Unity3D GameDev Interview Questions

Unity3D GameDev Interview Questions

Jason Weimann

3 года назад

52,489 Просмотров

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@BrianCoxGameDev - 28.11.2023 06:01

Hi Jason, regarding the FizzBuzz example I recommend using <= _max instead of < _max as most people will expect the max number to be included also. Loved your video, thanks for sharing! :)

Here's my version:

void FizzBuzzCalculate(int max)
string result = "";

for(int index = 0; index <= max; ++index)
result = "";

if (index %3 != 0 && index %5 != 0)
result = "" + index;
if(index %3 == 0)
result += "Fizz";
if(index %5 == 0)
result += "Buzz";


Kind regards,
Brian Cox

@claudiosilvestri8485 - 05.09.2023 16:26

From version 3.0 to version 4.5 of Unity is it possible to use only the 2012 version of Visual Studio professional ?

@tigranavagyan1587 - 15.04.2023 20:12

Thank you!!!

@auroranova - 07.02.2023 04:21

Another way to describe coroutines that I think explains how they work a little more: The single thread is passed from coroutine to coroutine amongst all active game objects in the scene, and the thread executes each coroutine up until the next yield statement. Then, the thread is passed to the next coroutine, etc. And it loops back around until all logic in all coroutines that need to be handled in any given frame have their logic executed. In doing so, each object has its behaviors expressed in an order that the human eye perceives them all happening at the exact same moment. So it tricks the human eye into thinking this is all asynchronous.

@rodolfoc.nascimento6301 - 05.01.2023 01:42

Thanks man! You saved me a lot, well my Player was not give a good feedback in the keyboard, I've change the Fixed Timestep to 0.01 giving an 100 frames per second, now it looks smooth and it 's very responsive! Great!

@royalstudio7113 - 18.12.2022 17:36


@royalstudio7113 - 18.12.2022 17:36

Sir, contact me in whatsapp

@royalstudio7113 - 18.12.2022 17:36


@royalstudio7113 - 18.12.2022 17:36


@riteshkhokhani - 10.07.2022 11:23

very well explained in detail

@riteshkhokhani - 10.07.2022 11:22

very useful information, one of best video for unity interview questions

@zekiozdemir420 - 23.06.2022 21:53

You are my HERO. <3

@nenadkis5015 - 15.05.2022 14:06

Bro try fixed game Dark Nemesis please

@supertenchoo4271 - 12.05.2022 17:24

Very Informative this kind of video is very helpful thanks so much

@hank_bloodshadow - 12.05.2022 06:24

i less or equal to _max otherwise it just goes to 99 :) Last print should be Buzz (100).

@andythedishwasher1117 - 02.04.2022 17:43

1/timestep = fps. Storing that in my formula database for damn sure.

@apritellolives3920 - 21.03.2022 08:45

What do you know about coroutines? I don't like them I prefer Task

@YAS-vm8ko - 21.11.2021 19:54


@bitbrain3468 - 19.10.2021 19:31

Pretty helpful. I think I got asked that update/fixedupdate question in my only unity/gamedev interview ever (so far, #2 in 1.5 hours, hopefully I have better luck this time).

@zainjavaid7659 - 28.09.2021 13:40

Thank you for the information.

@dudenarima2528 - 28.07.2021 18:19

It's also important not to just give an answer, but also show them ur thinking process.
Just say everything you have in mind, like "If I do this, this will happen, so It'll break the system. But if I do this..."

@justinriccardo6634 - 26.07.2021 16:10

A question I was recently asked is what is the order of calls that happen when a game starts to when it ends. So example is its OnAwake()->OnEnable()-> Update()...ect.

@captainricco2777 - 14.07.2021 22:49

Hey Jason. I need someone to make some game parts for a larger project. I will pay you for each part you help me create. Please help me to release my inner dev. I simply don't have the patience to sit for more than 20 minutes looking at all the crazy code for C# that make the magic happen. If you are ready, I only have the Basic version so we can start there. I need a simple landscape with some buildings and a forest and a desert with clouds in the sky, trees and rocks, and a simple character to start the adventure. Player is able to move about in any direction and jump and shoot with a simple and basic gun. There is a space ship ahead and the player will get inside and meet the crew. He will be made captain and the crew will follow his orders as they take off from the starting place and fly to a destination further ahead. An enemy ship will appear off the starboard bow and will begin an attack run. Player will defend and shoot the enemy ship. That will be the first piece. Pleas say you can do it.

@zainulabdin2614 - 25.04.2021 16:31

Is there any way we can practice coding specifically related to unity?
If there is any helping material or website kindly do let me know

@miriomandubisi4593 - 20.04.2021 00:15

Pls show is a tutorial on how we can receive payment from Unity

@aleyummusic - 18.04.2021 15:02

Oh if only Fizzbuzz was asked and not crazy LC problems

@nemogames5354 - 20.03.2021 18:43

that's fuckin it??? im definitely applying

@THEspindoctor84 - 13.02.2021 06:06

since you asked about other videos to make, and I heard in another one of your videos that you aren't much of an artist....how do you deal with that? As a solo developer, what's your process on getting your games completed if you aren't much of an artist?

@raveltammeleht6278 - 31.01.2021 17:51

nice Tupac Shakur reference in the background ;)

@JakeBlakeleyTV - 20.01.2021 21:37

The question we always ask at my work is "what are singletons, and why would you use/not use them vs similar methods?"

@takashy87 - 15.12.2020 19:54

I've been trying to get a Unity job for a while and so far I don't remember ever getting any Unity related questions during interviews . At least not in terms of the examples given in this video. Usually they're more general , if they even happen at all.

I haven't had that many interviews for Unity positions, but from my experience they usually go 2~3 ways:
- go over your background and maybe your Unity experience in general (personal projects only in my case) followed by a test
- go straight into a Test without even bothering to have a call before it

With the tests being the important part. Since I'm applying for a programmer position, usually the tests are mainly about writing good / clean code (sticking to SOLID and some patterns) and showing that you know your Unity stuff (like the things mentioned in this video). The tests usually end up being about making some kind of simple game or clone of an existing one., mainly just to get some code down that the company can check out (unless you already have some code you can share, I guess)

Though it also seems to depend a bit on the type of games the company makes. Mobile game companies usually seem to focus just on code quality and knowledge, while the companies that work on PC / console games seem to be more interested in more technical / mathematical knowledge that are relevant to the games they make, rather than just being able to write good code.

@epath4957 - 11.12.2020 00:36

Have you ever met a god game dev who learned by himself with online courses? I started to learn C# last week, of course I know nothing but I've seen a couple interview videos and pages and I got to say all of them scared me af.
Hell, I don't even know if I'll like programming, so I might find out I don't and be done with it, but even if I do end up liking it idk, seems too much more than I could learn from online courses tbh.

@weekendGD - 07.12.2020 16:28

Unity documentation says FixedUpdate is frame-independent. Always. If game fps drops below, it shouldn't affect fixedUpdate call frequency. Am I wrong?
For example Thread.Sleep(50) in Update make my scene to run slower and I get from 2 to 4 fixedUpdate calls each frame.

@alexpanov4270 - 10.11.2020 11:06

I just got an interview and these are the questions I was asked:
- what things to consider while working with canvas?
- what is async/await? how is it different from coroutines?
- what is Dipendency Injection? Give an example of DI usage.
- give an example of S and O usage from SOLID in Unity.
- what is assembly definition and how to use it?
- how to use git.
- how to optimize sprites? how to optimize particles?

This looks like general knowledge that every jun to middle dev should know.

@zeeshanqaswar3573 - 28.10.2020 07:59

Why did you came back to Visual studio from Rider???

@Alzimovich2 - 27.10.2020 23:55

Nice vid Jason! :D Just a little correction: in C# the % operator is the remainder operator, not the mod operator. The difference is slight, but for instance -1 % 10 will return -1, not 9 as you would expect from the mod operator.

@twiconst9137 - 27.10.2020 17:31

can you explain about unity mobile game development?
i was asking this for a long time. I am also using your website.

@user-cd4bx6uq1y - 26.10.2020 11:55

1 week ago

@thatonesnowboarde - 24.10.2020 10:42

@Jason Welmann I do enjoy your videos, but I really really wish you would switch to dark mode on VisualStudio. Every time you switch to code its very bright

@chiefmofo - 22.10.2020 20:46

Having been on a lot tech interviews and having given a lot, you mentioned one of the key things you should do for almost any question, and that's get more context. I've spoken with so many other interviewers and trainers who will deliberately ask a super vague question that cannot be answered correctly without the candidate asking clarifying questions. And even if the question is straightforward, what's really impressive is if you give several examples in different contexts.

@pagames3d - 18.10.2020 21:17

Hello Jason, for about 4 days I see blue circle that indicates that you uploaded new video, but nothing new. After I visit your channel page circle done, but in few hours appears again.

@fumetsuhito5561 - 18.10.2020 16:23

Jason I wanted to let you know that I consider you my mentor in game development (programming side) I learned a lot of concepts from you on how to think about Architecture
and yet again I learned something new, the Json Serialization will make my saving logic more tidy and efficient

@youtubechannel548 - 18.10.2020 13:03

I'm a bit late but congrats for 100k subs man!

@alexsevilla5389 - 18.10.2020 09:01

Congrats on 100k 🥳

@teh1archon - 17.10.2020 19:37

I had a series of interviews last week. Design patterns and SOLID principles were a big chunk of these. But I was interviewed for a senior position so... Idouno how much to know these for junior positions is relevant but in my country DP are always asked no matter the level of the position.
