My Honest Advice to Ret Paladins in WOTLK Classic Phase 2

My Honest Advice to Ret Paladins in WOTLK Classic Phase 2


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@eqalyaa - 16.10.2023 15:16


@nastynotch8314 - 15.07.2023 13:39

Wait till you get 4 pc T10… they will be gargling for you in ICC

@fredmiller906 - 22.06.2023 16:35

WTF is this content that exists these days?

I search for a ret paladin phase 2 guide and i get this bozo giving me a 5 min monologue about how mid the class is. Bruhh we're all playing the same game, we're all aware and don't give a fuck about your opinions. I'm here a guide not a rant. Thumbs down. People think way to highly of their own opinion if they are going to sit here and ramble about it and call it content.

@heatrayzvideo3007 - 15.05.2023 15:32

Well I've wasted time leveling ret might as well go prot

@Huhgundai399 - 08.05.2023 21:27

I’ll sum up this video. “Tips for ret paladins: make sure to have a raid spot.” Yeah thanks again, metagoblin, for the great advice

@Huhgundai399 - 08.05.2023 21:26

Everytime I click on a metagoblin video for advice on a certain topic I am almost always met with obscure tips that are really only meant for top tier, committed players. Advice that I don’t need or even asked for. Like “how to level from 70-80: “you should’ve done __ 4 months ago.”

@kush2121 - 20.04.2023 22:25

I'm not too mad. My ret paladin is my 2nd alt's OS, and I know it's just there for utility. It's still fun to play. If I cared about topping meters, I would have rolled a lock or rogue, the 2 classes I hate playing the most. To each their own

@thrillereighties8241 - 24.03.2023 16:59

To your little silly joke at the start... STFU! I fail to share in the humour after seeing my Ret Pala being passed over so many times. Also, I am not doing any support unless it's really needed. I rolled a DPS spec and that is exactly what I intend to do. Need to rely on heals or immune etc? Look at the healer you added to your raid. I have however saved multiple tanks and healers from dying but don't tell me I am there to support as I would have rolled Holy spec instead if I wanted to "support". I am here to kill stuff.

@ugo7267 - 10.03.2023 20:29

Metagoblin video are always useless, you learn nothing, but you have nice content nice voice nice montage but it's empy inside. boring...

@BuddAyye - 06.03.2023 22:50

lol this didn't age well.

@Cozmoz79 - 25.02.2023 14:09

This shows so easily how many yt videos from content creators, webb and even tier lists can be so wrong.
In our last 25 man Ulduar, our Ret pala dig 2nd total dmg done after UH DK. All these tier lists you see all over are just bs. You check any of em and you'll see Ret as C tier dps lol and they are just getting stronger the closer to ICC we get. Don't agree with me? How about another example, check where Boomkins are on these lists and yet they pump hard by simply pressing one button. And don't even bother typing like "lol that guild must be horrible then" when all of us are running with full/mix of 25 naxx + 10 man ulduar + 25 man ulduar pieces we've collected.

@MrBrownsugar85 - 17.02.2023 20:31

lol loot council=socially acceptable ninja looting

@nicholasheath2473 - 10.02.2023 08:37

ret is bout to be better then warlocks

@olfan92 - 05.02.2023 21:55

Was that your paladin on warmane or some other private server?
pretty sure theres no glorenzelg's in classic 😂

@M00nJuice - 03.02.2023 03:24

Sorry boys. ret is just the worst dps in the game until ICC and even then it's mediocre still. you were lied too WoTLK ret was never good

@EQOAnostalgia - 30.01.2023 06:32

My advice, uninistall and go play Era, or roll a Rogue and start again.

@pitbulls55 - 28.01.2023 11:13

I Guess it depends on how you play ret I’m a jc and eng on mine full P1 BIS gear pulling 6k plus dps

@outlaw0ftorn - 26.01.2023 17:47

I raid Ret with OS prot. Im full P1 bis minus leather pieces because I refuse to wear them for a small dps buff. Im pretty good at playing the support role while putting out respectable dps. That being said I was left out of the 2 10 man groups simply because they were formed with top damage and class make up in mind. To be honest I think that is more of an elitist move as Ret brings so many other abilities to the table that it really isn't going to hurt anything to have one except maybe time to kill. That being said, Ive also seen 10 man raid teams asking specifically for a ret paladin. You just have to get in where you fit in.

@batmanwayne2433 - 26.01.2023 09:27

Blizzard just needs buff ret pallys

@alecaboss1073 - 26.01.2023 03:37

one of my friends ret paladin claims he is consistenly at 4k dps at H+ single target encounters, and he is NAX geared, is this story true? because I'm also NAX geared and I'm toping 2.7-2.8k as ret.

@MichaelWilson-cx1hh - 25.01.2023 05:32

So when does Ret get good? ICC? I'm main prot but the need for tanks is situational, I was wanting to go DPS offspec

@zacharymcgee5552 - 21.01.2023 22:49

I'm happy they haven't buffed ret, being the only ret my guild brings they giving me prio on shadowmourne.

@edwardpost5971 - 20.01.2023 20:54

I play Ret in my raid team, I do have to work to stay at the middle of the pack in dps and some fights I just won't be above 12 depending on the situation for a 25 man roster. It is nice though in my case as my only real competition for gear is our one dps warrior. I made sure to try and stick with Plate dps gear instead of some of the better leather options as there was less people rolling. I eventually got all but 2 piece BIS for phase 1 and only really waited on my weapon as we had terrible luck with the Betrayer. Our guild also uses ThatsMyBIS for our loot system and it saves a lot of headaches.

@eilert1994 - 19.01.2023 17:51

Well, Preg paladin is crazy Good in arena tho.

@My2Cents1 - 18.01.2023 22:10

Ending my sub was the best advice from this video. Said and done. This in not like original Wrath. Blizz fucked up bigtime, having the class balances adapted to the ICC patch, but without the ICC gear. It feels like TBC all over again. Scraping by with gear from all the other classes, having to compete with pretty much 2/3 of the entire raid. With no tier pieces to loof forward to, or ret pallies are once again gonne run around in clown gear, and act like social workers for the raid, only bringing one for the buffs and never be top of the DPS line.

@nolanlipscomb9962 - 17.01.2023 13:44

rolls unholy dk so his pets do all his damage loll

@user-yd4dn6wt2b - 16.01.2023 19:10

This is a weak take at best, by your logic Warrs shouldn’t be in raid either, like at all. Any decent Ret knows right now raids only need 1 for utility and accept lower loot prio in this phase.

@paulmcf1115 - 16.01.2023 16:19

Make all tier 4 set bonus for ret be the ICC tier set bonus if its balanced around it

@BigHeadDeadass - 16.01.2023 12:59

We really needed cracked out rets and DKs, that was half the fun of Wrath honestly. Pallies especially don't, like, scale with gear like warriors will, they'll just be bad until ICC, which sucks because their "rotation" is so fun. Them going with final patch balance is.....weird. I get it I guess but it's kind of unnecessary, they can easily just patch that stuff in with each phase.

@ariansh_pw8169 - 15.01.2023 07:39

the bald guy doesnt like ret and thats all

@TastyScotch - 14.01.2023 16:35

Best ss i saw was the ret paladin on maexxna parsing 100 but still doing less dps than the DK’s gargoyle alone. This is fine, right? 😂

@Romstine - 14.01.2023 13:29

We have a very good ret paladin in the raid. He's playing it like a support that can dps. I can't explain how much he does but he supports us very well. He has accepted the fact that a 99 parse for him is like a 70-80 for another class. And guess what? He's having fun :D. We do not prio loot to certain classes because we respect the time spent raiding by all our members. So he will have prio like every other dps. We would not be adding more though, like our fury warrior and they are both exceptionnal players.

@jorgerios1473 - 14.01.2023 13:01

Delete your ret pally and reroll a warlock

@begerbingchilling - 14.01.2023 09:39

Ret is in such a bad spot, and it will not get any better unless they get looked at by blizzard. In ulduar they will struggle to be even C tier dps and its only gonna get worse unless they get some buff to their damage

@tacohitman4003 - 14.01.2023 09:13

Reroll. First bit was right lol cheers bro better yet go Prot

@bobthydead - 14.01.2023 07:59

No guild worth a damn is funneling gear into their highest DPS. That is literally the WORST way of doing loot council, and rather you are a ret paladin or not, you need to get the hell out of there anyway.

@dunames614 - 14.01.2023 05:12

Ret paladin pay for raid spot with gold lol

@Gmose869 - 14.01.2023 01:54

I really hate that blizzard has made classes there were good (ret and feral) and nerfed them or tweaked stuff for their class. Meanwhile routes can use a lvl 50 weapon and pull insane dps.

@spaceorbison - 14.01.2023 00:42

God damn I hate people who play ret paladin.

@user-es8ss4ur9p - 14.01.2023 00:21

“Reroll unholy DK” 😂😂

@arod6845 - 13.01.2023 22:18

Don’t be discouraged Rets just pump your hearts out, use your utility and get those 99 parses and any gdkp will take you

@fivemethoxy - 13.01.2023 20:54

Agree Uninstaller and stop torturing 24 other people with your shit dmg

@Set8060 - 13.01.2023 20:41

I got in a good speed run guild a month or two ago on my Ret. I got an officer rank due to my great performance. Got a guaranteed spot and possibly shadowmourne later. I’m lucky though

@Knife1437 - 13.01.2023 20:35

Lets be real most ret paladins are D*** heads. In Vanilla and TBC I was not in a single guild where we did not go through a new ret every second month. What's worse is how salty they are in PvP and it's even worse in LK. It's always Ret Paladins who sit there and teabag you as if they're revelling in the fact that they have to use Bubble and LoH to win a 1v1. Sorry but not sorry from an original Paladin player vanilla-lk. Leave them in the bin where they belong. Salty Prot and Holy Paladins are only one step better than Rets too. I dunno just always met nothing but terrible human beings playing Rets in particular. Most decent Rets re-rolled DKs anyways.

@ozzyrulez2008 - 13.01.2023 20:20

Bruh you had me rolling when you said Uninstall at the start. The only ret Pallys I ever see are either tanks or healers switching to ret for a fight we don't need them to heal or tank

@Grazeshotz - 13.01.2023 20:20

ret Paladins are just a waste of dps. The bring some utility, but they use that as an excuse to take loot from melee and ranged classes who are out performing them. imagine loosing bis pieces to prove a point that they can barely do 6k dps rets should IMO be funneled loot after all the importan classes on the tier list have recived their loot first. even if you manage to end up on the damage meter some where in top 5 your the top 1% doesn’t mean you deserve any bis pieces as opppesed to a class that’s going to scale way beyond a ret ever could.

@3ssenti4L - 13.01.2023 20:15

Going from my main lock to my ret for the alt raid is night and day.

@jaredawallace - 13.01.2023 20:15

Went from Rogue in TBC (no glaives) to Ret in Wrath im bad at choosing classes

@PauloZionlight - 13.01.2023 20:03

haha ret's having a hard time...whats ur thoughts about fury warriors for phase 2 ??
