How to install Divi Theme in WordPress Tutorial

How to install Divi Theme in WordPress Tutorial

DCP Web Designers

2 года назад

20,604 Просмотров

Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются


nik mour
nik mour - 09.11.2023 17:06

You do a great job and definitely you know how to use DIVI.But! The thing is that the average user needs something simple.That s why we are looking DIVI and it dosent look simple.
It s better to hire you and do it the right way.😊

Thank for the great presentation

Mohammed Akram
Mohammed Akram - 23.08.2023 19:51

Well done for a simple and effective tutorial! Pls keep them coming!

karlbooklover - 01.09.2022 22:20

great tutorial thanks! needed a refresher after years of not using divi

Olivia Heffernan
Olivia Heffernan - 22.06.2022 22:08

Hi! everytime I click into the DIVI theme that has downloaded to wordpress I get an error saying Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page. Any idea how to fix this?

HLeyes - 21.08.2021 13:47

Very informative and easy to follow. Thanks!

Harman Sharma
Harman Sharma - 21.08.2021 13:38

Just needed this divi theme tutorial, thank you.
