A Honest Review of the Sire Larry Carlton L7

A Honest Review of the Sire Larry Carlton L7

Alan Sams Music

3 года назад

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@650thunderbird - 05.12.2021 04:34


@BrendanPerkins - 05.12.2021 14:11

Thanks for the video, that looks and sounds very tempting indeed! 🎸

@giovannibonapace4250 - 11.12.2021 08:22

I'm really impressed with Sire.....
After getting a Marcus Miller jazz bass i got a sunburst L7 ...
I'm more of a sg person ... have 2 epiphones .... this L7 plays great and it's incredible value and gives a big run for the money to the epiphones of the world.... i find epiphones really inconsistent ... some are fantastic ( like my firebird .., i got lucky...) some are garbage ahaha

@the.communist - 12.12.2021 01:15

The more they write " honest" the more suspicious it gets

@tonymediati8274 - 12.12.2021 16:08

Great review man,I got the sunburst and I'm loving it,the only upgrade will be the pickups ,these are nice and warm but I want more bite so I'll be installing the SD Alnico ll Pro Slash 🤟

@jonathanorenstein4400 - 17.12.2021 18:49

Great review! It looks like a nice guitar but the pickups sounds terrible. Maybe I will get one and swap the pickups with some burstbuckers or '57 classics.

@Chiefmonks - 20.12.2021 10:16

Great Review of the guitar. But the sound demos are useless. Out of tune and bad sounding amp, impossible to judge the guitar with that.

@jdtolliver801 - 21.12.2021 05:12

Nice playing. I have a blue burst one that was a blemish model and am very happy with it

@firstsgtrichard - 21.12.2021 08:06

Picked up the Tobacco Burst from Andertons a couple weeks ago and love it. Wishing Sire would put out a Gold Top with P90s. Thanks for the great review!

@donlessnau3983 - 01.01.2022 12:28

Those HB's sound crappy. Kinda muddy.

@hellodrjeckyl - 06.01.2022 22:05

Thanks for the good review. I briefly got to play their ES 335 style hollow body guitar in store. It felt nice enough, at least as good if not better than the Epiphone equivalent.

They recently released a telecaster style guitar with roasted maple neck that looks good too. I'm interested in that one. I think I'd pick it up over Squier maybe even over Fender Mexican Tele considering all their price increases.

@vynthes1935 - 14.01.2022 23:51

What would you recommend? Epiphone Les Paul Custom Pro or this guitar? They are in the same price range and I can't decide what to buy.

@monmixer - 17.01.2022 11:49

It's soo much better than it's Epiphone counterpart and comparable to a Gibson Studio. Sure if you want the brown sound you are might want to change your pick ups. It's versatile but more geared towards Carlton's liking in sound. I have to buy one these. these great lower cst guitars wars are great. take advantage people. Might not be great long term investments but only time tells that story but they are great playing and sound great very playable out of the box. I heard that if you ordered from Sire they will do their best to set it up to your liking as you articulate them.

@stormbringer1876 - 29.01.2022 16:49

I have a question though, does it lay flat?

@strumlead8741 - 30.01.2022 00:35

Great, honest review. The rolled neck, ebony fretboard, locking tuners and price are key components of the guitar! However, the 9lb weight is a major no go for me. Thanks for your review!

@johnhendricks8140 - 02.02.2022 19:29

I got my hands on sire 335 in Guitar center great playing guitar just wish they had one with medium jumbo frets.

@thegaindane - 06.02.2022 12:32

What’s the weight of your L7?. I’ve heard some of them are really heavy.

@themuffinman3135 - 26.03.2022 19:58

Great Review. The one I played one today was well under 9 lbs. and played like butter. I wish my Gibson played that well.

@davva360 - 31.03.2022 16:30

I would have considered one if I could have got my hands on one. Only Sire I have ever seen in person was a H7. I was impressed but it’s not my type of guitar. I just ordered an Epiphone 59 Les Paul but would have liked to have seen the L7 first. Only saw a couple even on reverb and the sellers were unresponsive. Main criticism I have heard is the pickups but that’s always a personal thing.

@ChrisDeJuanMusic - 09.04.2022 05:40

Nice, thanks for this review! I purchased a Sire S7 just a few months ago and am so happy with it that I'm def gonna order one of these L7's soon! Will prob end up putting some P90's and a Bigsby on it...proper Gold Top! :)

@GhostriderPossum - 10.05.2022 11:32

With which other Brand and Guitar Model can you compare the Quality of the L7 ?

@Anjohl - 10.06.2022 11:05

Just got one, it's solid gold! My Les Paul GAS has been *extinguished*!

@emvdhout - 22.07.2022 02:23

Played 3 different sire guitars. Didn't like them. Did not feel they were underpriced.

@richardblaine1563 - 31.07.2022 04:22

Excellent honest review. I like how people say "...for the money" or "...in this price range." This guitar FLAT OUT competes with Les Paul Standards and Customs. You can scream all you want. It's true. Yes...a $600 ish guitar plays just as well/better than the $3000-$7000 COUNTERPART...this is not a guitar in competition with the Epiphone. It's not even close. Quit crying that its "not as beefy" as a Les Paul Custom or Standard. Change the pickups if you want. You all need to quit being brand whores and stop worshiping the all-mighty Gibson Les Paul.

@fabianvasquezjr8852 - 18.08.2022 16:42

Zzounds just announced they will be carrying the Sire guitars and basses. I'm really thinking about getting one!

@markbye7128 - 25.08.2022 00:14

Between Muscians Friends & Sire guitar, The customer service totally stinks. I would love to be enjoying my new guitar but, i have no idea where it is!! And yet they hold my money for it in the form a debit card hold and the bonus is every 10 days they hold twice the amount because a new hold goes on before the old one expires. Horrible!! Neither Sire or Musicians Friends keeps me informed as to what is happening. Both are Terrible, Terrible customer service companies.

@samsbudgetguitars830 - 11.10.2022 19:33

New subscriber here from UK 🇬🇧..that is a awesome looking guitar.👍

@bill9989 - 02.11.2022 19:23

I just received my L7. So far so good. However the strings seem a little heavy and tight. Does anyone know the string gage it is shipped with?
If I change to 9's, do I have to make any changes to the nut?

@seeyaontheroad - 08.01.2023 22:46

I love my L7, no problems with it and sounds great. Best LP I played at the price for sure.

@donlessnau3983 - 22.03.2023 08:47

Any idea why it's called an L7?

@MecPex - 15.04.2023 07:45

Outstanding guitar

@hi1guy1 - 02.05.2023 04:17

You slap a pair of Pearly Gates in there and you've got something.

@Tototwice - 20.05.2023 05:54

Which gauge strings does it come with? Thanks

@TheMusicPro - 12.06.2023 21:39

Where is that L7 made in ?

@jsmuir4722 - 07.07.2023 13:16

I've just bought one. Going to change out the pickups (to Seth Lover), the pots to CTS and switch to Switchcraft. Anyone got any experience of modifying their L7?

@u-runs - 04.08.2023 08:57

Maaaan... You should work on your sound mixing. Every guitar will sound colourless and far, thin and dull after bad micing. Even a plugin on clean channel will sound better 😢

@markerf16 - 02.01.2024 23:07

Just purchased the black one, but I'm worried I won't like the pickups. I play mostly clean with occasional overdrive and distortion. I like ambient tones.

@tomford8286 - 17.01.2024 05:58

Your channel would benefit from a script and rehearsals. And a more skilled player.

@Patriot1777 - 23.03.2024 04:22

I just ordered the L7 Black beauty today 😊

@Patriot1777 - 02.08.2024 01:24

I got the black beauty 😍 and absolutely love it😊

@markfahey3921 - 09.10.2024 19:01

Gibson have many massed produced issues but they charge four times the price of the Sire.

@ph6376 - 13.11.2024 20:27

So far, I've only got one Sire - the T7 - and that thing is ridiculously good. It just does the Tele thing perfectly. Has compensated brass saddles, roasted maple neck, locking tuners, gorgeous fit and finish, etc. etc. Less than $500 bucks from Thomann! Now I'm itching for an LP, so Sire is definitely at the top of my list.
