Getting started | Editor X

Getting started | Editor X

Wix Studio

3 года назад

63,464 Просмотров

Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются


Maizy - 29.03.2023 14:06

Why doesn't Wix make truly responsive websites for tablets? This is a huge problem. Everyone is complaining. Please fix this.

Ra El Motivation
Ra El Motivation - 05.03.2023 08:24

Thank you ❤️

pr r
pr r - 23.01.2023 03:50

Nice I like the page, it would help if you could give me the images to try and make it myself as you go along. Thanks for the great content!

Alrry I
Alrry I - 15.11.2022 19:32

The text editing window does not pop up with my Editor X when trying to edit text.

Lorena Hoffmann
Lorena Hoffmann - 01.08.2022 22:12

Ich rate jedem von dieser Firma! Die versprechen viel und halten es nicht ein! Wir haben vor 1 Monat iPads und motherboard abgegeben, sollte von Repair ever thing in Berlin innerhalb 2 Tagen repariert werden und an uns wieder zurück gegeben werden. Wir sind zur Vorleistung gebeten worden, da angeblich Teile bestellt werden sollte. Haben wir in guten Glaube gemacht. Nun ist es ein Monat später. Nachfragen werden ignoriert. Termine zur Abgabe werden ständig abgesagt, nicht eingehalten oder finden einfach nicht statt. 4 mal wurden wir gesagt, iPads kommen zurück. Vergeblich! Nun bekommen wir auf einmal schuld für deren Inkompetenz! Hier ist ein starker Verdacht ja auf Betrug und eine Anzeige ist nun gemacht, nachdem wir mit der Polizei telefoniert haben.

Also Finger weg von diese Firma. Wahrscheinlich schrieben die die reviews selber!

Ich werde ein Update bald geben!

Be careful, These people are cheaters and will steal your iPads and money!

Hawkhunter07 - 04.02.2022 12:35

you guys should take a look at webflow tutorials/lessons, they do a much better job of explaining, feels like you guys skip over some parts or the logic of it in a subtle way

Adam Speight
Adam Speight - 08.01.2022 19:53

I can't do anything without the images

NextStepz - 21.11.2021 11:20

The tutorial is great - but its so in depth and noone has any of these images... so not entirely sure of the point? I think someone said below, if we can have the files used, so we can follow along it would be a fantastic tutorial, but without it... cant do much.

ADAM YOUNG - 22.06.2021 12:52

This is confusing. I have my work area set to 1080p. I bring in an image that is 1080p yet in the work space it appears like a quarter the size of the page. I had a big issue with the screen resolution set up of Wix. It seems Editor X hasn't really dealt with some of this. If my monitor and display settings is set to 1080p and my Editor X workspace is 1080p, then why is some of the work space off the page ? scroll bar ? Makes it so frustrating to no be able to see what the end product will look like while working on it.

𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑 - 01.06.2021 01:02

cant believe i been using wix and not known about this, totally a game changer

DdesignY - 27.05.2021 19:26

Thanks, It's very good, and I hope to see more features for the business tool & design tool

5 P Group
5 P Group - 12.05.2021 18:49

Hi, EDITOR X has really good and exciting features. However, the only NOT exciting feature is... its price!
As Premium plans for EDITOR X is at 2/3 times higher than the cost of Classic editor. pls, do the needful.

Also add the features like, sticky CTA objects or buttons which can stick at the bottom of the mobile website for all pages. This feature is available in the classic editor for desktop only. NOT available for MOBILE and TABLET.
Pls add, as this is most essential for sales & marketing-oriented sites.

TaeWyd - 09.04.2021 18:50

I can’t even start editing

Alexander Yordan Mulia
Alexander Yordan Mulia - 13.03.2021 14:51

how can I access editor x from my wix sites? I already have premium subscription

Eugene Lee
Eugene Lee - 12.03.2021 12:03

Who can tell me, can i unload code's (css, html, js, java) after the completed work?

DCinfamous Returns
DCinfamous Returns - 13.02.2021 02:22

How come now i can't change the color of a container??

hisenbred rakiman
hisenbred rakiman - 09.02.2021 09:28

This is gonna kill the Webflow.

Birendra Chhetri
Birendra Chhetri - 02.02.2021 07:13

You know what would help a lot of people myself included? If we could download the digital assets used while creating this site, we could practice by recreating the same.

Magno - 01.02.2021 19:20

