Import hundreds IP addresses to Kerio Control

Import hundreds IP addresses to Kerio Control


7 лет назад

4,356 Просмотров

As you know, Kerio Control doesn’t have an option to export/import IP addresses to its IP Groups, which is sometimes very handy, especially when you operate with large number IP addresses or when you migrating, for example, from TMG 2010 to Kerio Control. As you can see in picture, there is no Export or Import option in Kerio Control Web interface when you right click on an IP Addess Group

In this Video demonstration I show how to import hunderds IP addresses into KControl. Please let us know if you have better or easier way to do that

Download excel workbook shown in video demonstration


#TMG #TMG2010 #TMG2010SP1 #Kerio_Control #KControl #Export #Import #Import_IP_addresses_to_Kerio_Control #Migrate_IP_addresses_from_TMG_to_KControl
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