【Melodic Rock/AOR】The Storm (Female-fronted) - Someone To Love 1992~Emily's rare collection

【Melodic Rock/AOR】The Storm (Female-fronted) - Someone To Love 1992~Emily's rare collection

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【Pls look at the top comment first】This is my second video of The Storm (Female-fronted) while my first video of them was made and uploaded in January, 2021. Everyone needs to distinguish this band from another well-known aor band named the same "The Storm" founded by Gregg Rollie and featuring Kevin Chalfant on vocals. I think this female-fromted gem has already hit fans in the heart with such an impressive original demo record "Sweet Surrender". As the only album of The Storm, all the tracks were initially written and recorded from 1989 to 1992 and the CD record was released in 2010 by Retrospect Records.

This is a technically recorded demo, featuring Guy Charbenau as producer, so the sound quality is good. Filled with passion and dedication, this album "Sweet Surrender" has received warm response by loyal aor fans. If you have kept numerous female fronted melodic rock bands and female solo artists in your mind and cherish their works in your playlist, don't forget The Storm as these musicians should never be overlooked and even they can be listed on the top of female-fronted aor billboard even though they only exsisted for a short period of time and become a name of past today.

I select this song, the last one from the album, because its writer Mr Tad Derby, the bassist from the band, contacted me a couple of weeks ago after my first video was uploaded, also he told me the stories of their early years and his memories of those nolstagic periods of time, sharing thoughts with me. After that I decided to make this video for him and all his former mates from The Storm if they could see it. Until today on 8th of March, 2021, I have completed it and choose International Women's Day to upload it in order to review contributions that women rock artists have made as amazing singer Kristina Nichols and keyboardist/songwriter Karen Childs from The Storm.Moreover, this song is perfectly combined bright keyboards with amazing guitar works, my favourite taste of music arrangements, which is a desirable choice for pleasing aor time.

I hope all these group photos will remind them of what they did 30 years ago and those memorable years of youth. They truly deserve all thumbs up and positive feedback, always respectable by big pure love. I will be glad if their name could be someone to love in every aor lover's heart since having heard "Someone To Love". Review my first video of them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4evKA1_s3U , thanks again, Mr Derby. Best wishes !
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