Three High Schoolers SMIRKING In Court After Burning Cigarettes On Classmate’s Private Parts

Three High Schoolers SMIRKING In Court After Burning Cigarettes On Classmate’s Private Parts

Rotten Mango

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@hollybrooke322 - 12.01.2024 13:44

I honestly thought the dude was a girl.

@reyjusuf - 12.01.2024 13:22

Lord of the Flies ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

@Dodachin - 12.01.2024 13:20

i love my daughter with all of my heart but if she came home and told me she tortured someone or whatever im calling the damn cops. Ill question where i went wrong and take on my own consequences for bad parenting and thats how it should be. Kids need to learn consequences you can still love them and teach them properly! Ill never understand why parents just coddle their kids to the point they do this or worse because they feel entitled or above everyone cus mommy and daddy said theyre a princess/prince and DESERVE the world its sickening 🙄

@chaeripie2422 - 12.01.2024 12:35

How tf did coco get a lower sentence than john

@VinaCci - 12.01.2024 12:23

Damn i was expecting a beautiful girl but Helen looks like ass

@seokjinist3003 - 12.01.2024 10:44

Damn this gives straight kdrama penthouse, the glory parents vibes. How are they not mad to their children to do that? Horrible. Camellia is so amazing!

@michaeltodd4848 - 12.01.2024 09:52

Lazy parenting

@michaelyu6405 - 12.01.2024 07:26

Wait, what? I've grown up and lived in Rowland Heights until I graduated from Rowland High School in 2018, and I have never even heard about Oxford school until now. That's crazy...

@thefudgeameh - 12.01.2024 04:43

omg woah, i grew up not too far away from Rowland Heights but i’ve never heard of that high school or this incident!!

@hauddubius3706 - 12.01.2024 04:11

I think too much freedom definitely played a role in this. But as you could see the parents clearly spoiled their kids as well. Sending them tonnes of cash, buying luxury brand cars, then leaving these spoilt brats to do as they pleased with no parental supervision? What is a vapid, spoilt, selfish kid going to do with that freedom?

They're of course going to follow their base desires; wanting to be superior they're going to put others down and test the limits of how far they can go with that. Add that to an environment where they can then group up with a bunch of other kids similar to them, and humans being a social animal, they are going to develop a hierarchy. Where all of them are going to feel they should be the 'alpha' because they've been the superstars in their parents' eyes throughout their childhood.

Hellen just happened to out-bitch them all in her little clique. She had to be the baddest of the bad because if she didn't, someone else in her group would and she would find herself in the same situations as Mai and Camilia. All of those factors is what led to this very upsetting situation in my opinion.

However, I think a kid raised with ethics and morals ingrained into them, put into an environment of similar kids as themselves with this level of freedom would be far less capable of committing such evil.

@sashyabbabyb3798 - 12.01.2024 02:58

Lord of the flies is one of my favorite books ever. I think it’s such an important and interesting look on how society works.

@user-ew1tx5jm5x - 12.01.2024 01:56

I have wayyy too much to say before we even know what’s going on. Those parents.. I wouldn’t even call them actual parents, but anyway. I burst out laughing when you said “five hours!? You’re gonna judge them on five hours of their entire lives!? It was a five hour mistake!”
Lmao yeah…. If you have even ONE second for a chance to stop what you’re doing, then we MIGHT be able to reassess the facts and see if there was a sudden moment of remorse. But nope! AMPLE time to not do what happened, not to mention, AMPLE amount of people to stop the other, speak up, help the victim, call for help, any number of things! But nope. For five hours not one of them did the right thing. So if you can sit by and do nothing, then you absolutely should be charged with the same thing! And don’t even try the “but I feared for my life”

@RosPal-Tesao15 - 12.01.2024 00:29

I'm not Chinese and I hate them, I'm glad the victim called the police and got justice for herself.

@janellecupid1869 - 12.01.2024 00:16

The bullies looked like terrible humans inside and out.

@jessicasellers3788 - 11.01.2024 23:52

It’s crazy to me to think there’s a generation that doesn’t immediately know the story of the Lord of the Flies.

@kenny995 - 11.01.2024 22:05

Right off the bat you can tell their parents never bothered to teach them morals and enabled their behavior their whole life. Such gross failures as parents and as children.

@philkim8297 - 11.01.2024 22:05

This has nothing to do with too little adult supervision. In Helen's case she really believed that with her wealthy parents she'll be let off the hook. She also seems to be a textbook example of someone with antisocial personality disorder.

@dreamcatcherstan4626 - 11.01.2024 22:03

I mean the ones who are really at fault are the students who gave that much power to Hellen in the first place. I never understood American high school mentality like is owning an expensive car and wearing some stupid piece of fabric that has a name of some retarded designer all it takes to literally hypnotize others ? Like how tf is Hellen and why did everyone become her followers in the first place??? It is so cringe...

@liamcollinson5695 - 11.01.2024 20:09

As far as i am concerned i do blame the parents somewhat but the kids was all old enough to no what they was doing was wrong if you are old enough to torture someone you should be old enough for prison

@hayliejhene - 11.01.2024 20:07

I was verbally abused by a group of chinese gurls in my school. But they stopped after I joined da school's rugby team. Also they were da minority in a local school and were also rich, naive and ignorant. Kinda delulu I'd say. They were raised and taught to believe that money could solve all problems. But unfortunately, it doesn't work that way where I live. Eventually da school had enough of their antics. They were expelled and deported back to where they come from.

@miraline16 - 11.01.2024 19:55

Camilla’s story is truly inspiring and i’m so proud of her for getting the justice she deserves. bullying in school 100% should be taken more seriously and as someone who was bullied in an American school (not as much as her) these things don’t really get noticed until it reaches the point of near death

@someonee8250 - 11.01.2024 19:22

As a Saudi bullying isn’t at all normalised. There’s harassment of course and maybe a few rumours online that spread fast but replaced with another in even faster time but I have never seen physical assaults and I don’t think me or any of my classmates would just stand by when it happened. It’s so not usual that everyone would be like wtf is wrong with u. I remember some girl in my class pushed an elementary school student on the bus and the whole school staired her dead in the eyes and even got called to the principal office right away. So watching kdrama about bullying for the first time was like a horror movie unbelievab how extreme bullying is in Asian society and it just passed down from generation to another till they get older and become themselves a teacher or principal that going to do nothing bc it’s just that normalised

@ginnied7346 - 11.01.2024 17:50

They were more than old enough to know better so no there are NO excuses for that kind of behaviour , it's just their nastiness coming out
Especially with the ring-leader

@nerrissarichards - 11.01.2024 17:02

The lack of accountability by these parents is astonishing!
This is why they turn out like this because the parents don’t reprimand them for their bad behavior.

@casuallyceltic - 11.01.2024 13:56

Helen's apology was really the White Male Deluxe, huh?

@minnesotarascal7453 - 11.01.2024 12:27

American prison is no joke. Everyone thinks it's some hotel that criminals get to go to to get free healthcare. -nah. Not even at a county level. Yeah, it has its advantages over other countries... but does it? You're locked in. You're locked in with the worst people on the planet. The food sucks, but it's all you have to look forward to every day. Three hot meals...made for under a dollar per meal en masse. I could go on for days...

@TharaLetzISLANDER - 11.01.2024 12:24

It’s a reflection of China raising children like Helen coco and John 53:06

@Nutmeg142 - 11.01.2024 11:29

I guess I feel that even unsupervised I never felt the need to hurt anyone, so I think it was a lack of proper parenting and instilling morals (like treat people with respect) from the beginning and the parents spoiled that girl so then when she got to the US and did not have supervision she did what she wanted. Honestly she seemed a bit sociopathic. I hope Camilla is doing better wherever she is.

@manageroffaries6712 - 11.01.2024 10:52

I never knew my interest in the fic lord of flies will help me

@Taesbff - 11.01.2024 09:35

No bc she really thought that Disney channel ass apology letter to the judge was gonna work like girl ….😭😭😭😭

@meghanshannahan4655 - 11.01.2024 08:39

I understand the magnitude of this case and what that poor girl went through but what in the hell does Helen’s lawyer have on his head while he reads her letter to the court? Is he wearing a beanie in court? Something I’ve not seen before….

@yeryang5636 - 11.01.2024 07:40

She's probably smiling or smirking under that paper. Doesn't look like she sorry or feeling 😢 for the victim. The judge should sentencing them longer in prison. And that poor girl she will carried n bear those pain all through her life. Traumatized for life. Hopefully, the victim will go on with her life n be happy.

@livlaurenn3597 - 11.01.2024 06:15

Why does this sound a little bit like lost hahahah

@iph3545 - 11.01.2024 05:50

The need to create a common enemy to control the group you want is such a colonial imperialist tactict. This Helen kid would make a great villain leader/president. Hmmm

@saniyahr628 - 11.01.2024 05:27

Well if it isn’t the consequences of their actions

@holiday_jeeneewoo47 - 11.01.2024 05:12

Chinese drama Over the Sea I Come to You is a peek at that home-stay culture. While watching the drama, I thought to myself, parents allow this kind of environment for their kids? Its a mess, and that drama is "controlled" by censorship so its clean. Imagine what really happens in that kind of environment for teenagers.

@gr8fuldeb699 - 11.01.2024 04:13

That apology letter was a joke. She is only sorry for getting caught not hurting someone.

@DanielkaElliott - 11.01.2024 04:13

I get why bullying might sometimes be an internal school thing but as soon as stuff like assault/ physical harm comes in i cant understand why it'd be ignored by the police and courts anywhere??!?! Like wtf. Are schools mini north korean embassies or something. Do they have their own laws?????

@DanielkaElliott - 11.01.2024 04:08

Culture shock 😂😭😭😭😭 Trying to bribe the victim. Wow

@shannsimms9072 - 11.01.2024 04:07

I’ve said this before. But cutting a woman or girls hair off is morally on par almost with murder. OBVIOUSLY MURDER IS WORSE. But I mean on the attackers end it is one of the most morally degrading and indefensible things you can do.

@Imalliee - 11.01.2024 03:51

This kinda reminds me of the glory

@DanielkaElliott - 11.01.2024 03:30

That school looks like a total scam. The fact its even called oxford high and in California. 😂😂😂

@kathi9458 - 11.01.2024 03:23

A little out of context comment to lighten the mood.

I thought the birth of my baby was a 9 out of 10 but using your scale it was a 6 (to upmost 7) out of 10 pain. Guess I have good pain tolerance (didn't have a epidural)

@allenfitness3895 - 11.01.2024 02:45

Ok I have to ask what I’m sure lots of folks are afraid to ask;

What the hell with the school bullying in Asian countries? Especially Korea and china. Mostly Korea.
The pure cruelty and indifference I’ve seen in some of these Asian cases is far FAR worse than ANYTHING I’ve seen or even heard of in the west.
Not just the US, but I’ve never heard of ANY western country having bullying like they do in Asian schools.
The US may have the title for school shootings, and that’s bad, but it’s a whole different thing.
Junko furuta?
The girl in this case?
That stuff just doesn’t happen in the west like that.
If it does it’s a major anomaly, but it seems like normal school stuff over there. Especially Korea.
I mean……why? How? How are people like this?
The lack of supervision can’t be the only issue. This stuff happens constantly in schools in the east regardless of supervisional shortcomings.

What the hell is going on over there with your kids?

I mean our kids are weird and dumb, but they aren’t torturing classmates for giggles and bragging about it.

@DinoTheDinosaurROAR - 11.01.2024 02:41

Ew gross.. If you just LOOK at them you can CLEARLY see that they have mental issues!!

@rachelreneer56 - 11.01.2024 02:18

Maybe the sentencing needs to be applied to parents of a bully. Like in this case, the bullies go to jail(right fully so) and the parents either serve 30 days and heavily fined(to where it makes a difference in their own life) or just fined extremely high or better yet, have the parents serve community service!!! Pick up trash for 10 hours a week for six months. When in place, .maybe it will help and encourage parents to parent so they themselves won't "get into trouble ". Ridiculous I even think this should be a thing. In a perfect world, a bulling incident would be nipped at first offense.

@lowercasebadguy - 11.01.2024 01:54

Notice that her long ass note is only about herself and nothing about her being sorry what she did

@jeannasalima1285 - 11.01.2024 01:53

Who are these peopke real name? I'd like to know them more more pleassssee
