The Crusades: Part 1

The Crusades: Part 1

The Austin School

1 год назад

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Iman Sudhir
Iman Sudhir - 21.09.2023 18:20

Thanks for having mentioned iman, iman, iman

DanSamet - 21.09.2023 11:28

At the end of the lecture, Prof Cassagranda is telling the story of the Childrens Crusade and how they were sold into slavery. The laughing coming from the class is rather disturbing yet illuminating. The idea of European children amuses them, how do they feel about the experience of slavery in America? Do they laugh when they see depictions of whips on human flesh, or does the fetish only extend to cruelty to white children?

Meriem Mokhtari
Meriem Mokhtari - 20.09.2023 14:44

Such bloodthirst is horrifying!

Stomek - 20.09.2023 10:10

I love watching your lecture Professor. All the way from Malaysia!

Abu al-Sous
Abu al-Sous - 20.09.2023 03:57

Buy yourself coffee on me. You've earned it. More to come, Habibi. Your presentations are more than fair.
Much love and respect from Palestine😍
The home of the free.. and the land of the brave✌️
Let the truth rain👊

Larry Romberg
Larry Romberg - 12.09.2023 06:38

Dr. Casagranda should stick to historical fiction. He has a real gift for it.

Wewuz Kangz
Wewuz Kangz - 11.09.2023 20:21

Would be a decent lecture if he wasn't wasting our time with his constant virtue signaling

Ali Alkhateeb
Ali Alkhateeb - 09.09.2023 22:07

No sir that's your own humbble interpretation when you say they were nice bc they were ignorant, they were nice to the new people bc they are governed by avery nice book in it Allah told us be my representative and treat people kindly

Zakir Naik Ahmad Deedat
Zakir Naik Ahmad Deedat - 07.09.2023 12:53

People, what is stopping you from accepting Islam?

Amina Malik
Amina Malik - 04.09.2023 18:26


Herman Hetland
Herman Hetland - 03.09.2023 17:19

Well the buildup about the vikings is not accurate. First of all scandinavia wasnt a backdrop with the shittiest land, it was also the absolute most resourseful land in terms of vital minerals (like iron) transported from Norway over the rivers in sweden down to the mediterraenean. This was the main driver behind increasing wealth during the iron age. Second, calling scandinavian german at the time would be like calling spanish latin today.

iMYsmile J55
iMYsmile J55 - 03.09.2023 04:01

Im crying watching this..

Stefan Henneken
Stefan Henneken - 26.08.2023 20:08

I would love to see lecture about area of Illyria as early as possible to modern day Balkan and especially Bosnia because what I have read from social media Serbs says that Bosnians are actually Muslim Serbs and Serbs are original people of that area, whyt I can't believe as true.

So would be great to sea your thought and knowledge about it. It is between Iran and Italy. 😁

Bilal Khan
Bilal Khan - 25.08.2023 20:18

The most amazing lecture ever! 😊

Ali Al-Shammaa
Ali Al-Shammaa - 15.08.2023 01:00

Enjoyable history with facts

Jarek Zawadzki
Jarek Zawadzki - 12.08.2023 13:38

In capitalism you buy and sell slaves, in communism you just take them for free.

Farkhanda Khan
Farkhanda Khan - 12.08.2023 00:38

I wonder if there is a connection between Professor’s last name and the city Casa Grande in AZ

Sahar Khan Jadoon
Sahar Khan Jadoon - 09.08.2023 15:12

Please promote your writings! The moment I saw your novel I went online looking for it. It not available in my country Pakistan. 😢

raja karim
raja karim - 08.08.2023 06:10

You sir, are a great historian. I am so lucky to find your channel. Thank you for sharing your valuable time with us and God bless you.

Shaheed Davids
Shaheed Davids - 07.08.2023 10:46

I'd love to play CK3 with this guy

Radiant Star
Radiant Star - 05.08.2023 23:15

@Roy Casagranda - Thank you for the lecture. So, the Arabs ended the Roman empire and that is not well known. Very appreciative of the timeline really which puts events into perspective.

Sonorous - 05.08.2023 22:43

Guy laughing at the end is crazy 😂

PALSAFD - 01.08.2023 11:39

The subject caught my interest but when i saw the length of it i thought i will watch some of it but once it started i couldn't leave. Thank you so much for a great lecture

Nasrover - 26.07.2023 23:28

As an Arab and Muslim I think i have to disagree with the idea of Naming it the Arab empire
It's true that the Arabs started it but the Muslims in general are the ones who kept it running including Arabs and non Arabs
For exemple Many scholars Were not Arabs like Ibn roshd Ibn nafis.
And lot of military and political figures like Nouredin Zinki who's turk or Saljuk
Or Salahddin ayubi whos kurd
But they all fall under the Muslim Empire and not the Arab Empire

Aisha Rasheed
Aisha Rasheed - 26.07.2023 21:41

Hi Roy… you are an amazing eloquent lecturer… could you recommend some books to read please. Thank you

Casey Casey
Casey Casey - 26.07.2023 02:09

This professor need to teach in all universities around the world

Millad Sarwar
Millad Sarwar - 26.07.2023 01:52

Did u cut ur hair or did ur head get smaller?

Oussama Boulazhar
Oussama Boulazhar - 23.07.2023 04:00

the reason why you should call it the Muslim empire is because the 1st identity marker of the people who made the conquest was religious as opposed to racial or ethnic like the other empires. The islamic empire rose on the shoulders of muslims of of course largely arab blood, but a sizeable portion of converts, some of which even were companions of the prophet (persians and romans, ethnic jews who converted to islam etc.) It was an islamic conquest.

Adam Nunes
Adam Nunes - 20.07.2023 01:39

What books do you recommend on this subject

Sanam T
Sanam T - 19.07.2023 18:47

So true about the Muslims being "disunited" this is what brought almost all the Muslim Empires down. This is the worry that the Prophet (peace be upon him had for the ummah)

Muhammad Sharif
Muhammad Sharif - 18.07.2023 18:38

Christian Crusaders were Cannibals!

Halid - 17.07.2023 22:33

Im your fucking follower from turkey dr im ready to do anything at this point :D

solotechoregon - 16.07.2023 19:52

If you consider this "informative" you are fully misinformed! This guys revisionist history is completely motivated by a dawahist hatred of the west. Islam is a religion designed to create brainwashed foot soldiers...just like he is trying to make you hate western civilization to help destroy it from within...a technique this old arabic "religion" has used over and over again!

Wais Islam
Wais Islam - 16.07.2023 09:32

This Professor is an extremely knowledgeable yet cool / humorous Legend…whose legacy will generate much needed knowledge in the west systematically boycotted by centres of learning for centuries due to European imperialism and academics with anti Islam bias…

Himel AH
Himel AH - 15.07.2023 20:52

Is Dr Roy a Muslim?

Irfan b
Irfan b - 11.07.2023 00:08

Good Arabic pronunciation!

Irfan b
Irfan b - 11.07.2023 00:04

He is into altaic. Cool!

froggyluv - 10.07.2023 21:59

Wish I had Teachers like that ....

Ahmed Deghady
Ahmed Deghady - 06.07.2023 18:19

As always Dr. Roy, fantastic lecture. For the entirety of the lecture, it's hard to blink your eye not to miss such an amazing content.
If I may, I have to disagree with you with the naming of the "Arabian Empire". It is true, the Ummayyid caliphate merely relied on the Arabs and that was one of the reasons behind the rise of the Abbassid caliphate among other reasons, and it's still true that the abbassids themselves (for the first century and a half) did the same as Ummayyids when it comes to Arabs, but it's important to note that the main and only reason this empire was united is Islam. The Arabs themselves were not a united entity but based on clans, and what made them forget about the clan thing was that Islam denounced tribalism and favoured piety.
Yes, high rankings and sensitive positions in the empire was given to Arabs, but that concept quickly faded with time. Persians and turks in particular started to gain more and more power overtime. Soon after the Abbasid caliphate was established, breakaway states started to emerge starting from Andulisia all the way to India, and these new states did not maintain that Arab principle thing, but they did with Islam. As an Example, Egypt was ruled by a turk, then by an Ethiopian before the fatimids, they still held loyalty to the caliph in Baghdad, but at that point it was just symbolic. Islam was the main feature of these states. By the time the crusaders arrive, there isn't much of an empire there, rather, bunch of ones that the only one thing they had in common was Islam. Ayyubid Dynasty, and then the mamluks, were the main characters to step up and stand for the crusaders and then the mongols. They weren't specifically Arabs, very especially the mamluks. Saladin for example was a kurd, not an Arab. Emadduldin Zinki, the first one to realize the danger of the crusaders and puts up unified resistance, was a turk.
Abbasids at that time were still standing in Baghdad, but there impact was non-existant, merely an image, and their borders didn't get past modern-day Iraq until Holagu arrived and ended them.
The point is, if Islamic empire is an incorrect name for this thing, Arabian empire name would be more erroneous, though the main feature of the empire was Islam, and that was the same feature that will unite the breakaway states later against the crusaders and the mongols. Arabs role in Islam began to fade after 2 centuries from the emerge of Islam, and that role began to be independent of fade. Arabian Peninsula, for example, after the fall of the Abbasids, will not be truly ruled by Arabs until the last century. Same story for Egypt and Levant.

Noureddine - 03.07.2023 15:57

UK still own Australia, Canda, New Zealand, Greenland too

Matt’s take on the ancients
Matt’s take on the ancients - 30.06.2023 10:01

Love the fact you referred to ERE as Roman Empire instead of Byzantine and calling out the 476 ad myth. This has been a super entertaining lecture. A lecture that keeps its audience enthralled.

Zer0 - 25.06.2023 18:02

Love this guy ❤

Yara Hammad
Yara Hammad - 24.06.2023 01:49

Om my god
The children point at the end is totally insane

Efe Celiktaban
Efe Celiktaban - 18.06.2023 00:20

I am an agnostic person... But, I still respect religion. Western scholars keep doing this mistake... Arab Empire, Ottoman Empire, Byzantine Empire, all of these names are wrong. These entities had unique names but western institutions keep insisting naming things to their liking...

Omar Barreh
Omar Barreh - 17.06.2023 18:34

Dr..sorry but i will like to correct you But Muslims didn’t have their own money coin till Umaya Dynasty under Emir Marwan Abdul Malik.

Bablu_SheZu - 16.06.2023 19:45

Can we get taimurlane history???

Simo Janahi
Simo Janahi - 15.06.2023 23:48

Thanks Dr. Roy. You give the best lectures!

M Barron
M Barron - 14.06.2023 00:09

I love the little nuggets of facts that Prof Casagranda casually drops in to his lectures. I learn so much from these talks I'd like them to go on for much longer!
