Charles Munger Interview: The Power of Partnership with Warren Buffett

Charles Munger Interview: The Power of Partnership with Warren Buffett

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@BinanceUSD - 20.03.2024 20:50

Lovely interview

@benjamintaine4476 - 27.03.2024 14:37

For the brilliant minds of Charlie and Warren, if only their minds and consciousness can be uploaded to a device and downloaded later on, I wonder what they could do for humanity if they can continue to use their mind for 2 to 3 times normal human lives 😎

@Abbysteel3456 - 30.05.2024 11:34

A book just came out today that I almost cried and screamed for joy when I held it.. 😢😢😢 I can now stop worrying about our pets. A little less anyway.. 🎉 Thank you, Charlie, for talking so highly about someone we love. When I heard about your passing, I cried. I have only started to learn about you and Mr Buffett for a short time. There are so many amazing celebrities and people who use their lives for good. Rest in peace 😢 how lucky to have a friend who respects you. I have a few people I hope that think about me and my car. ❤

@Abbysteel3456 - 02.06.2024 03:18

Mr Munger, rest in peace 🙏 you are so missed. 🙏 I dont know you personally. When i heard of your passing, i cried. I STILL CRY 😢😢

@Abbysteel3456 - 02.06.2024 03:52

People hate to hear the word tax, but they realize this payment gives them running water. One flick of a switch, you get lighting hospitals fire, police it just works you belong to a community when you do this.. so simple.. Thank you Charlie the explanation is very trustworthy.

@jeffreyrichardson - 20.06.2024 16:11

nicks dads seen salute
ensign gilbert states astute
leashed white malamute

@user975bg - 24.06.2024 22:32

Wise man.

@renjivargis804 - 09.08.2024 16:19

Charlie munger is the main power 💪⚡of warren buffett, rip to charlie munger 🙏

@HeshamMuffini - 15.08.2024 13:42

The fact that nobody talks about the forbidden book 25 Money Secrets From Donald Trump speaks volumes about how people are stuck in a trance

@lovememoremeticulous4378 - 16.08.2024 03:13

Two Investing GIANTS.

Warren & Munger.

@Hannahbenowitz - 19.08.2024 03:05

I like investing in close-end funds that pay monthly dividends. The trick is to hold long term and reinvest the monthly dividends plus buy more shares on a monthly basis or whenever you can afford to. This can be easily done because close-end funds are bought and sold on the stock market just like regular stock. That’d be enough to create a portfolio that would pay you between $50k to $70k in dividend income

@AnnieHolsen - 22.08.2024 03:43

I believe JEPI and JEPQ could fit well into my portfolio as I approach retirement. How can I maintain a high-risk investment strategy to pursue higher yields until I reach at least 55?

@malvinderkaur541 - 27.08.2024 06:36

It's just going along with what others were doing at that time not knowing anything better where your interests lie, and that's how it evolved with every circle around but when you take apart the layers you do realize what all got done in certain ignorance not really knowing better except certain things were at stake and those needed to be saved

@blaiserascal - 29.08.2024 23:39


@vincethompson7068 - 03.09.2024 19:34

Love them

@jason6919 - 14.09.2024 06:29

A very wise man.

@jochenradke1430 - 16.09.2024 13:27

…the problem is in the system: that you can become that rich with essentially unproductive work….this guy has actually never done any real work….and he is being adored….sick! - how does that compare to a naturopath or car mechanic….people who actually do good to to their fellow human beings….

@mike_valueinv - 23.09.2024 07:54

Charles Munger's reflections on his long-standing friendship and partnership with Warren Buffett are pure gold. Their bond, which started in 1959, is a perfect example of how shared values and complementary thinking can lead to incredible success. Munger’s take on what makes a great company—long-term durability, strong management, and competitive advantage—along with his 'big ideas' approach to investing, offers timeless wisdom. His focus on mastering fundamental principles rather than chasing trends is a major reason why Berkshire Hathaway has been so successful for decades. Their partnership is truly one of the greatest in business history.

@DesireeJames-q1z - 13.10.2024 15:50

Investing is all about knowing bearish periods ultimately establish a new crop of stocks to buy and watch while setting the stage for a robust new uptrend.I have been reading articles of people that grossed profits up to $250k during this crash, what are the best stocks to buy now or put on a watchlist?

@whyuurmdhaan3947 - 07.11.2024 08:05


@RANJITHKUMAR-b3c - 12.12.2024 06:18

Munger is down of harshad Mehta

@jeffreyrichardson - 12.12.2024 16:52

sharons moms wet bill
seven fifty four whales krill
hongmeizhous bridal

@jeffreyrichardson - 12.12.2024 16:57

sister ruths habit
lachances snares cold rabbit
admirals davit

@shankarbalakrishnan2360 - 13.12.2024 17:58

Thks charlie i made plenty today❤❤🎉🎉

@Qwuiet - 16.12.2024 19:03

Extended Confucianism is just like the philosophy of Mencius, a Confucian philosopher regarded as the “second sage” only to Confucius. "Respect your elders as you would respect your own elders, and care for the young as you would care for your own young."

@jeffreyrichardson - 19.12.2024 19:02

hopes rolled ball of stool
auburn rockets menses cruel
wet incested fool

@jeffreyrichardson - 19.12.2024 19:43

dave berkowitz stamps
ninety fives menses known camps
mallagas rain pants

@jeffreyrichardson - 19.12.2024 19:45

jody ryans death
dan prostrate i too called seth
jims dry mary beth

@jeffreyrichardson - 19.12.2024 19:47

lorin mimless touch
medicare fraud vas crutch
wet spa oak floors hutch

@jeffreyrichardson - 19.12.2024 19:49

mike welch juniors sperm
doug brothers mothers seen perm
diaphragm full term

@jeffreyrichardson - 19.12.2024 19:52

daniels offered cock
kerry fahgans brothers jock
sheds froze master lock

@jeffreyrichardson - 19.12.2024 19:54

joe seen at bjs
rays kenmore lisas sun rays
leopards frito lays

@jeffreyrichardson - 19.12.2024 19:57

catherine and verns love
gregs wrists noodles buffet shove
dave graves wet glove

@jeffreyrichardson - 19.12.2024 19:58

karens texas petes
twelve mayfield elishas seats
trans genders dry treats

@jeffreyrichardson - 19.12.2024 20:01

hometown banks cash box
synchronicity welch locks
sals wifes warm wool sox

@jeffreyrichardson - 19.12.2024 20:06

four hands simon malls
kim states arturos pall malls
tim brechts seat dry stalls

@jeffreyrichardson - 19.12.2024 20:08

dlg tens keel
time colossal shrimps to peel
sears wet roofs real deal

@jeffreyrichardson - 19.12.2024 20:12

jasmines won tons cost
quality pizzas pies tossed
wet field rockets lost

@jeffreyrichardson - 19.12.2024 20:14

lamountains aunts pores
gregs stools williams sip of coors
thermacore dry doors

@jeffreyrichardson - 19.12.2024 20:17

lauries menopause
one point oh fives three known flaws
dry hydraulic jaws

@jeffreyrichardson - 19.12.2024 20:22

haos barometer
moons phase loved astronomer
trashed dry cards prosper

@jeffreyrichardson - 19.12.2024 20:25

protecting taiwan
angelique goffreds son john
jewel keepers wet lawn

@jeffreyrichardson - 19.12.2024 20:28

ron tarentino
steves wet roof loved casino
waltons hailed cremo

@jeffreyrichardson - 19.12.2024 20:33

joes packed friendlys cones
phils demise tims chromosomes
all faiths frozen stones

@jeffreyrichardson - 19.12.2024 20:37

scott states adoption
victims hard or soft option
wet sutures suction

@Shahin-j2j - 02.01.2025 21:45


@Shahin-j2j - 16.01.2025 02:22

Together swimming

@nannesoar - 23.02.2025 18:19

Charles Munger is the type of man that's only ever gonna need one take to make it happen🎬
