5 Easy Steps To Sell Your Art Online

5 Easy Steps To Sell Your Art Online

Stylized Station

2 года назад

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hollowedboi - 05.10.2023 21:12

I don’t like the “fuck em” mentality but the video itself was useful as a starting point I’ll try and take notes on this later

digital Art Channel
digital Art Channel - 05.05.2023 09:14

I put my art on crypto an no wants buy it less it's for $1 then they try sell it for 9k 😂 I try sell it on opensea an no luck no one wants buy my work because it might because of the crazy fees.. and most sites ask for your PayPal I can't use PayPal because I'm ban for life

Art by Sabien
Art by Sabien - 30.03.2023 17:19

Just checked out one of your 5 steps to creating art online. Sir how do i get on your discord? I have chosen this route in life because i want to be free to do art fulltime. My name is Sabien T Willis and I am a former Disney Animation Artist. I do graphic work for logos and stylized commissions right now along with some occasional murals. I am currently working on a Comicbook set to debut in June. I need friends like you who can help me figure out how to monetize my talents where I can support myself fully on a monthly basis. I cant front it is a lil scary but exciting at the same time. Its a challenge for sure to master discipline and consistency and really set apart what it truly means to be a business. I DO feel like a loneshark out here with this type of mindset. Its a leap of faith. And not many regular people are in this headspace. But I know you guys are out here and I know entrepreneurship is out here, cause i see it all the time especially here in Orlando. But its like a chasm between the regular worker and The Entrepreneur. They are free to move whenever and wherever they so please and they have the funds obviously to do it too. I just dont want to die on a hill as somebody’s employer knowing deep down I have a talent and ability to be waaaaay more but never explored that or stuck it through. So im in education mode on understanding how a Successful Freelance artist moves, operates, how they sustain themselves and keep sustaining themselves for a lifetime. Can we talk or chat in person? Thomas right? Im Sabien. Please text me sir. In desperate need of help and one on one advice with people like yourself who have done it and still doing it. Text me is best way to contact me: 407.668.1166. Thankyou for your time to read this and be blessed.

Sharon - 23.03.2022 15:18

This was really informative and inspirational, thanks a lot!

TheOkie1983 - 17.12.2021 07:13

I find this video very helpful. I feel so old though, I'm in my late 30's and for MANY many years I completely ignored my desire to create art now I feel like I'm too old to start and make a good living. This video is eye opening and it's making me think of my options though.

Sebastian R. Martynowski
Sebastian R. Martynowski - 14.12.2021 17:35

The amount of well included self-promotion is impressive. As a professional marketer, I am proud.

Awalia.Artistry - 14.12.2021 14:03

Great breakdown of the Steps clear and concise breakdown of how to get of the ground

Thanks Alot

Marco Zolo
Marco Zolo - 11.12.2021 01:11

Bottom line, make it a hobby not a career choice

nikki nyteshade
nikki nyteshade - 05.12.2021 09:27

Earth without Art is just eh. . . .

Red_Revenant - 30.11.2021 20:10

Well invest on etherium and buy your own NFT then wait for real potential buyers 😂😂😂 well haven't done that but that's my theory on how "art" or NFT is so expensive that doesn't make any sense.

Christian Dominguez
Christian Dominguez - 25.11.2021 17:04

I posted some ads on facebook Marketplace but there are no results . i think i will have to invest some cash on my advertisement . free ads are not good .

Blauw Films
Blauw Films - 24.11.2021 02:44

Thanks for the video! This one was very entertaining!

C3LMITZ - 22.11.2021 05:43

All the questions I had are pretty much answered now thanks man.

Nightwing - 21.11.2021 14:31

I'm a starving artist!

Shawnell Priester
Shawnell Priester - 21.11.2021 02:08

I just want yall to know that Thomas was inspired by Crip Mac

Vector Recite
Vector Recite - 18.11.2021 21:05

Been watching the series from the start and I totally love it. Will be looking forward to the Discord 🤩

Φ TrevyBurgess
Φ TrevyBurgess - 18.11.2021 07:32

"Art is the mirror for the human experience" - great quote

Zeldakos - 17.11.2021 18:42

Ok but the most important thing nobody ever mentions is just having the drive and consistency to upload almost every day. Without that you'll never grow. I have lots of experience with not being able to grow because im lazy as f. Unfortunately people only like my lewd artwork too, so they don't care about anything but nude drawings of anime girls, it sucks

Parus - 17.11.2021 06:31

Ive seen the same type of video on ur channel and others repeated..the only advice I have for artists..get good..good enough to reach Stylized station, samdoesarts , wlop, tb choi, name them..then people will hire u to do their work...these videos only work for the guys who out in years of art practice and are insanely good now... Right now juts focus on connecting with more artists and improving your art..the rest will ce naturally once u get good enough...
The ones who get lucky and sell mediocre art are the lucky ones..not everyone gets lucky

Carenne Etienne
Carenne Etienne - 17.11.2021 05:28

Okay so I just wanted to put this here so I can come back to it whenever I need to:
>>If I'm selling my art, I want to make something that I would actually be willing to buy or spend money buying it for someone else
>>I need to figure out what group I want to cater my art to (gamers, anime lovers, superhero fans, etc.)
>>Figure out what products I DO want to eventually sell one day and work towards that and research what types of products I could sell now which my art and the level that it's at
>>Figure out what platform works best for me when it comes to selling art and gaining a following
>>Work towards improving my art to improve the quality of whatever it is I want to eventually sell

Thank you so much for this video!! I really needed this!!!
insert heart emojis

Max Mcready
Max Mcready - 16.11.2021 22:02

Who in the right mind would actually commission my art 🤔

mapleblade - 16.11.2021 19:51

I cant wait for the discord server i thought u had one already :)))))

TheMycelle - 16.11.2021 17:00

it felt like watching an ad about how to struggle in another job you know nothing about.

wissem Abdessmad
wissem Abdessmad - 16.11.2021 16:19

Can i sell illustration as posters for cute 3D characters ? maybe in displate or etsy ?

Van Niyo
Van Niyo - 16.11.2021 15:35

I sell my fart online

Shateiel - 16.11.2021 14:32

I was burned out trying to balance my daily job and working on my art and trying to focus on myself as a person this video really helped thank you!

angryITGuy - 16.11.2021 13:54

This is $hit advice..

Sugar Spice N Everything Nice
Sugar Spice N Everything Nice - 16.11.2021 07:39

thanks for the awesome video and including the artist from the thumbnail!! i’m checking out their stuff now 💛💛

Danial MacDonald
Danial MacDonald - 16.11.2021 07:15

Great vid my man

Raymond Ou
Raymond Ou - 16.11.2021 04:20

How can artists make money from NFTs and Metaverse?

Kazi aoual Wanis
Kazi aoual Wanis - 16.11.2021 02:51

Hyped for the discord channel !

Wipeout - 16.11.2021 02:18

i really dislike these kinds of videos, and lately they seem to be growing on this channel >.< is it really necessary to have 50 videos on the same topic ? lol show off some more cool art ( with tutorials ofc )!

Paul Strople
Paul Strople - 16.11.2021 01:29

i'm an expert at shooting my d*** in the dark. XD

YVZ STUDIOS - 16.11.2021 00:28

So in a nutshell it's:
- know your customers & create Personas of them aka User Research
- pick your niche
- find out what to sell
- choose the site you wanna sell your art
- position yourself (branding) and do marketing

My problem: Step 1 - I have ZERO idea WHO in the world would like to buy my art. Well, I know, but my followers who aren't wealthy in the first place are not who I wanna target. Or like artist comissioning another arist, passing on the same $50 around is funny & doesn't make profit. I want the big BOIS. HOW do I get there??? I need a video about that. I need more specific examples as well.

Martin Lindelöf
Martin Lindelöf - 16.11.2021 00:11

holy sh*1 I am tired of this voice, the cuts, the stock footage.

Panboy2k - 15.11.2021 23:36

Silly art man, i have fixed many machines with no idea how they worked, well not till I fixed them anyways! Still in the starving artist phase though.. i wish this work was as easy as fixing machines.

JulezKaidy - 15.11.2021 23:15

Isn't this becoming a bit repetitive by now? :#

Muhamad Rafi Pamungkas
Muhamad Rafi Pamungkas - 15.11.2021 22:03

Remember guys, even hitl.... Nevermind...

Georg Klein
Georg Klein - 15.11.2021 21:15

I totally did not click the video because of the thumbnail, only for the valuable content I can expect from Stylized Station!

Johnny Lame
Johnny Lame - 15.11.2021 20:46

thumbnail looks like you're selling something else.

Arcanlia - 15.11.2021 20:36

Man, every one of your videos is a bless. Keep them coming please!

Piter - 15.11.2021 19:28

tldr anyone? Too much rambling for me

Leon - 15.11.2021 18:53

Ok this man is a lifesaver. I lit just searched about this, and this shit popped up.👌

Nishant T.
Nishant T. - 15.11.2021 18:24

I’ve been searching about making money as an artists since 1hour.. and this video popped up.. thank you.. I already subbed… ❤️

Illustration Making
Illustration Making - 15.11.2021 18:17

I was conceived the night they landed on the moon… bet you’re glad I told you that. Apart from that, agree with what you’ve said :D

BrianKouhi - 15.11.2021 18:15

Next video should be by your thumbnail guy: "Is Making Thumbnails HARD?" 😂
