Wrapping Up and Logging Out - Dot Hack G.U. Volume 4: Reconnection Retrospective

Wrapping Up and Logging Out - Dot Hack G.U. Volume 4: Reconnection Retrospective


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@piemastera - 12.03.2025 01:03

.hack trilogy is just so crazy to watch as someone who gets the lore that I believe the only way they could have saved it is to zoom back at the end and figure out one of the characters was daydreaming it, or Atoli was writing a fan fiction about her and Haseo

@midshipman8654 - 09.03.2025 03:24

you can implement bounded scaing enemies. neither have them at all static level, nor make them scale directly to you.

for example: an enemy’s base level is 80 or whatever. if your level is 90-100, thier level is changed to your level -10, if you are level 100+ they are your level -15

@yongkysiaw6597 - 28.02.2025 09:09

Piros 3rd's player might be jack i think.

@kinzoadolpha9195 - 25.02.2025 00:05

I'm surprised that you talked about parody mode and not terminal disc aka back story expedition of the last four games that right next to parody mode.

@cZero475 - 18.02.2025 16:24

Next year will be cyberconnect2 30th anniversary, dothack, the world R3 will be back

@anzahanifathallah - 06.02.2025 06:08

i completely missed this video on release but i eventually found it and yeah this is great. i have heard Vol. 4 is short but i didn't know it was THAT short, would've loved to see more of the gameplay side. but as is, it's a nice little bow to wrap up the G.U. story.

i really miss .hack, the whole series was truly something special. i know G.U. is now basically a legal adult and the Last Recode remaster/modernization is now already 7 years old and keeps getting discounts on Steam, but here's hoping there's some interest on the dev side for a next .hack installment.

@bearryder9650 - 27.01.2025 20:19

I've waited for this for so long. Thank you for this.

@enoeht - 24.01.2025 16:13

I haven't played these games in over a decade. But Alkaid IS the objectively correct choice.

@TheMegamaster44 - 22.01.2025 12:13

I didn't think it was possible for Jhon to make a retrospective under an hour

@TheDiscoGenre - 20.01.2025 17:27

Devil's Advocate: I kinda hate Alkaid purely because of her fans. I understand (and agree) why she's seen as superior to Atoli, but her fans are so annoying I now hate her on principle.

@AceKite00 - 19.01.2025 06:11

With it being extremely short, i forgive Vol 4. Ive always seen it as 80% fanservice anyway. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

@AceKite00 - 19.01.2025 05:51

Not gonna take the Atoli disrespect. She was around since the beginning of G.U. and went through a lot of development. She's definitely the best.

@hirobhya - 17.01.2025 16:22

The azure knights promise events are the best. Cuz when you actually think about it, their "obsession" kinda fits.

@ShahAznable - 17.01.2025 13:35

Okay since i have all 3 vol on ps2 i dont need to play the vol4 right?

@OceanFragments - 16.01.2025 19:59

Aye, Fawkyoo man! I LOVE movie Haseo's big dumb Asura faces. It was so much stupid fun! Even asura got a big ol' pissy B-st form in his movie/game. That's just what wrathy guys do.
But yeah, it wasn't great as a film. I just love how shlocky it was, and Atoli's aida'd form still lives in my head. I think B'st form was the first time I'd seen someone use "a zillion big dumb swords in a flowing stream" as an attack until Gilgamesh would eventually do it, or kingdom hearts. I actually wish he coulda been playable somehow.

@darkrulerbob - 15.01.2025 22:49

I always found it strange that you can raise affinity with real life people by beating up a king pom. You make someone better real life friends by beating an animal in front of them in a video game.

@fearjunkie - 11.01.2025 17:37

"Friend to lonely housewives!" made me laugh waaaaay more than it had any right to.

@gaboori - 08.01.2025 18:32

The best thing about G.U. Trilogy is that Sakaki is not in it.

@jeremygarcia25 - 08.01.2025 01:31

Hunt the god chim

@zeosummers3984 - 08.01.2025 00:50

John the strategy for every hard fight or boss is always beast awakening. You ignore def and do normal damage allowing you to completely destroy anyone it's 10x stronger than every other awakening. you can equip morale equipment and throw items to raise morale while using the greatsword trick for Fast Rengekis. 1 awakening is good enough to end the fight.

@greyvanity - 07.01.2025 00:55

been binging John for the last few days- does he know about Azure striker at all ? feel like that would be a pretty cool review or retrospective from him

@CantIhaveashow - 04.01.2025 01:56

Online Jack? i think you mean Dallas from Ratchet deadlocked

@safruddinaly5822 - 03.01.2025 15:48

Thank you and can't wait for the original .hack// game retrospective

@obbm - 03.01.2025 00:09

Please do original series ASAP I just spent the last 2 days watching all of these lol

@OutlawOtaku - 02.01.2025 02:46

I liked the Sakaki reveal. He was like an evil inversion of Wiseman from the OG dotHack. I appreciated the callback.

@geasskira28 - 01.01.2025 23:53

Piros is talking about "The World R:X" which is where the next game chronologically (LINK) and story (Quantum) take place. Link was not a great game but Quantum was a fun watch.

@tbenigma4817 - 01.01.2025 17:11

I hope you do the imoq series the more people talking about imoq thr better chances or a remake or a port at the least

@hectorsantiago3713 - 01.01.2025 01:47

Thank you for telling me about that last Piros surprise there. I have loved this series ever since I was a kid ,Starting from IMOQ. You have given me hope again 🥲

@casualtr4sh - 30.12.2024 22:43

The problem with cc2 making another .hack if they got the opportunity is that they just won't

Bamco isn't going to miss 2 or so years worth of anime slop money

@ZeroOmega-vg8nq - 30.12.2024 20:13

dude....why in the hell did you not use the goblin safe shoes for the forest of pain? that cuts down the timesink massively and there is only a handful of floor rewards worth getting mainly for ryu book completion if youre even still doing it. As for piros Line its a reference to the world RX with tokio so......yea.

@thorstenpyre7636 - 30.12.2024 11:33

Ive been waiting for this...

@c0mbatwombat - 30.12.2024 02:13

hell yeah! he's back!

@CJKS-wo8dm - 29.12.2024 15:44

Trilogy did suck, but being honest, I was deeply fascinated by how it reinterpreted the Atoli deep dive scene and, just, how it decided to skip the plot for funsies. Absolutely mindless hype, which is always nice occasionally. Unfortunate it never got dubbed, that shit would be hilarious.

@newbrowny - 29.12.2024 08:42

This series really made me want to play the games, thanks for making the videos! I will def be rewatching these again, great narration.

@leonardodelimaferreira8509 - 29.12.2024 08:07

Is there any chance whatsoever for you to cover Tail Concierto/Solatorobo/Fuga? I think it fits extremely well with your videos and format

@guilhermewhite7274 - 29.12.2024 06:24

Holy shit finally

@Readied-Action - 29.12.2024 04:03

Dad came back with the milk!

@ShiroHoshi - 29.12.2024 02:51

So Dot hack Link next? Since that takes place 2 years after this game? Time to find an ISO and english patch that just finished and revamped like last year XD

@willliam15 - 28.12.2024 18:49

it's a shame that the next .hack media after this is mostly crap.

@dustgraystone9448 - 28.12.2024 09:41

I'm watching this as a newly sick person. I hope they inevitably make a continuation. The world changed a lot and would be ... kinda cool to see the alt ver of our strange world in this World.

@TheDiscoGenre - 28.12.2024 07:26

That Haseo x Atoli abridged movie sounds hilarious for reasons beyond common sense. Mostly for Atoli's English VA and mentally ill shipper discourse from other media (thanks Digimon Tamers circa the 2000s)

@BloodBoltOmega - 28.12.2024 06:59

I was able to go from now knowing anything about this series at the beginning of the year to playing Project X Zone 1 and 2 around the middle to binging the entire G.U. series in August-November and was still able to catch this last video when it was new

@haseo2dingo - 28.12.2024 03:54

In vol.3 there is a area keyword that has an angel chim that can help with the affection rate as well as has the doppelganger in it. Plus you can farm lost weapons keys in it too.
