World of Tanks - Holiday Ops 2019 - Me Literally Getting Everything Possible in 75 Boxes

World of Tanks - Holiday Ops 2019 - Me Literally Getting Everything Possible in 75 Boxes


5 лет назад

625 Просмотров

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@spentzy - 20.12.2018 17:57

Im so poor that i want to cry watching you getting this much..

@IonKattTMCE - 22.12.2018 11:21

I got the LeFH, Kv 220 2, in 11 boxes

Also that’s insane, you basically made over your money spent from both years, so last years scam was made worth it

@carbonateddrip6107 - 03.01.2019 02:02

i opend 53 boxes amd didn't got any tier 8 but every tier 5 and the e25 kill me

@goinawol9447 - 14.09.2019 14:40

Fucking toxic twat picking in that guy for not having a license I only came here to dislike you vids because of it you sound about 14 so you cant say someone is pathetic for not having a license when you arent even old enough to apply for one. Some people dont drive because they dont have the money to spare, or the time to spare

@Kyezie131 - 15.12.2018 01:10

Check the description for some more info and my additional comments about the video!
