I did the double slit experiment at home

I did the double slit experiment at home

Looking Glass Universe

1 год назад

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Looking Glass Universe
Looking Glass Universe - 12.11.2022 06:55

If there are variations you’d like to see, let me know, I’ll film them as a short :)

Manuel Cantu
Manuel Cantu - 09.10.2023 17:15

watching this video, I honestly feel like I have a logical answer to this, it is actually very simple once you understand how we move.

Derek - 09.10.2023 07:11

Would you be able somehow to add a detector to see if the wave collapses in real time? Or that could be only done by special equipment to send off each photons at the time ? It would be cool to see when light behaves like a particle.

ed blair
ed blair - 08.10.2023 16:08

What happened? You disappeared

Orlando R Reyes Sr
Orlando R Reyes Sr - 08.10.2023 06:31

A light game.

sajin sudhakaran
sajin sudhakaran - 08.10.2023 04:50

You are right. Thanks

Joel Murphy
Joel Murphy - 08.10.2023 03:44

"The Duck and Beaver" sounds like the name of a pub.

scyc8 - 07.10.2023 11:05

This AWESOME! Was going to try it at home and you saved my eyes. Can you try putting a detector to see which slit the photon will go through and see if the pattern collapses into two slits?

Jimmy J
Jimmy J - 07.10.2023 07:06

What's next

SpaceDad42 - 07.10.2023 05:24

Anytime there is a contradiction discovered, it just means you don’t have full understanding of the subject. It points to undiscovered secrets.

Donna Fraenkel
Donna Fraenkel - 06.10.2023 19:06

Interesting because when you spirit travel,an occurrence you have is a pounding of black and white lines, and honestly, it's horrible because of the booming noise it makes....bang bang bang like machinery
The interesting part is it's repeated in temple coloumns and the legs of African dancers and certain tribes
Another connection to 'bars' are the zodiac signs of Virgo and a few others
Never made the connection between light and bars until now because of these experiments 😊

Bhavartha Talvekar
Bhavartha Talvekar - 05.10.2023 22:37

India we studied this in 12th grade when we were 17

Monkey funky
Monkey funky - 05.10.2023 19:32

Great video 🫶🏻❣️

Abhishek V Nair
Abhishek V Nair - 04.10.2023 19:13

Since water is h2o (particle)it also behaved like a wave...so as the light also...The particle behaviour is on a miniscule scale where as a group of particles behave as a wave on a much larger scale..what's great about light then if everything behaves like this?? Can anyone explain.....?

Xalova Id
Xalova Id - 04.10.2023 18:16


2BitOrNot2Bit - 04.10.2023 02:51

Why the light is flat? Meaning, why is it split in only one dimension and not also upwards?

Ronnie - 03.10.2023 19:35

It could be particles that creates waves? Pilot wave theory.

ParK - 02.10.2023 23:41

Question .. is a wave 2 dimensional? Dont be rude

Mike Mullenix
Mike Mullenix - 02.10.2023 16:12

The light is supposed to know when its being observed and recorded.. thus it will produce a different effect

Consideration Farm with Farmer Josh
Consideration Farm with Farmer Josh - 02.10.2023 15:02

Great rendering of this experiment. Makes me think that all of this, everything at the conscious level is a rendering of light against darkness - organization of light info pushing back against the entropy is the darkness...something like that.

kittyissu - 02.10.2023 10:02

I don`t understand why you didn`t use once the smoke behind the slits to see how the interference pattern disappears when you know through which slit it passed.

Michael McGarry
Michael McGarry - 02.10.2023 05:37

Like sun rays!

yomz0r - 02.10.2023 04:33

Thank you for your effort and this video!

StickStays - 02.10.2023 04:09

Please make a quadruple slit using two hairs in a cross pattern

P Kittler
P Kittler - 01.10.2023 23:40

A thought and a question. I think that light could travel as "Photon Packets". If photons have mass, then multiple photons traveling together would tend to clump (charge bonding?). Then like any clump of matter, when it encounters an obstacle, some of the clumps get separated and interaction spreads some. Really I think your "third state" makes the most sense. It would also explain the ideas of "Dark matter" or Dark Light", on why we can't see much of the universe. I'm not a physicist. What do you think of this?

Antonio Hanks
Antonio Hanks - 01.10.2023 21:12

Can you please explain the claim that if a light is observed after it passes the double slit then it behaves as a particle and not a wave. Thanks

3azm0 - 01.10.2023 13:47

Be careful not to be fired. You're almost saying aether is real, which is true

Some Creeep
Some Creeep - 01.10.2023 06:17

Another thing you could have done, though this is nowhere near as visually striking, is set up the screen that the laser light projects onto to be on a rail that moves along the z-axis. Then the picture that the laser casts onto the screen at a given z-coordinate is the wavefunction at that point. You'd be stuck taking measurements at a single z-value at a time rather than all of them like you were able to achieve using the smoke machine, but with some video effects I suspect you could make an image with it

Robert Brown
Robert Brown - 01.10.2023 05:23

My question is the polarity of the wave, your pattern is only horizontal and a narrow bandwidth, explain that..?
Unless that is the polarity of the light coming out of your laser.
Try rotating your laser to see if it rotates the pattern or is it the split that causes the horizontal pattern try rotating your hair.
Cuz I would have expected the waves to be circular spreading outward from the laser not only left or right, up and down.

radi nelaj
radi nelaj - 30.09.2023 23:50

I think if that experiment would be replaced with a canon sand( not laser canon) would happen the same thing. It means : the experiment doesn't show anything because sand is particle, that( same thing ) would happen with all things as : sugar grain,salt grain, sand grain etc...( the photon doesn t interfere with itself but crashes with border of slit part (ricocheted the lips/borders of the slit )

S k
S k - 30.09.2023 20:18

I think Light is neithe wave nor particle. Because it pass through glass.

Agent Smith
Agent Smith - 30.09.2023 14:55

Is air molecules absorbing energy from light and re emitting it as a wave, have any one done this experiment in vacuum or near vacuum situation?

Agent Smith
Agent Smith - 30.09.2023 14:34

She reminds me of mia khalifa

Gregory Geller
Gregory Geller - 30.09.2023 06:05

I don't get it. Honestly. Doesn't water have both particle and wave-like properties? Don't waves of water cancel each other out? And we know water is a particle. So, by showing that light acts like water...doesn't that just mean that it could still fundamentally be a particle? What am I missing? I thought thought the crazy part about the double-slit experiment had something to do with shooting single photons at a time, and still seeing the wave pattern. I'm only half-way through the video now, so maybe you'll get to it in a bit. But, even then, how do we know we are only sending single photons at a time? What does it even mean to send a single photon at a time if light is not a particle?

Thomas Wood
Thomas Wood - 30.09.2023 00:38

Excellent video. Your examples were very convincing.

Just_An_Idea_For_Consideration - 29.09.2023 18:40

Double Slit:
Wave vs Particle, Ideas

Here is my hypothesis
if you would please consider
attempting to devise a test method
to determine if it has any merit.

My thinking is:

That just like wave of water,
which appears to be a wave,
consists of individual water molecules.

A light wave (electromagnetic wave),
is composed of a wave
consisting of individual
energy packets (photons).

And that light is a wave,
of multiple energy packets (photons), where the stream of multiple particles create an interference pattern
when obstructed by an obstacle
such a a strand of hair or slit.

I think of a wave of photons
more like multiple stretched out
rubber-bands, while traveling/moving
and once these stretched out energy packets hit an obstacle they consolidate or re-coagulate into a more dense configuration.

That while traveling at the speed of light
the stretched out rubber band
is tin effect he energy moving so fast that not all of the energy is consolidated because of the speed of travel.
So it stretches out. And this is also how it exists while traveling around the nucleus of an atom.

Once an electron is given off from an atom it continues in it’s stretched out wave until it experiences interference which once again consolidates the packet of energy into a more dense format.

One potential way to test this theory
is to perform a test in a vacuum, and in very cold conditions, or better in a medium that allows photons (light) to traverse the medium but at an extremely slower speed. Such that it is still moving enough to not consolidate, and you can detect the stretched out portion of the energy packet.

Also note when we are using a laser it us multiple packets, so we are not revealing the nature of a single energy packet.

And also we can only test to the accuracy of our tools which are available. And at these small dimensions, there are many things that may be interfering.

Another thought is that we could try using two frequencies of lasers to see how each would interfere with the other.

In other words, use two lasers lined up using mirrors so both frequencies are traveling in the same line, then have those simultaneous beams go through a slit or hair, and see how the interference pattern emerges. Do you get the individual patterns for each frequency, or do the frequencies also interfere with the other frequency’s pattern to change the pattern.

I have many more ideas.
But I do not have access to the equipment to test them.

Thank you

Iridescent - 29.09.2023 16:22

I think of the electrical charge and magnetic charge of light fluctuating along it's wavelength. When magnetic is max, electric is min and vice versa (or positive negative.) Since we know electrical charge and magnetic charge act at a distance and can impart properties on each other as well as themselves, wave like properties emerging isn't surprising. Try splitting a beam into two simultaneous dual slit experiments facing the same board. See if you get a third interference pattern. I have done this experiment, but since it relies on wave length accuracy, I had to try positioning the slits multiple times.

1st Principles Thinker
1st Principles Thinker - 29.09.2023 10:11

I like to know who proved that when photon when not observed behaved as particle. This video showed already that light is a wave. How can anyone Observe it being UnObserved? Oxymoron?

Alexandre Valiquette
Alexandre Valiquette - 29.09.2023 07:24

I did the 'double slit' experiment back in college... best memories ever.
Thanks Genevieve and Annie!

Its a Meme
Its a Meme - 28.09.2023 20:10

wow what an video excellent explanation

Anti alluvion
Anti alluvion - 28.09.2023 01:56

What does the double slit experiment do when it's conducted in a vacuum? I was thinking about how the fog machine and really just the air in the room could act as a additional splitter of the photon that's creating even more lines. I've never heard of the experiment being done in a vacuum although I'm sure it would have the same outcome but the air molecule part has me thinking

Anti alluvion
Anti alluvion - 28.09.2023 01:49

I know that the wave function breaks down when it's detected. I have always assumed that means that you interact with the photon with another photon or particle that can add energy or potentially deflect the particle aspect of the photon.

What I don't understand is that the fog molecules are also interacting with the light so I'm not sure why that doesn't count as a detection and breaks down the wave function. Any thoughts on that?

It appears that when light is split, it splits into an exponential number of itself that I guess are quantum entangled. It's almost as if the wave and the particle are possibly two different parts of the same thing. It almost seems like the wave arrives first and the particle which can be exponential by being split follows the path the wave made. Is it possible that the wave aspect of a particle doesn't follow the speed limit of light but rather is more like quantum entanglement and seemingly without a speed limit whereas the particle aspect does have a speed limit?

It seems like that could explain some aspects of the experiment where you can change the outcome of a previous measurement. Maybe whatever speed is happening with quantum entanglement is happening with the wave aspect of light but the particle is following behind at the value of C. Probably not but interesting thought.

1st Principles Thinker
1st Principles Thinker - 27.09.2023 18:44

Since Thomas Young discovered the double slit not one human managed to understand the reason

malectric - 27.09.2023 12:23

This is the same conclusion I've come to over time and I have said the same thing on other double-slit videos so not being wise after the fact. My initial question was about the photons being propagated from a radio mast. I realized that a single photon was a single cycle of oscillation and the only differences between that and a light photon was frequency and size in space. In the light experiment the granularity appears because a light photon affects a single atom in the target. I could think about a radio mast as being a single "atom" at its operating wavelength.

John Bradley
John Bradley - 27.09.2023 09:30

Fantastic! One of those, "just wow" moments.

Dr Iatrogenesis
Dr Iatrogenesis - 27.09.2023 06:13

purging comments i see
