Electronic Projects for Musicians Project 1, 6, and 7 Done (Mad Scientist Lab etc. etc.)

Electronic Projects for Musicians Project 1, 6, and 7 Done (Mad Scientist Lab etc. etc.)

Bill Jehle

4 года назад

740 Просмотров

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@PrincePloppy - 19.02.2021 17:04

You are indeed a mad musician scientist! I don't suppose you would be interested in helping a fellow musician? I need to make a sequential switcher, that switches 3 momentary switches, one after the other, but almost instantly, at the press of the first switch.
I thought a simple capacitor discharge would work, but that would only provide a 2nd switch after a first. I know the 555 IC can switch a second circuit. I was wondering if two of these might work?
You're probably busy, so I don't expect a reply, but worth a shot. I'm good at soldering, but I am not electronics engineer. Just a sound engineer/guitarist, who's trynna learn this stuff, and get my DIgitech Trio+ to do things it can't do, but can, just wasn't implemented in the pedal in the first place.
I've done a mod already, which I know will help me, with the project I have in mind. I got the momentary switches already wired to outside the footpedal.

Anyway hope it's not rude to ask a complete stranger for help.
I'm convinced the Trio+ is a greater unit than it presents its self, it was just not fully realized by the team who developed her.
