How To Find Your Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity

How To Find Your Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity

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☆ cool butterfly cat ☆
☆ cool butterfly cat ☆ - 09.10.2023 02:15

I'm pretty sure I'm aroace

Christopher Williams
Christopher Williams - 07.09.2023 22:24

Any drinking ace phobic tears mugs

Minh Hiếu Nguyễn Phú
Minh Hiếu Nguyễn Phú - 29.08.2023 08:14

So aesthetical attraction is the kind of the one in Exist for love I guess? Like, how our love is connected to nature and universe🌌

JtheLetter - 29.08.2023 03:00

As an asexual panromantic transfemme non-binary person, this was fun to watch. Really explains gender and sexuality/romanticism in a way i didn't have growing up.

Tay - 24.08.2023 23:02

As a pangender pansexual I'm just going to go ahead a colour in all the circles. 😅😂

jungkookbro - 12.08.2023 11:35

I want to look pretty but I also want muscular manly body.
I want to look like vega from street fighter.
What's my gender identity still confused.

CircuittCyberfang - 09.08.2023 18:26

I'm a sex-repulsed aro-ace demiboy (I biologically identify as male but am non-binary in terms of gender identity).

random internet person
random internet person - 30.07.2023 22:52

i am only interested in sexual or romantic relationships with men
my perceived gender is male
my actual gender is having a fucking seizure around the spectrum
my gender expression is more feminine

Evelyn6147s - 07.07.2023 08:11

You are actually way more unique than what he says :D
- In case you don't wanna hear the explanation, getting the seven circles the exact same as somebody else is equal to 1 in infinity but since in this hypothetical scenario there is only a million units per circle, seven circles are 1 in 10^42 or 1 in a Tredecillion and, with the other two that goes up to 1 in 10^54 or 1 in a Septendecillion

So basically he said that there are a million possibilities that one of your circles matches someone else's exactly, although the possibilities would have been infinite just for one circle, with only a million units it is now very easy to get the 9 circles the exact same as somebody else, compared to 1 in infinity, I said compared to one in infinity since just with two circles it already goes up to 1 trillion, this is since the chance has to repeat 2 times. It is so hard since even if the first one is the exact same as someone else's but in the second circle is off by just 1 unit it would already be different, and this is why normally the chance is one in infinity as you can be off by just .000000000001 cm and it wouldn't count as equal but, by having only a million possibilities, that option doesn't exist anymore, going back to the solutions, there is a formula, number of possibilities ^ number of repetitions, and following this formula this is all simplified to 1,000,000^7 which, since the last number is a one and 1x1=1 we only have to multiply the zeros, so 6 (Number of zeros) x 7 = 42, which means that just for the first seven it's already 10^42 and, if you wanna do the other two, we can go back to the original value of 1 million and do 1,000,000^9 or do (10^42) x (10^12) [12 is the number of zeros you would have after doing 1,000,000^2] so the final result is that you are one in a septendecillion (1 in 10^52)! :)

Gao - 04.07.2023 15:40

You don't have to cling to identities because of peer pressure either, labels might not be for you and that's also OK. Love and be kind ❤❤

Jesterr - 15.06.2023 21:20

I am trans (mtf). I have not worn men's clothing in several years, but my family has no clue. My family members will go on tirades about trans people while I am sitting across from them in leggings. They have all seen me in skirts at some point, but it never sinks in. It is quite entertaining sometimes. What do you do when no one recognizes it even after you start representing your true gender?

¡Koi! - 04.06.2023 22:47

my gender is yes! C:

•advntr• - 14.05.2023 20:31

i thought i was polysexual, then omnisexual, and then pansexual. now recently i figured out that i was confused about who i liked and who i was attracted to because i was actually asexual and aromantic. woww, how these things woke out, right?

That Horse Girl
That Horse Girl - 08.05.2023 06:00

Sexual orientation and gender identity can get really complicated really quickly when you get into micro labels. I’m AroAce and Pan, specifically I’m Aegoromantic with heteromantic preferences, Cupiosexual, and Pansexual

Steven A.
Steven A. - 16.04.2023 00:43

So transgender is like the ''Art of Passing''? Influencing perceived gender. What if one was influencing that perception to NOT mach their actual gender? Does that have a separate name?

jenna soltes
jenna soltes - 06.04.2023 19:08

my perceived gender is a male
so exactly on the male
my actual gender is on the rim of the circle nearly inbetween the word 'male' and 'actual'
i just like to present myself as a very slightly feminine male
and guess what im still cis gendered

SkellyMal999 - 05.04.2023 08:32

My chart is basically yours but on the female side😂

eagerEman25 - 23.03.2023 04:00

I’m not looking at this video to find what lgbtq+ branch I’m in, I’m here to just find out what my sexuality is

Zek Cool
Zek Cool - 13.03.2023 17:05

Thank you so much this makes prefect since ❤❤❤ I know I am a transgender woman

Fatty McFatso
Fatty McFatso - 11.03.2023 20:51

Hi. How would you classify me? I am a male and I am totally comfortable with that. I must have some effeminate traits b/c i get asked occassionally if I am gay. However, I am strongly attracted to women. Been in several heterosexual relationships. I have never been in a gay relationship. Sometimes I am attracted to particular men, but I am not sure why. I do not have a general attraction to men. Thanks for helping me to figure all this out.

Macabre Beth
Macabre Beth - 09.02.2023 03:03

I’m comfortable with my sexuality as I’m Greyasexual Aromantic, but I’m confused about my gender: I partially identify as a woman, I mean hell my pronouns are She/He, but I tend to struggle with my identity as I thought that I was a Demigirl but I felt like there’s more to my identity than it meets the eye

Crimson - 20.01.2023 06:50

Found out im an orientated-Aroace, (Aromantic and asexual) Demigirl. Everyone is vaild, regardless of gender or orientation!!!

CallMehQuinn - 19.12.2022 13:06

I’m still having a gender crisis
Idk if I’m Genderfluid, Genderflux,demigender, idkkkkk

•-Łïłÿ_Pōñd-• - 22.10.2022 05:26

I’ve been thinking i am bisexual but I’m still not sure, I can’t tell if I’m Bisexual Pansexual or Asexual, it’s been hard to tell, I don’t really care what gender I’m in love with, though I do have a major preference for males, that’s why I think I’m Bisexual, I don’t know what to do

Toni Lou
Toni Lou - 01.10.2022 17:47

I'm questioning my sexuality and gender almost daily and it's exhausting because on the one hand I don't really care about labels but on the other hand it would be nice to have some for validation and being easier to talk about. I don't have the energy to think about it right now so I'm trying to push it to the back of my mind🙃

Ramon J Lechuga
Ramon J Lechuga - 12.09.2022 06:24

dude, if you care about the names then youre basically just sensitive. i mean come on. who cares. who i am as a person is not what my typical are about. i mean it would be pretty narcisistic for me to make it a common topic of conversation.

pawble - 11.09.2022 05:59

ughghgghghgghhh idkkkkkk like if i look at fictional characters i feel female but when i imagine reality i feel male ughhhgGHGHGH

Destrum the tiger🏳️‍🌈
Destrum the tiger🏳️‍🌈 - 07.09.2022 05:13

Ok this is before the video I’m pan and confused on gender I’ll let you know how it goes

Ok I’m still pan and confused on gender

R ! V £ R
R ! V £ R - 01.09.2022 01:51

I’m so confused recently, ik im not cis but I don’t know what I am really

Amy Griffith
Amy Griffith - 12.08.2022 04:16

This is very helpful! Thanks!

Itz_Lizzydrawn - 03.08.2022 10:36

aperantly i am a lesbian, which was kind of a shock to me. Well technecly asexual lesbian but ye

Giraffe Whiskers
Giraffe Whiskers - 01.08.2022 05:45

I think I’m a non binary lesbian, and I’m afraid to show my mom this worksheet

hello fun
hello fun - 27.07.2022 13:48

What do you mean by "loving one's body" when talking about physical attraction? Is it in an "aesthetic attraction way"?

R L - 07.07.2022 04:02

How rare is Anongender?

The Soulless Author
The Soulless Author - 05.07.2022 08:43

Idk who to ask and forgive my wording, but this seems like a good place to ask. Is it a problem that my love in general / all four kinds is low? Especially towards mankind? I do want to thank you so much for this video, its given more confidence to explore who i am.

Shadowdroid776 - 05.07.2022 04:23

For the gender identity worksheet, I have a quick question if that's okay. I know how people perceive me, but when it comes to how I truly feel I get a bit confused. I feel like all the options and also agender all the exact same time. It's not pangender or genderfluid, and I can't find anything that seems to point to what I am. Do you know of anything that sounds like that?

Justin Leger
Justin Leger - 03.07.2022 14:50

Drinking homophobic tears XD
I go into work and everybody calls me gay. Or am I just hearing things? I do have Asperger's Syndrome and appear socially awkward, like not making eye contact. But there's those moments when I get confused in close proximity of male coworkers. What does it mean? Can I really be gay even though I'm sexually attracted to females? I need answers. Secondly, I hope I have more self-esteem after figuring this out.

"Don't define yourself as a boy just because you have a 'penis'" That was spoken very frankly XD

Hmm... looks like I'm male but a bit girly, and bisexual with only a slight tinge closer to the female side.
Interesting. What does it mean to live as a bisexual person?

"The person calling you weird or different is equally as weird or different". Thanks. I noticed that I'm not the only one who gets confused at work. Those same people who are defending their orientation, sure do seem unsure of themselves. It's hard to be 100% straight all day to fit in. So none of us are 100% straight XD perfect. It's like Family Guy says: "Everybody's gay!"

cinnamaricat - 01.07.2022 07:39

i've been questioning lately if i really even experience sexual attraction and i think i don't i know i'm romantically attracted to men and women but i think i'm asexual as for my gender i wouldn't exactly call myself cisgender cause i don't always feel like a girl but i still call myself a woman so i'm kinda unlabeled with my gender cause idk i'm cool with it tho lmao

i - 25.06.2022 17:16

i like dressing in female clothes, and a dressing as they/he prounouns, (most of the time they/them) so i’m pretty confussed, can someone help?

Trish 'bidwepto mshkode' Osterhout
Trish 'bidwepto mshkode' Osterhout - 22.06.2022 19:26

I've been a little confused about my sexual orientation label since I came out as trans. I used to be a gay man which didn't quite fit. I discovered that I'm a transwoman that's attracted to men and I enjoy queerness. Am I a straight woman? Am I still gay? I've found that I've just been telling people in conversation that I'm trans and I like the D.

Reddit Highlights
Reddit Highlights - 21.06.2022 16:41

im homosexual, demi-hetero, and panromantic

TheZeke64 - 20.06.2022 08:54

I have some nitpicky criticisms on your breakdown of orientation, but otherwise consider this comment to be a like. Thanks for the video

kishibe rohan’s wife
kishibe rohan’s wife - 13.06.2022 13:20

I used to be a homophobe and thought I liked men. I’m now a proud woman enjoyer.

L - 08.06.2022 01:22

I am watching this because I am curious of how exactly your method works. I found out my sexual orientation through research. I am a Cisgender Aromantic Asexual Male

Indi - 05.06.2022 01:01

This basically says that sometimes labels have bouderies but there shouldn't be. It's a bit like a circle graph, you might be closer to the edge then others but identify by how you want.

KittyQueen Tengu
KittyQueen Tengu - 03.06.2022 16:42

Where am I supposed to put the dot on the orientation bubble if I don't feel any attraction?

bow_n_aro - 01.06.2022 07:33

Some advice I learned from Ace Dad is that labels are tools to help you understand and communicate about your experience, not boxes you have to fit into. So while you might not find the Perfect Label™, you can still find a comfortable label (or labels) that is/are close enough to help you better describe your experience, or you might find that you feel better without one! Ultimately, it's up to you alone to decide if/how you label, so find what feels good!

Ответить - 28.05.2022 21:00

Hm, let’s see if this helps.

I think for the gender circle I just gotta put myself like everywhere at once, bc I could be a cis girl. Or I could be a trans guy? Or I might be non binary or just cis trying to get away from gender norms. Yk?
