooney right now. J* is more problematic than a lot of these other side characters imo.

@remysmith8743 - 26.11.2023 10:32


@minamoon01 - 21.11.2023 21:06

He thinks it’s all funny because he had a disturbed upbringing .. not an excuse of course but I’m just trying to understand his mentality

@athenachristinemusic - 21.11.2023 00:15

He’s so disgusting

@shelly7909 - 20.11.2023 22:19

I was sexually abused as a child and I don’t have these thoughts,you can’t change your child fetishised classing your self as it’s a joke and that was when in the past nope it doesn’t work like that I would definitely love to rip your private part of now I know the real reason why euginea cooney is in that circle, and is basically being used the painting of face is pure racism,the worst part is that pedos tend to hide from their thoughts and feelings the fact that you think that you can talk openly about it like it’s normal and justified is frightening because the fact of wanting to have a daughter this is such a dangerous Paedop racist sick individual that I can’t believe that should if anything locked up euginea is far from being in a safe place in friendships even though that she does use her Ed to her advantage and is not dumb, but even I never knew this I’ve learned so much,ps, sorry you is me referring to what I would have said to him people need to help save this video and share it on as many channels as possible for the safety of kid’s the world has a right to know who and what he is, just incase someone tries to take it down, thanks to this channel for allowing us in to see this full respect xx

@chocolatefudge5263 - 20.11.2023 19:58

"Shanaynay" that's hilarious😂

@darrendallas8387 - 18.11.2023 17:49

He's a freak

@KawaiiNancy - 17.11.2023 19:29


@that1chicbecca8 - 17.11.2023 12:53

Just throwing it out there… anyone that is 35+ yrs old would know that the character “shanaynay” is just a badly created, plagiarized version of the character created by Martin Lawrence. 🙄 a lot of the sh-t Shane Dawson did wasn’t funny, and was just some guy joking about the most crass, offensive and perverse things that he could think of (pedo & beastiality). Was typical “edgy” kid behavior that was popular with kids that wanted shock-value attention. He likely didn’t f*ck animals or kids. But he definitely got attention for being such an edge lord.

@zubetp - 16.11.2023 03:54

hey, i just wanted to say that you included some insights here that i haven't seen covered in other videos. you did a really good job.

@robashton8606 - 15.11.2023 14:55

Yeah, that whole "it was a different time" nonsense doesn't work .
That crap wasn't acceptable in the nineties, never mind 2010.

@Lynx112 - 13.11.2023 00:19

Omfg very few molested children molest other kids! I hope that was a nervous laugh while he said that. Never liked the guy. You cant blame molestation for then going onto doing way worse. Anybody else would have been at least investigated yet his platform grows & he profitss. Such an empath 🤣

@AirBizkit - 12.11.2023 23:09

The Logan Paul bit didnt age well lol 😅

@Benjy1 - 12.11.2023 05:47

great video but that logan paul take aged like milk

@amandaterrio4823 - 11.11.2023 23:32

That’s why he and Colleen were such good friends. They were just alike.

@jenniferdragonetti1345 - 09.11.2023 11:44

I just wanted to say that I just recently discovered your channel and I absolutely LOVE ❤️ IT!!! ESPECIALLY the videos about the Kardashians!!! I think that you do a terrific job!!! Im looking forward to more!!

@NormalWinterFox - 09.11.2023 10:06

I was such a fan growing up. I was 13-14 years old when I used to watch him and all his videos made me laugh. I loved them. But now that I’m an adult is…. Ah the walk of shame 😅 I didn’t see the racism or the bestiality or the low-brow/gross sexual jokes. Since I had friends that joked like that (mostly sexual jokes) I thought it was normal and I thought that was my normal sense of humor since I watched him so frequently

@user-se3sx9el2v - 08.11.2023 17:23

I've never liked Shane actually very strongly disliked him. However its retarded how everyone is reacting to some skits that were obviously comedy. Everyone is on the bandwagon of a few radical SJW's. It's funny to see SJW's eating each other alive. Who cares if he made a skit portraying a black lady. Black people act white all the time, who fucking cares it's comedy doesn't mean anything nefarious unless you yourself attach negative connotation.

@AMYV3 - 08.11.2023 12:21

Thank you

I’m not standing up for this guy. And I’ve never ever done of any of these things. I’m a busy working young mom. Or was young lol. Who have mixed twin beautiful sons now 30 and my now 19 year old stunning daughter:)). But I hate to say this. But there is a reason people say it was a different time. I mean in comedy it was. Was it gross looking back sure but it was an in loving colour, Arsenal Hall, eddy Murphy etc etc. time. The more crazy stupid the better. !! EVERYONE did it. Sadly.
Please remember you can’t “cancel” people. It’s not a thing. As for him. I don’t think about him.
Byw I love Trisha and her family and all they friends back in the day. I wish Shane was a better person. From what I’m seeing. I’m just telling you how it was. The more of an asssshooool the better back then. I don’t know about the timeline here. Not at all. I’m talking about 80’s 90’s beginning of 2000’s

@lillyhedges2180 - 08.11.2023 11:15

I am so glad I found your channel, you speak about things no one else is talking about, thank you

@brandymaczko6070 - 08.11.2023 01:34

this is so messed up!!! How has he gotten away with this?!

@samanthadehoyos7010 - 07.11.2023 19:14

Straight out of the gate, he admits to physically, and sexually, abusing a child. I knew nothing of this "man" before watching this video. Whew. I might should have kept it that way.🤢🤮

@Bruh40428 - 07.11.2023 08:31

Breaks my heart what a shame wolf disguised as sheep

@TaeByrd4 - 06.11.2023 13:26

Someone needs to send this to the woman having Shane and Rylands Children 😮 😱 She Needs to Change Her Mind About Giving them the Children for God’s Sake 🙏🥺🤯 Please make This Viral ❤

@TaeByrd4 - 06.11.2023 12:51

😱 i can’t believe I actually watched his videos as of lately and thought he was funny 😢I’m Actually sick to my stomach too know what he has done in his career 😢and I hope he doesn’t get to adopt them babies in the name of Jesus 😱Shane will be a Terrible Father because he’s a horrible human!!

@ashmac87 - 06.11.2023 06:17

I had no idea who he was before this & I can't believe how disgusting he is!

@JenZ727 - 06.11.2023 02:42

What a disgusting pervert! He’s turned on by a 6 year old child! Children are not fetishes. Inanimate objects, like shoes can be fetishes.

@faneto444 - 05.11.2023 16:01

props to zachary quinto aka an amazing actor i loved him in ahs!!

@kenya420 - 05.11.2023 10:27


@courtneymcintosh3559 - 05.11.2023 07:51

99% of the world population only cares about themselves and money. its nothing new...

@arielkmusic - 05.11.2023 06:29

He's disgusting!!! Children and animals deserve to be protected! He should go to jail for the shit he did on camera!

@alyenestephens4473 - 05.11.2023 05:55

He should be in jail

@Rjeda30 - 04.11.2023 06:33

Shane Dawson looks like Onision to me and we all know what kind of creep he is. I have never understood how he is still around. He should have been cancelled years ago when he was doing those disgusting pedo and bestiality type videos. He should have never had a platform in the first place.

@xtina818 - 03.11.2023 16:23

Thankfully I have no idea who this guy is but he looks like a predator

@notsorry3631 - 03.11.2023 15:30

Oh my god, who tf cares. You act like you know what's inside his head. You don't know the REAL Shane Dawson. Nobody does except the people who are actually close to him.

@deelirious - 03.11.2023 12:25

Isn’t the word cult misused here? People being awful doesn’t make them a cult. It is disrespectful with people that had suffered under a cult call everything we don’t like or that is not ok cult. It is a red flag fir me for this channel.

@krystalarmstrong3181 - 03.11.2023 01:46


@TheKsourmoon - 03.11.2023 01:42

He has truly much....I still feel like horribly negative about his cousin who insulted people for fun during the tinychat days, actively ruined peoples chances of getting even a few seconds with Shane, controlled and verbally abused nearly all of his crappy fans. She was a fucking garbage pile and actively bragged about FUCKING shane. She was 13. THIRTEEN. He groomed and raped his own cousin and she actively bragged about having fucked Shane.

@frontman6744 - 02.11.2023 20:53

Wait this guy is still around?

@snoopncoop - 02.11.2023 16:49

As a 46-year old Zombie, I can say with certainty that these people always existed. The main, gut- ranching part is, that at least people used to be ashamed when they got caught. But I guess when you grow up, seeing so many cases of SA and abuse literally being ignored by any type of supposed keepers of the law- cops, judges, and others not giving a flying fuck about victims, it's kinda natural to come out a creepy weirdo

@mariusvanc - 02.11.2023 02:01

Re blackface, yes, IT WAS just the time. EVERYONE did blackface. On national TV. On network TV. The PM of Canada did black face. Nobody thought anything of it. And only people who are currently getting canceled have this brought up against them.

@davidturk6663 - 02.11.2023 00:23

I've never watched Shane Dawson's videos. However, is it possible, he is just trying to be offensive for comedic reasons, like that's his shtick?

@haustyl12 - 01.11.2023 18:00

I remember watching his video in the late 00’s and thought they were funny because I was a stupid teen who liked anything offensive. I’m surprised he’s lasted this long because I remember the black face and constant use of the N-word. Anyone who follows him today is a dumbass like I was except worse because it’s really easy to find his old content and choosing to still fuck with him is beyond stupidity
