ZHIYUN Cinepeer Weebill 3E: Upgrade Your 3D VR 180 Videos for Smooth and Stunning Footage /feat CALF

ZHIYUN Cinepeer Weebill 3E: Upgrade Your 3D VR 180 Videos for Smooth and Stunning Footage /feat CALF


8 месяцев назад

703 Просмотров

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@hughhou - 16.07.2024 05:37

Love it. Consider getting this one as well. Great price point and your video might tip the scale :)

@francoispierretremblay4784 - 07.10.2024 07:55

i bought it for the calf gen 2. do you think it will also be compatible?

@francoispierretremblay4784 - 01.11.2024 18:16

Once again by saying fully compatible did you mean you can use the record button of the gimbal? If so who do you link it? By Bluetooth or by usb?
