Why Is A 529 Better Than A Brokerage Account?

Why Is A 529 Better Than A Brokerage Account?

Ramsey Everyday Millionaires

3 года назад

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Anthony - 19.08.2023 00:42

If your kid doesn’t go to school you can fully fund your grandkids in a k-12 school .

mike laba
mike laba - 13.05.2023 16:11

I put 35$ a week into my now 4 year old daughter's 529 account for college and have since she was born

And 10$ a week into an UTMA account along with all her birthday proceeds and other cash from family members for her to later use for a down payment for a home or possibly purchase a car when she turns 18.

I plan to give her access to the UTMA account at 13 years old to start trading stocks on her own behalf to teach her how money works.

The idea is that when she turns 18 she feels comfortable and independent I hope at 15 she starts her own job and putting money into these accounts on her own behalf because she will see what a simple 45$ a week will grow into over an 18 year period.

Arming our next generation with the knowledge and understanding of money should be part of your goals as being a parent. My question is what is the best age to start transferring ownership of these accounts to let them start making trades on there own behalf.

Nacerddine Mahalli
Nacerddine Mahalli - 01.03.2023 06:04

For the "greatest country " in the world , education should be free and considered a basic human right just like healthcare and just like most countries in Europe where health and education is 💯 free .

Sam Mader
Sam Mader - 28.12.2021 01:53

What was the point of the first 50 second of the video?

Rajvo7 - 24.12.2021 06:05

What if my kid goes to study in Australia

Rajvo7 - 24.12.2021 06:02

Imagine your kid started college in August of 2008.

Larry Ehrlich
Larry Ehrlich - 30.11.2021 22:50

I bought the Florida prepaid college program just after his birth. I elected to do the one time payment right after my son was born...he is a senior in highscool now.
Without looking it up, I believe I paid around $12,000 for the 4 year degree.program.
I heard something about over payments and refunds in Florida. If you have Knowledge on this, I would love to hear what you have to say about it. Thanks and blue skys.

Tommy Owens
Tommy Owens - 07.11.2021 05:16

Now days, those coming from college are mentally disabled. I would just do a brokerage.

Spongy bob
Spongy bob - 21.08.2021 18:17

It seems he is against day trading and swing trade some people make enough where they don't have to work, I think you have to have multiple investments to play it safe. Long term or index funds, ira, swing trade for short term

K S - 11.07.2021 20:21

Either the parent/ grandparent etc owns it or the kid owns it. It depends on how you title it. Better to have it in the kids name especially in case you are sued, get divorced, or die before the kid is ready for college.

Tippsology - 10.07.2021 06:43

A great tax advantage option is to simply move money from your Brokerage account into a 529, at the time it is needed, and they make the college payment, and thus taking the deduction and avoiding the taxes.

G-Vani - 08.07.2021 20:14

What happens if the 529 is never used for school?

Vin scully
Vin scully - 02.07.2021 00:27

For those like myself, let me fill you in on what dave didn’t answer...
In the event your child doesn’t go to college, and you don’t have another child, but you want the money you saved, here’s your option..
Penalty Withdrawal: you get a 10% penalty on the growth you earned. If you out in 100k, and you grew an additional 30k, you only owe 10% or 3k penalty to the government.. you’re welcome

trapcracker - 01.07.2021 18:32

But a brokerage account is so much more liquid and your child can use it for a down payment on a home, car, wedding, starting a business, or any other expense in their 20s if they don’t go to college. No one is spending tens of thousands of dollars on trade school like a traditional university. Plus I don’t like his comment on “you shouldn’t be trading single stocks inside of your kids college fund,” when the listener did not say that at all. He could simply invest in an total stock market index fund and get an average return of 10% a year for 18 years and then decide. I understand that 529s are tax advantaged, but the restrictions on them outweigh the benefits in my opinion. Don’t let the tax tail wag the investment dog.

Jay E
Jay E - 01.07.2021 06:25

Does anyone know what you are eligible to do with the money if your children are grown and the 529 never got used? No grandchildren either. I feel like everyone is so quick to say that people are trying to get these questions answered just because they don’t want to save. Here I am needing an answer because I’m actually in that situation.

CooleoBrad - 28.06.2021 22:34

"I'm not sure if my kids are going to go to college, so I'm not going to plan for it at all" That's like saying "Well I'm not sure if I'm going to get in a car accident so I'm not going to buy car insurance or wear a seatbelt."

Sam Mader
Sam Mader - 27.06.2021 22:58

What was the point of the first 52 seconds of the phone call?

Kirk Royse
Kirk Royse - 27.06.2021 19:32

As a brother in Christ I love Dave Ramsey, but why save for kids to be taught by Marxist?? Start them a custodian Roth IRA tell them to become entrepreneurs

503 morgan
503 morgan - 24.06.2021 14:17

One of the best informational vids i watched today

2X Hollow
2X Hollow - 20.06.2021 19:55

bad advice and miss leading..

IMDOC78 - 18.06.2021 17:49

If your kids do not go to college, you can roll it over to a retirement account 😉

Kevin Green
Kevin Green - 18.06.2021 17:48

One thing to remember with a 529 is that you own it. You're only setting the beneficiary. If you do a UTMA or UGMA you do not own the account. You are merely a custodian for what is now your children's money.

Kevin Green
Kevin Green - 18.06.2021 17:42

Everybody talks about going to college until you say 529 then it's all "what if they don't go to school?".

K Roddy
K Roddy - 18.06.2021 17:32

Dave should read the book where are all the clues yatchs. The mutual fund managers are showing up to work in a long car I bet.

Dylan Kramer
Dylan Kramer - 18.06.2021 17:14


gibbles pascack
gibbles pascack - 18.06.2021 17:13

We chose not to go with a 529 or ugma account for college. We went the brokerage account funds from year 1-18. We were able to grow that fund to 180K, but we maintained control(I am a control enthusiast). Anyway, we are putting her through college with no loans because we had that 18 year plan. The biggest reason that we have that fund for her college is because we actually funded the account....(and the 12% average growth for 18 years did not hurt).

Saul Goodman
Saul Goodman - 18.06.2021 17:01

And if they don't go to college, or any school. You withdraw it, than you'll pay taxes on it.

Kevin Squires
Kevin Squires - 18.06.2021 16:33

Did I hear him right? Did Dave say that if your child gets a scholarship (ex. $10,000) you can take out the equivalent of that scholarship ($10,000) tax-free? Not sure I knew that. Or, did I hear him wrong?

pedro rivera
pedro rivera - 18.06.2021 16:25

In case the child does not study, the 529 money could be taken out of the account for other non-educational purposes? We Will need to pay taxes on them but, is it possible?

Tony Peters
Tony Peters - 18.06.2021 16:10

Every child doesn’t want to go to college or trade school. Very hard, but it’s a personal decision.
