Flight Factor 777 Jet Review | X Plane

Flight Factor 777 Jet Review | X Plane

Wave Flight Simulations

1 год назад

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@c0r5e - 14.09.2023 11:06

The flight factor has this weird AP disconnect button instead of a block switch so to fill the space they put a TOGA button which is certainly not realistic

Not only that the PFD and ND look very childish. The ND looks low resolution and very unlike the real thing with inconsistent large fonts. The waypoint routes line goes outside the heading indicator thats unrealistic too

@c0r5e - 14.09.2023 10:36

And people think Captain Sim 777 is a scam wait till people hear about the FF777

@0w3nn - 09.09.2023 16:12

I don’t really like this fligjtfactor model. Look at how large the landing gear are. And watch how strange the wings move once the plane lands.

@pilotocarlos01 - 12.07.2023 18:19

I got the plane and when i spawned in I got a read only error. How can I fix this?

@raymondjackson6069 - 27.06.2023 23:48

This is my review review for the Flight Factor Boeing 777 for X-Plane 12. This is the first piece of payware I ever bought for a flight simulator and I have not bee able to get it to successfully fly yet, and I have had it since December 2022 or earlier (it is now almost July 2023.) It's a disaster and the tech support is even worse. First they sold the X-Plane 11 version for X-Plane 12, then the update was almost useless. And now, after I managed to get it started, like many others, the engine dose not respond to the throttle. Not only do have second thoughts about Flight Factor Payware, but you have to pause on X-Plane that they allow such a flawed setup use their platform.

@HeavySimulation - 19.06.2023 21:52

Good my friend? How do you put custom cameras on the engine and wings, I can't do it, it's only inside the plane in the passengers' view, the modulation is horrible! I'm waiting for your answer. Thanks!

@nicholaiivanitsky9661 - 26.05.2023 12:40

After my disastrous experience with CRJ-700, it will take a while for me to buy any XP payware aircraft.
All reviews should start with FMC, its integration with AP - and the statement if those systems work or they do not.

@leocheung8864 - 24.05.2023 08:54

Don't buy this outdated version. The plane barely flies on Xplane 12 and has so many bugs that haven't been properly fixed by the developers. I would wait for the 777v2 when it comes out.

@samuelsmith2112 - 23.05.2023 14:30

Is this available now?
