The Daily Life of a Victorian Lady | Victorian Era | Historical Resources

The Daily Life of a Victorian Lady | Victorian Era | Historical Resources

Britain Reimagined

1 год назад

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@madameblavatsky2345 - 15.11.2023 04:00

Is this AI video?

@patricialong5767 - 30.09.2023 09:20

Depending on what economic class you lived in, you could have it either very nice or very difficult.

@heatherdennis7276 - 07.09.2023 07:05

I wish you would use art from the era instead of AI art.

@Angie-GoneSoon - 04.09.2023 20:59

What about every day life for a lower class lady?

@lavenderflowersfall280 - 21.08.2023 15:08

Girls just want to kick their feet up on the table and relax, chill with their best buds.

@AnnabelLee679 - 11.08.2023 12:56

I would like to live with a men like a victorian women ❤❤❤

@VeroLandzaat - 26.06.2023 14:06

The part about women being “ the Angel of the house” stay at home moms with the house and children being their main focus… NOTHING wrong with that. Look where we are now. Children being raised by others because women rather focus on themselves , their income , their carrier .. “oh wait I got kids with needs ? “ Stop fooling yourself , deep down you know it’s wrong to leave your kids in someone else’s care. People who tell you not to feel guilty are liars ! Feel very guilty . For husbands it’s so much more relax if they don’t need to worry about these things ( day care.. house hold chores) . Even feminists men ( 🤔) feel this deep down. They are the providers . Even without biblical motivation , it’s biological ! It’s scientifically proven that women have different responses to situations, tend to be more caring . You can’t have it all! Focus on what’s important , your kids.

@cristinagarcia1652 - 21.06.2023 20:32

I would like to know more about the maid's life

@christopherbriscoe8665 - 18.06.2023 10:53

This is a visit into the daily life of a Victorian lady, but what about the daily life of women, neber mind ladies - the ladies only constitute around fifty or forty percent of females. What about the other fifty or sixty percent?

@janedoe-vn4fs - 18.06.2023 04:19

What about the vast majority of women during the Victorian era?. Most were not wealthy, did not have fancy dresses much less someone to dress them. The daily life of the typical woman in the Victorian era was nothing like this at all.

@LaHayeSaint - 15.06.2023 02:43

What is unclear is when a lady might complete her toilet (a poo). I presume this would be done before she dressed as she probably wanted to wash intimate areas first. Moreover, by being in a state of undress, the lady could poo without the danger of soiling her underclothes. That would be a real stinker and her friends might no longer wish to pay her a visit.

@Ericat257 - 14.06.2023 00:49

Ok so this video is a straight mess of incorrect information. Holy shit.

@Romello_Pietersz - 13.06.2023 08:33

And pollution

@mamadeb1963 - 12.06.2023 18:00

Cleanliness was very important at the time. Not only was hygiene considered important for health, it also demonstrated morality. She would have washed more than her face with the cold water.

@Pravin_Yeshua_BTC - 10.06.2023 18:16

Sounds stressful

@SarahlabyrinthLHC - 10.06.2023 13:02

People who enjoyed this video may enjoy reading "Period Piece" by Gwen Raverat, a granddaughter of Charles Darwin, a story of her childhood reminiscences in Edwardian times. It includes such gems as one of her aunts being told as a young lady by the doctor that since she had a cold, it might help if she had breakfast in bed for a few days. She then had breakfast in bed for the rest of her life!

@heliaaxis5823 - 09.06.2023 18:11

The animated woman is so creepy. Please look up Uncanny Valley...

@shawntepitts488 - 09.06.2023 04:14


@blowitoutyourcunt7675 - 08.06.2023 13:15

Corset before stockings? LOL Nope!

@tymanung6382 - 08.06.2023 05:00

There were always some aristocrat women who.lived differently, up to a point--- authors of novels + poems.
actresses, dancers, authors of travelogues inside.+ outside Europe.
photography.pioneers, political activists---paiament, abolition of slavery
painters. a few doctors, a few.mathema
ticians (Ada Byron, etc. Countess of Lovelace), etc.

@kirabowie - 02.06.2023 04:36

Women didn't tight lace their corsets. That's a myth. while they did wear corsets, the invention of the crinoline as well as voluminous skirts, helped create a "tiny" waist, by tricking the eye. There are several cos-tubers that go into detail about it.
