Why everything became a subscription - Company Forensics

Why everything became a subscription - Company Forensics


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@evanortiz8561 - 21.01.2024 00:30

with bmw, they made a lot of money off their subscription fee. so other car companies are going to be following suite.

@erindabney2758 - 20.01.2024 18:52

Until the streaming services pay the artists/musicians better, I will never subscribe. I have a huge music collection that I digitized and painstakingly organized so putting tracks on a hard drive and changing them out occasionally is easy.
If I hear a new song somewhere that I like. I still pay to download it.

I wonder what I’d be like if I were 20 years younger and never spent the years being physically entangled with the music I was discovering.

@neros1277 - 20.01.2024 08:34

I do had issue with those fucking paywalls being everywhere, and all i ca say is this

🎶Do what you want cause the pirates are free, you are a pirate🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🎶

@Fleischkopf - 31.12.2023 01:03

the reason why spotify works is that you have accsess to virtually all music on the planet. thats VERY different to the 1000sts videostreamingservice with felt 2 movies on it

@lowwastehighmelanin - 28.12.2023 03:00

I want a deep dive on AWS pls

@lowwastehighmelanin - 28.12.2023 02:48

Yeah it's why slow living is taking off. I'm downgrading to an e-Ink phone. I never stopped borrowing library books. I will rebuild my physical media library at home when I have permanent housing.

I had the old Blue when it wasn't trash.

I'd rather pay a little more and know I own something. Nothing is that urgent.

@carlospro1204 - 20.12.2023 00:04

This vid its way to long,, why???

@Kentashu - 11.12.2023 05:19

…You know if all of us say “No” together. All this goes away, right?

@Kamau2012 - 24.11.2023 04:20

Yeah get into the home appliances business too , it will be subscription based too 🥲


its because of lazyness. end of reason. they want money for no reason without putting in work to earn it. These same lazy companies still charge $7000 upfront to buy the device and still lock down the software features on the device behind a licensing/subscription fee paywall.....ultimately making your freshly bought $7000 device uses and you spent a arm and leg on nothing in return.

This seriously needs to be against the law for false advertisment, anti ownership, anti customer and because just being scummy evil.
Nothing is ever good with subsciption/licensing based models. Its literally against the customer, the customer will end up spending MORE than what they wouldve spent on if it was a simple ONE TIME PAYMENT and just anti customer asf.

sooo F the subscription based stuff. I gotta spend 10,000 on a product and still cant use it because everything is soft locked behind a pay wall??? F that model. Bring back the SANE days of business and customer relationships aka GREAT PRODUCT MADE WITH LOVE and ONE TIME PAYMENTS and if you couldnt outright one time buy it....than a (rent to own) would be a valueable subsitution.

@jamesfriesen191 - 10.11.2023 20:54

This Gen Xer is doing everything he can to avoid subscriptions - despite the points you make in their favor, I'd rather own my media than just constantly hand over $9.99/month for the rest of my life for movies or software. I have one TV/movie streaming service and refuse to sign up for Spotify or food services like Hello Fresh, and I still use older software I have the discs for, instead of paying a monthly subscription.

@waleeza - 31.10.2023 10:42

You will own nothing and be happy that’s what klaus schwab said 😂
You will rent everything and die and leave nothing to your kids

@kidcoma1340 - 28.10.2023 11:12

Worst thing is you invest time and energy to learn and implement some app into your daily life, and once they turn profitable they start effectively charging you 100 bucks a year. And it’s a frickin note app.

@raymondlucero2309 - 20.09.2023 18:28


@kadirichris9621 - 26.08.2023 16:42

Subscriptions, Ads, Tips, e.t.c. its the rich that have somehow convinced everyone else they are not rich enough.

@galangtirtayudha3973 - 20.08.2023 05:19

I'm pirating movie, and I get better service than when I was subscribing to Netflix and Disney+. How the hell is that possible?!!!!

4K uncompressed, no telemetry, one click download that I can actually watch untill either I or my storage die.

@AndyRocket1000 - 31.07.2023 01:35

You saying bulshit about Spotify and gaming. Try to calculate the % going to bussenisspeople VS the % going to musicians? When Musicians get 0.003$ per album?

@AndyRocket1000 - 31.07.2023 01:25

A program. Its just few codes. A few Lines of functional text. It should not cost anything. It’s a 100% unethical

@AndyRocket1000 - 31.07.2023 01:21

Adobe is a part of the Natzi core group

@AndyRocket1000 - 31.07.2023 01:20

All those softwears Are missing the juice. They Are selling time consuming bloodsucking shit! It’s air with a fancy logo ..

@AndyRocket1000 - 31.07.2023 01:17

We cant access a farming job. Farming jobbs Are being hidden, and/or. isolated..and Thats How we know. That: democrasy, it’s just an illution left if it. An illution weaponised for brainwashing of crowds. Microsoft was finansed by goverments. When they take money for such a simple product as office. They Are crossing the line.

@AndyRocket1000 - 31.07.2023 01:11

If you pay 20000$ on subscriptions. You area sucker. And in the Reptillians are gonna suck your actual blood. It’s not a perfect bussenis model. It’s a perfect👌Scam!

@unkown34x33 - 29.07.2023 15:04

Microsoft office.. oh yes. The thing I never use. Unless if the company pays for me. Coz free will, I won't

@unkown34x33 - 29.07.2023 15:01

I cancelled many many many of them. And software! Hell no. One time pay, or free. Or hell bypass. I can't stand software or food subscription

@thestork93 - 28.07.2023 11:44

I love the globe in your background in your videos

@jaymeez - 28.07.2023 10:32

I always knew this subscription model was trash. Which is why I don’t use Adobe I use Apple, I get Netflix for free through my T Mobile phone service, I don’t have Amazon Prime, really I don’t do monthly subscriptions. It’s trash for the end user

@rayakoth - 21.07.2023 20:27

I get that in the old model, people don't pay for shitty upgrades if the older one is better.

But now with subscriptions, people are forced to put up with shitty upgrades or change their vendor, losing years of progress.

@lephtovermeet - 21.07.2023 17:42

I think you're wrong about the economics being too good though. The majority of these subscription based app unicorns have never turned a profit and many are in the process of crashing and burning.

@WellPalCreative - 21.07.2023 02:59

I think it would be interesting to explore the other angle of the subscription business model as well (threats). Especially post covid. Companies can face uncertainty in their capacity to maintain a consistent supply of goods and services. Any subscription-based service relying on physical goods, such as diapers, printer ink, or mobility services with automobiles, hinges on the continual availability of functional products and efficient delivery methods. Supply chain disruption and inflation are factors which affect the "sexiness" of these business models combines with a growing subscription fatigue.

I'm not saying they are BAD, I'm just saying that many entrepreneurs will look at this type of content and think everything they create needs to be a subscription because of all the "good stuff", but realistically there are also a lot of major threats to it. Especially for SMB's

Regardless, love the content and production of the videos, and I looking forward to more.

@flyingiguana409 - 20.07.2023 01:30

if a vehicle has stuff added to it that i have to pay monthly for, the car company can enjoy the $0 i give them

@kraut1982 - 18.07.2023 21:56

Homeownership is also a subscription. People hate banks and mortgages but after you are done paying off your home loan for 30 years, you realize you are now paying property taxes on your home at a higher dollar amount than your 30 year old mortgage😢. If you pay for your router to your ISP, then after few years you will eventually own it and not pay taxes on it. But on the home you always have to pay taxes to government or your home is sold off by tax authorities.

@edo4713 - 17.07.2023 14:09

Pre paid phones have year plans. Turn off your phone and don’t use it see what you can do without it. Try to use your gps try to check you email try to do anything normal task. Make sure you make your rent payment on your house oh sorry I mean mortgage on the house you don’t own. Make sure you pay your subscription bill for your car, oh I’m sorry you call it a car loan on a car you don’t own. All this and if you miss your payment they come and take what you think you own.

You currently don’t own anything and you love life. They got you without you even knowing it.

@sapphirexwind - 11.07.2023 23:22

And I was just about to cancel my Prime membership again...and you say it's so hard to do...

@anndrewg958 - 09.07.2023 19:21

Lmao it’s all a scam

@laupeter4594 - 02.07.2023 19:32

they are trying to earn your money by punishing you for not using them subscription will turn the modern society into one massive neo-serfdom. that's just immoral and unethical and China knows this, they aren't very happy about this situation.

@ninjanerdstudent6937 - 01.07.2023 22:35

It is amazing how people fork over at least $10 per month for "cloud storage." For that same price you can buy 128 gb flash drives for the same price, and as it fills up, buy another. 512 gb SSDs are super cheap now at just $20! I usually just buy a new SSD every 2 years and reinstall my OS. When it fills up with data, just buy another. By 2030, a 1tb SSD may be under $30. It's simple logistics and math.

@murenorocha - 29.06.2023 14:42

And that's why I'm purchasing Blu rays and CDs again. At least while I can find them.

@izramis - 28.06.2023 17:42

Just don't be a stupid person spending money on stuff like netflix and you'll be fine. If it's something essential, that's fine, but amazon or some other shit is far from it

@thegurlwiththeliontattoo - 23.06.2023 02:51

I love my student discount because the monthly cost of creative cloud went from 107$ a MONTH to just 27$ 😬... Miss when I could just pirate lol

@jamesdean5095 - 21.06.2023 12:09

You have to know you're going to cop heat for this take. Subscriptions are the bane of modern consumption. You either have to be a carded up, regularly paying member or be completely blocked. How is that helpful for a consumer? This is nothing more than a tax on all modern consumers that funnels wealth from the bottom to the top of society; it comes from every angle and there are a multitude of dark patterns encircling the model, designed purely to trap people into paying for things beyond what they actually value.

You even made this point yourself, but somehow still supported the practice: subscriptions make you pay more than you would otherwise. They are inherently manipulative and strengthen power imbalances between companies and consumers.

Adobe managed to deliver Photoshop while being profitable for many years pre-subscriptions. But they got greedy. When wealth inequality is skyrocketing this is nothing less than theft.

@islamyourway - 15.06.2023 13:56

All your life is about money, cars, houses, but you don't want to know who created you and where are you going after death, listen to your Lord in Holy Quran :
"But whoever turns away from My Reminder will certainly have a miserable life,1 then We will raise them up blind on the Day of Judgment. They will cry, “My Lord! Why have you raised me up blind, although I used to see?. Allah will respond, “It is so, just as Our revelations came to you and you neglected them, so Today you are neglected. This is how We reward whoever transgresses and does not believe in the revelations of their Lord. And the punishment of the Hereafter is far more severe and more lasting''.
(20:124 Holy Quran

@hervekalundu2978 - 04.06.2023 15:37

I have one subscription for music I'm not adding anything, I'll pirate everything if need be unless I make money with it. You need to add constant value to convince me.

@Ponk_80 - 29.05.2023 23:59

you want my money, you better earn it.

@Ponk_80 - 29.05.2023 23:58

We can not explain why it feels wrong, but we all have a gut feeling that this feels like you are being scammed.

And it doesn't make it easy when everyone tell's you that you are the one who is wrong, and you should just follow the masses and don't be so greedy as a customer, even though you somehow know that it's the company's that are the greedy ones.

I prefer owning what I payed for, and it's not my job pamper the people who want to sell me stuff, especially since they don't pay me to do it, but expect me to pay.
