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@tremckee6092 - 14.08.2020 17:02

Just what I was looking for! Thanks Justin! I might end up upgrading to Studio shortly now thanks to this :)

@SharkyLovedOne - 22.07.2020 04:35

I just updated to Resolve studio and that option in decode menu for Decode H.264/H.265 using hardware acceleration inst there. Am I missing something.

@SharkyLovedOne - 21.07.2020 00:22

Hi I appreciate the content. I’m using davinci resolve free on an i7 9700f, 16gb ddr4 ram, gtx 1060 3gb and I’m getting an issue with the h.264 video editing. Did the studio paid version make a big difference on your system?

@yeisonx - 17.06.2020 19:19

Thanks so much for the info. Really helpful 👌
