Why sayings about the Dutch are so weird

Why sayings about the Dutch are so weird

The Present Past

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Peter M.
Peter M. - 09.10.2023 16:40

In you would have asked Germans for their associations with the Dutch, I'd guess that most of them would start talking about hordes of Dutch people with their campers on German autobahn in summertime, heading south ... And aside some unfriendly prejudices, that I've never understood, they would associate the Netherlands with tulips, windmills, Gouda cheese, liberal drug laws and bicycles.

rockU - 08.10.2023 02:35

Dutch farmers, Dutch government chuting at them…go ahead and ask about that.

Mark Cooper
Mark Cooper - 06.10.2023 15:32

The Dutch Admiral tied a broomstick to his mast and said that he would "Sweep the English from the sea".

Mark Cooper
Mark Cooper - 06.10.2023 15:30

'GIN' from the Dutch word 'jenever' or juniper.

Mark Cooper
Mark Cooper - 06.10.2023 14:59

If you think that that's bad, think of what the English say about the French, or the Germans, or even at a push the Italians. Let's face it, NOT BEING BORN ENGLISH is just a severe handicap.

Jenna King
Jenna King - 02.10.2023 23:47

Just a thought as you have said you are a "serious historian". I'd advised against using the term 'English occupation' and 'war with the English' while showing a picture of the flag for the United Kingdom. It's either 'British occupation' and 'war with the British' or use the English flag which is the cross of St George depending on what point in history you are talking about and if it is England or the United Kingdom.

Egilhelmson - 01.10.2023 18:38

The “Germans” were named that by the Imperial Romans, like Tacitus. Supposedly it was a small tribe that Northern Italian traders dealt with.

Eric Tischler
Eric Tischler - 27.09.2023 20:03

I'm starting to learn Dutch and I'm always amused by words that are similar or are very different. "Warm water" is literally the same words, just pronounced the Dutch way.

William McColm
William McColm - 26.09.2023 02:54

I have never known anyone to use the phrase “Dutch” to ejaculate between breasts. But cool video! It’s like European Johnny Harris 😉

Kiwigrunt - 25.09.2023 09:41

They're just jealous because, let's face it, if it ain't Dutch, it ain't much...

Mike Romadin
Mike Romadin - 23.09.2023 21:46

I heard from french individuals calling dutch - kasekopf... As a russian speaker my association with word Dutch - sailing/marine slang, which in russian language entirely based on the dutch vocabulary. As well regarding association i probably would add... dutch cheese. Literally there is no negative connotation at all.

Radosław Orzeł
Radosław Orzeł - 23.09.2023 16:28

That was shot in Gdańsk, Poland. A city with a Dutch vibe in architecture.

John O_K
John O_K - 23.09.2023 08:03

Dutch oven ?

Craig McD
Craig McD - 21.09.2023 03:39

I’m from the place in the U.S. that was formerly known as Nieuw-Nederland and I like the Dutch ❤🇳🇱 Your video frequently mentions that “American English was developed after U.S. independence,” but is that really accurate? There has been some historical research indicating that American English is older than modern British English. It’s not that the Americans stopped sounding British. Rather, the British stopped sounding like what we today call “American.” Similar situations are true with Canadian French and Argentine Spanish, where the variety of a language spoken in the New World is older than the modern variety spoken in Europe. It would be interesting for you to explore that topic in a future video. (I don’t know — but do the Surinamese preserve older aspects of Dutch language that no longer exist in European Dutch?)

fred jansen
fred jansen - 07.09.2023 16:59

prob because the britisch and dutch were in competition during a long time.
prob because some wars we did win.

Corn Holio
Corn Holio - 06.09.2023 15:27

That Team America edit made me chuckle, I officially like this video!

Magnetro Nixan
Magnetro Nixan - 30.08.2023 18:00

dutch courage refers to the fact that the first distilled beverages came from the Netherlands. The word 'gin' is derived from the dutch "jenever". Dutch courage is courage from a bottlefilled with dutch alcohol.
Dutch treat, going dutch. Yes I think it is quite obvious why those are called dutch,
Curse like a dutchman. In Holland we use english words to curse so it doesn't sound so rude. But when I was in England I heard an englishman say something very rude in dutch. It turned out he had lived in the Netherlands for while. But he felt this particular dutch swearword was partcularly expressive. There are not many countries where the main swear words are as direct and explicirt a some well known dutch swearwords. Many dutch people reading this can fill in which words I mean I think.

There may be words in english taken from the dutch that were not identified as such by researchers. Dutch and english areclosely related languages and many words were already similar or identical from the start without transferring them. Starting with the most simple words: the - de, what - wat, that dat, water - water, sea - zee, west - west, car- kar (not exactly the same meaning but close) and I can go on like that

Mitchell Barnow
Mitchell Barnow - 30.08.2023 11:27

Are Dutch men all tall like you?

Jetse Verschuren
Jetse Verschuren - 25.08.2023 19:36

Dutch came from Deutsch, so I'm just gonna blame the Germans for everything negative ;)

FeebleAntelope - 24.08.2023 12:25

Going Dutch is not a bad thing. To many guys in the West, it's pretty much a requirement for early dating, to ensure one isn't getting used.
It's never been used to indicate the date isn't good, unless the person saying it is screening for someone to pay for everything, and they see paying their half of the date to be terrible as a result.

bucer44 - 21.08.2023 22:17

As a member of the United Kingdom, I was surprised by the existence of so many negative expressions in English related to being Dutch. The only expression I know and have ever used is 'double - Dutch'. But when I use it, I do not mean that what is spoken is 'gibberish' but intricate and complicated; just like the skipping game involving two ropes...'the double Dutch'. Personally, Ihave always found the Dutch pleasant and uncomplicated. I would rank Amsterdam as the only city in Europe, I have visited, where I felt absolutely safe., and that's surely positive.

gwho - 14.08.2023 02:56

The censorship on ai is ridiculous just like Facebook and silicon valley

Beverly - 08.08.2023 07:11

Only Dutch saying I remember is Dutch Chocolate is the Best.

TurboPepsi - 07.08.2023 22:00

Goeie shit goos keep m comin'. Abbo met alles aan verdiend!

Justin Ankerman
Justin Ankerman - 07.08.2023 09:14

Sometimes, in America, the word ‘Dutch’ is a corruption of ‘Deutsch’ and actually means ‘German’. Like ‘Pennsylvania Dutch’ are really Germans or descendants living in Pennsylvania. Also in America, New York was originally settled by the actual Dutch from the Netherlands. So some ‘Dutch’ expressions here might be related to things found in that colony when the English took over.

Jason - 07.08.2023 00:43

Recently I was in Namibias Caprivi strip, also one of these weird colonial left overs. There I found a German colonial decendent living in Katima Mulilo and he still spoke German. Very interesting

Kaas - 05.08.2023 09:39

Going Dutch doesn’t seem insulting, it’s true 😂

I’m Dutch btw :)

eric van der schoot
eric van der schoot - 05.08.2023 00:21

Great video. Wonder what the result would be in Indonesia. Even today Howler Monky’s are known as ‘Tuan Potperdom’ (mister G@ddamn) on Sulawesi.

Patric Rolsma
Patric Rolsma - 04.08.2023 04:03

Voorzover ik me kan herinneren, komen de Pennsylvania Dutch ook niet eens uit Duitsland maar uit Zwitserland. Maar dat is muggenziften. Om voor de verandering ook iets positiefs, Double Dutch is ook een hele ingewikkelde manier van touwtjespringen met 2 touwen.

shorun qualtec
shorun qualtec - 02.08.2023 18:46

Why are there so many negative sayings about the dutch?

Have you ever tried to deal with the dutch? Why so loud???

Matthew Song Loong
Matthew Song Loong - 01.08.2023 11:49

Gelukkig hebben Nederlanders hier in Zwitserland nog wél een streepje voor op de "giizige Düütscher" (gierige Duitser) :)

Motoko Kusanagi
Motoko Kusanagi - 31.07.2023 17:26

scratching my head... so the Dutch didn't do genocide? Germans were nobody comparing to the Dutch when it comes to slavery... unless they've managed to genocide as much people as the dutch, in one colony...

ShootaBYChoppa - 31.07.2023 04:34

As an American I think of the Dutch as a progressive peoples who won numerous wars against the ocean

Sanne Hekman
Sanne Hekman - 30.07.2023 23:02

Germany is truly like that one brother to make things better but also ruin our social standing lol

Michael O'Donnell
Michael O'Donnell - 29.07.2023 22:21

If you want to look for negative racial stereotypes in English, check what they say about the Irish...

John Roekoek
John Roekoek - 29.07.2023 20:49

Going Dutch = split the bill equally.
So, I take a salade and two glasses of limonade, and the other people took two courses and drank whiskey.
I think this is only equal when we all take about the same

ivalicetifalucis - 28.07.2023 16:20

wow I didn't know any of these slangs about Dutch

wich - 28.07.2023 12:29

As for Dutch wife, as far as I understand its history, it comes from Dutch traders coming to the far east sleeping with those kinds of bamboo/wicker "body pillows" because they felt too hot at night in the hot and humid climates of the far east. The open structure of the "body pillow" allowed for some air flow to cool the men down. As many of these men were sailing there without any wives yet they were sleeping with these things they came to be known as Dutch wives. Later when modern body pillows became a thing they reminded people of the old Dutch wives and started calling them the same. Though they are starting to get known more often as just simply body pillows these days due to their increasing popularity with the anime boom and the negative connotations of the word Dutch Wife. Then when sex dolls became more of a thing, again they started to be called Dutch wives as they are yet another inanimate thing that men "sleep" with. The reputation for the Dutch being very open and accepting of sexuality (whether you consider that positive or negative) probably helped in the adoption of that meaning as well.

Sem.v.d.Avoird - 28.07.2023 11:47

Ook een goede middag

Lory Lo
Lory Lo - 27.07.2023 21:54

Because they don't like the sound of the Dutch sounds in the language

Grant Morris
Grant Morris - 27.07.2023 08:17

currently in the US the buzz is all about "dutch elm disease"

edit: also smoking on a special occasion can call for someone rolling up a dutch (dutch masters brand)

Fudi La
Fudi La - 26.07.2023 10:05

Did you HAVE to mention our penalty skills??!

EJ Tattersall
EJ Tattersall - 25.07.2023 19:52

Dutch: Germans on a beach.

Faiza R. Ahmed
Faiza R. Ahmed - 25.07.2023 05:49

Your videos are educational. Keep on. Thank you.

Anthony - 24.07.2023 13:47

Such a Dutch accent :) love it 🎉
