Borderlands 3 - BEST Zane Build for Leveling + End Game! INSANE Damage Guide

Borderlands 3 - BEST Zane Build for Leveling + End Game! INSANE Damage Guide


4 года назад

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adam mellinger
adam mellinger - 30.11.2021 15:27

Alright man a couple thing to help you and everyone out here. One on terms of class mod you want the one in the handsome jackpot called seein dead, why? It has a chance to proc your kill skill while just shooting an enemy i stead of killing one making it really useful for bosses. Two it additional percentages to your kill skills making it stack more movement speed. Also playing dirty skill you want maxed tryst me those extra shots are amazing. Okay now for the skills with grenades. While it seems that sntl and your clone throwing nades arent important. Im telling you its a wonder and amazing when you have a radiation hex nade and your sntl and clone are both chucking nades at the same time. It covers a massive area making that prefect for wiping out trash mobs. Anyone reading this your movement speed from the kill skills is enough tryst i mive faster than a car in my game and i kill shit so fast its unreal my buddies i play with cany keep up lol

Wired Wrong
Wired Wrong - 19.05.2021 02:51

The five shot percent chance for another bullet is better then you think with it being a kill skill that gets boosted by the other skill, plus it boosts the number of shots mostly by 25 percent, and then it does not say it has a cool down timer for kill skill meaning it can mostly be triggered over and over. The skill that spawns grenades would have been useful, because it would allow the clone to be stronger or spawn stronger more often.

loloy lvd
loloy lvd - 30.04.2021 20:08

not sure if you discussed this but if you get a purple murderous disruptor you can up the first kill skill to 9, becoming super fast and deal a lot of damage while moving with the violent momentum (sntnl tree)

Ravan - 31.07.2020 03:51


yudoku - 10.06.2020 20:23

What skin do u use

lilsadgorl - 28.05.2020 01:58

I've gotten 9 synchronicity b4 is that good lol

AlbertAl - 30.03.2020 14:17

early on when I play'd Zane I put a point into Duct Tape Mod, worst decision you can do, especially when you have a Legendary Mod like Surge...ends up hurting you more then the enemies. Especially when you have both the Digiclone and YOU firing off grenades.

GOKEZjr - 29.03.2020 21:58

I love this build. Could u make a lvl 57 version of this build (unless you already made one) im new to the channel

Tony Dillinger
Tony Dillinger - 18.03.2020 04:57

You said to get as much damage possible to finish up in blue tree, but the only weapon damage bonus you can get is in red tree?

Lucas Féres
Lucas Féres - 15.03.2020 09:54


breeki - 29.02.2020 05:55

Thank you for this build it helps me alot when am farming thanks

Stefan Green
Stefan Green - 22.02.2020 00:54

What if you have the seein dead class mod

Meat Bicycle
Meat Bicycle - 09.02.2020 05:46

VERY squishy

SK Deuce
SK Deuce - 03.02.2020 01:06

Just used this build on Graveward for the first time and killed him in about 20 seconds. Thanks
Edit: You just earned a subscriber. Good video

Super Mutant
Super Mutant - 31.01.2020 20:20

As a heads up, this does not work well in TVHM

df 72.0
df 72.0 - 14.01.2020 22:24

So would you have both clone and sntnl? What's your preference

Andrew Coates
Andrew Coates - 18.12.2019 01:31

All this stuff is so confusing

Biblically Accurate Furbie
Biblically Accurate Furbie - 10.12.2019 18:26

Gonna be doing a lot less damage without Playing Dirty. Even though its just the next 5 bullets, if those are crit shots on tougher units, the difference in damage in undeniable. Zane is the kind of character where you need to abuse any kill skills or passives that make a big difference, and not using Playing Dirty just hurts his dps potential.

WAV3 - 27.11.2019 00:57

Tip: At the split whenever you finish getting synchronotity or however you spell it grab death follows close, it gives a 5 percent boost to violent speed and increases the duration from 8 to 15. Get it even if you want to go to red tree first it’s a one skill point ability

Dylan Kelly
Dylan Kelly - 23.10.2019 14:30

Can't wait until they increase the level cap because I have ideas for builds that I need like 80 skill points

Raiikken - 18.10.2019 03:34

Idk if you realize this since this vids old now but you don’t need to put skill points in a tree to access the very first action skill ability. All 3 are unlocked by default

David - 05.10.2019 07:34

?? You don't have to have 5 points in the tree to get the skill. With your first two levels you can unlock the clone and drone

Max Steiner
Max Steiner - 04.10.2019 23:29

Don't think I ever seen Almighty Ordnance actually work. Direct hits, enemy dies, no reset - ever.

amishroadkill - 03.10.2019 08:25

Great video thanks now I have an idea of how to build Zane up

SwagMasterChief - 03.10.2019 04:52

What was the smg that you were using in the beginning clip?

Dory309 - 02.10.2019 01:12

There is an artifact that greatly increases your slide should pair perfectly with your build

Dory309 - 02.10.2019 00:59

Duct taped mod is extremely good with the hellwalker cz every shot is a first shot

DaVampyr1508 - 01.10.2019 18:25

The 0 capacity shield has returned and now it is legendary from rare to legendary

Sdunned - 30.09.2019 21:54

These classes are good, but you guys are tremendously sleeping on the green tree, the shield, and the grenade regen park from the red tree. ALL VERY GOOD AND SHOULD BE MIXED INTO THIS BUILD. Sanes clone isn't that good. Shield is better in my opinion. You can pick it up and run with it. You still get the speed boost for action skill, put on a longer duration and infinite nades

DatManBrooksie HD
DatManBrooksie HD - 30.09.2019 21:01

Great video, got the game last week and have only played a few times.. got all week off from work on vacation time to get started with Zane 👍👍

Coconuts Son
Coconuts Son - 28.09.2019 11:50

My nighthawk doesn’t do fire damage anymore

ChurroTheViscous - 27.09.2019 00:56

You should take off your class mods before starting these videos my guy

3vil gh0st
3vil gh0st - 27.09.2019 00:50

A gun you can use is a sleeping giant smg

Joshua Philbert
Joshua Philbert - 26.09.2019 23:27

Has anyone tried putting 5 points into synchronicity but using SNTNL and barrier instead of Digi clone. You get the benefit of the synchronicity bonus of two action skill plus the bonus damage of barrier.

Ima Crazy Guy
Ima Crazy Guy - 26.09.2019 22:40

Regarding 'Playing Dirty', adding projectiles literally doubles your damage on most of the highest dps weapons. A queen or kind with added projectile = insta kill. All of zanes high dps builds need that skill maxed!

8TRAPVLOGS - 26.09.2019 16:56

this decreased my Zane significantly. I wouldn’t recommend it for high level missions at all.

8TRAPVLOGS - 26.09.2019 15:51

in order to equip both sntl and digiclone i have to get rid of my grenades, huh?

myles - 25.09.2019 22:57

Trick of the light just adds extra damage as shock you don't need to use a shock gun

Ashton Reynolds
Ashton Reynolds - 24.09.2019 13:31

Can u tell us where u got the mod at ?

Dennis Reynolds
Dennis Reynolds - 24.09.2019 05:24

Hollowpoint being bugged is making this game unplayable for me. It's fucking ridiculous that you grind and level up only to get punished... It does WAAAY more harm than good. Amara is literally unusable for me due to that buggy trash talent. I wouldn't be so angry if I could just turn it off... but you can't.

DeathlyDylan - 23.09.2019 19:10

It seems like you think you need to put points into a tree to unlock the action skills. You don't. You can use any skill at any time no matter where your skill points are

justxconte - 23.09.2019 16:26

Zane stink !

Pinky Skeleton
Pinky Skeleton - 23.09.2019 14:26

Borderlands 3 is just to easy. Pretty much every class has OP builds that melts everything. Even Mayhem 3 is stupid easy.

Shadow325 - 23.09.2019 08:07

Pets and usables need a serious buff because zanes sentinel does next to no damage and Moze's mech dies in seconds on end game

HTXPhoenix - 23.09.2019 02:42

This video lost all credibility when he mentioned “playing dirty” not being good.

Kogiri -
Kogiri - - 23.09.2019 00:52

Cool build, but calling it the best build is going too far.

Otari K
Otari K - 22.09.2019 23:57

playign dirty is amazing wtf
