Is Project Zomboid The Best Zombie Survival Game?

Is Project Zomboid The Best Zombie Survival Game?


1 год назад

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@MrKW420 - 26.10.2023 00:40

Once you survive to a certain point, you will find out how expensive it is for you to die.

@prophetseven728 - 17.10.2023 11:01


@tylersays- - 02.10.2023 21:26

Its repetative like life

@loel7084 - 29.09.2023 11:28

When i tried it, i spend an hour just redoing my bandages.
i think its a good game for the people that like the "hardcore" mode.
To me, i dont like the camera view, and i dont like the fact you die and have to start over, so if you mess up once, games over.
I think its a quality game, for the people that like that exact kind of game.
Good review tho!

@cikolatalgofret3173 - 26.06.2023 06:46

There is a mod for Project Zomboid called "Horde Night". I think you get it from the name. 7 days to die x Project Zomboid is the best zombie game ever. You can change all the settings of the Horde Night like in 7 days to die.

@sethorly - 17.05.2023 22:50

I don't understand people getting bored so quickly. For me the game always offers more: a good example is to set up bases around the map within a short drive of each other, with main bases in each major population centre and with generators at each gas station. Then theres conquering West Point, the Prison, and on to Louisville. Then there's the whole bushcraft experience. And maxing out most skills. Just use your imagination.

@maxtedu4 - 03.05.2023 14:21

That's cool that they are going to add NPCs but I hope that there will be an option that let you remove them from your world. Cuz I love that atmosphere of loneliness and hopelessness.

@Ender_Guy64 - 29.04.2023 09:18

One thing about zomboid that I LOVE is how lonely it is, just you and the zombies. But i think NPCs will be a good edition. Also PLEASE ADD PROXIMITY CHAT

@Yeet-mp6ci - 23.04.2023 19:33

“There is nowhere to run, there is nowhere to hide” Me in my cabin in the middle of the woods where only 2 zomboids have found me in a week: 👁️👄👁️

@dragieultra6603 - 19.04.2023 19:03

Well something I did was a mission to kill every zombie in the game, the zombie rarity to little more than normal and randomness to zombie stats. Though still boredom kicks in. I think "basements" and "NPCs" will resolve this issue though but again humans get bored of every game (its like they know deep inside that this is not the purpose they were created for)

@YourPalKindred - 03.04.2023 07:28

Currently I'd say Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead takes the cake as best zombie survival game (though there are other threats) but PZ is up there. Once we get NPCs I think they will be on par with one another

@Li_45 - 19.03.2023 21:16

Setting yourself challenges or writing n reflecting on empty sheets of paper might shorten the wait til there's more content added. I'm looking forward to the future additions.
Haven't looked into mods much yet, but adding a compass as loot that can be whipped out as a secondary and brought up when looking at the map would be a nice addition to the game I guess.

@steezyjenkins963 - 19.03.2023 04:13

Played this a few years ago and getting back into it, so different and a lot better and I see the insane potential. Also MODS are sweet

@AJRED18 - 10.03.2023 10:43

It’s the best zombie survival game, but not the best zombie game, in my opinion that goes to TLOU 1.

@Prinny9000 - 06.03.2023 08:42

something I'd like to see from 7 Days to Die and Days Gone are hordes just not a weekly horde but wandering hordes of zombies that have hundreds if not thousands of zombies before you see the horde you hear at first it's faint and it's get louder as the horde gets closer would you try to fight the horde or try to hide and let the horde pass?

@Zayetzo - 02.03.2023 07:09

A game really similar to Project Zomboid would most definitely be Neo Scavenger. Not as popular as PZ, but my love and patience for that game in the past makes me love Project Zomboid the same way. I'm not trying to advertise but people should definitely check that game out!

@tommyfanzfloppydisk - 01.03.2023 12:53

npc will be a great add, but for me it's already plenty entertaining, i'm on my longest playthrough, 4 months in and having fun building a whole mansion as a first base, i've already figured out i won't get bored soon because even before finishing it (painting a big a55 wall), loot rng will force me to travel around (already has), if i get to 2 yrs i'll probably will have explored only half/a third of the map yet. modds add lot of stuff too, and sandbox can let you make setup like "i am legend" or "a quiet place" , which adds gameplay variety.

@ghost_1153 - 28.02.2023 23:26

Hey you 🫵

@funboye1220 - 28.02.2023 18:28

Im really glad the npc update coming in the future that gonna keep the game alive

@blakeblakeblakeblak1 - 27.02.2023 13:18

for a channel who only does this game as content, this review is so honest ive subbed :)

@SirShmoopyofAwesometon - 26.02.2023 14:03

I've found that the near endless sandbox customization options and large amount of mods have made this game enjoyable beyond the first 3-4 in game weeks.

@quack3830 - 26.02.2023 08:12

Notice me spoodle

@bigkuriboh3814 - 25.02.2023 06:26

You can get NPC humans of you download the Superb Survivors Mod.

@thefrogmagician9866 - 23.02.2023 13:37

Compare it to Cataclysm dark days ahead it is quite alot better

@nolives - 21.02.2023 16:24

If they take insporation from thw npc mod I can assure you itll be revolutionary. That mod makes my game stutter and need fps to be locked at 60 BUT the amount of story telling it enables makea it worth it.

@Earlierfour - 21.02.2023 04:41

What if they made survivors that you can find some can been some can be nice

@jeremiahnoland - 20.02.2023 02:06

I feel like they could really enhance the multiplayer by bringing the game to most platforms, if they were to do that I feel the community would explode and the multiplayer would become more stable with the implications of Xbox services, playstation servers, and maybe even switch servers. The ge could really use that frontier expansion in my opinion

@jxjxjj2544 - 18.02.2023 17:09

unlike other zombie games where getting hit by a zombie just damages your hp zomboid getting hit comes with a risk of zombiefication and other cool survival stuff

@McGee_e - 18.02.2023 15:35

I've played this game for hours and I can't get bored, in my opinion they should agree to implement mods and put them officially in the game.

@cinematicvoid1334 - 18.02.2023 11:43

My favorite part is farming and fishing, but have never lived long enough to get there. Still love it tho!

@Metalmario200 - 18.02.2023 06:25

"is project zomboid the best survival game?" Yes.

@kritpetcharayutpan9380 - 18.02.2023 05:30

Zomboid turn in to the sim after you survived long enough. And that have potential to improve after you build base too.

@thatonedudeguy3008 - 18.02.2023 01:42

"It makes it feel so real"
The cheese car in the back

@yo388 - 17.02.2023 22:18

It’s the best out of all other options

@modnarer - 17.02.2023 19:17

Well I decided to go and get this game and I have no idea how I'm going to do what's going to happen I just saw it I've been watching it for the last couple days and I thought you know what I want to give this a try and see if it's worth my time Even if I play it for several hours and can't get a refund and decided don't like it I've enjoyed the content and the videos from creators like yourself and I've enjoyed the time even if I haven't been able to play it like you guys

@TricksterPoi - 17.02.2023 12:32

The game is fun. And honestly I remember played it few years back when they hadn't added cars yet... And now lots of stuff was added.

I hope the next update will add more flavor to the game, as I see those basements and other stuff that was seen from various mods.

@blancactual1067 - 17.02.2023 11:34

Great game, I'm still shit at it ahah

@KRaz3311 - 17.02.2023 01:47

the npc update will not do anything the game will get boring like it does after living for a bit. The way I don't get bored is playing multiplayer which is fun but its still boring the devs need to start making multiplayer better and having updates that will make multiplayer better.

@adamjohn6959 - 16.02.2023 20:07

Thanks for ur honest review and update ❤️

@aidenjoeo3382 - 16.02.2023 19:59

At least a top 100 zombie game

@luzy7959 - 16.02.2023 19:40

Another small detail (im not sure about it)

If you use disinfectant you'll experience minor pain

@MoikHorst - 16.02.2023 19:21

to be honest and no offence but there are a lot of servers to play on multiplayer!!

@acevaver5425 - 16.02.2023 18:28

Certain things I want to see:
1. More events, like the helicopter or massive hordes of like thousands of zombies passing through from one town to another.
2. More variety of zombies, whether being able to crawl up walls to get to your second story window, to completely silent ones that are only active at night and tries to crawl into your bed when you're sleeping. I don't want to see something like a boss zombie, since that's just making a human hierarchy for zombies, but if you give them more specialization, like animal zombies digging under your house, that would be nerve wrecking, yet exciting.
3. Less human NPC interaction, but make each one count. Like for example, one can ask you to go all the way to another town to rescue their family or spouse, and another could steal all your supplies overnight.
4. More skills, crafting, and locations: I want to be able to operate helicopters, carriers, trains; I want make a base in a dam or a nuclear power plant; to be able to fly drones with a mounted bazooka; or cut off a zombie's arms, take our their teeth and tether them to chains. I need more chemistry and biology, being able to make the virus more dangerous or installing weight lever traps with homemade explosives. I want locations, preferably somewhere not Kansas. I want to make the sewers my base. I want to make internal heating, or build a sauna.
5. I want the player character to feel more alive, have a personality, make them refuse to go outside or you'll have a detrimental status that makes them lie down in a fetal position in the middle of you fighting a horde. Give them quirks, like having a predilection for fried chicken suddenly, and achieving it would give them a mood buff for the entire day. Have them start to talk to themselves after being depressed or being alone reading books all day. Of course, of all these must be context sensitive, I don't want my PC to suddenly refuse to go outside a location I'm looting, surrounded by zombies outside- of course, unless you want to make it a timed defense event.
6. More soundtrack variety, some will play this game for thousands of hours, and I want the background music to change based on how long you've survived. So far, we've been stuck with 4-5 tracks for thousands of hours.
7. More severe conditions as time progresses, like a nuclear winter, hailstorms, tornadoes. I want the plants and stagnant bodies of water to slowly become polluted, where the player would need to devise a method to filter it aside from boiling. I want the virus to become airborne after a few years, and players would need to make hazmat suits and seal off their shelters.
8. More uncertainty. Have events where the military from a different country would try to encroach in the US, or some crazy nut scientist would try to reverse engineer the virus, only to backfire, and make it mutate. The player would then have a choice to either deal with the threat or move their shelters. Let there be consequences, but only to let it slowly creep up later.
9. More loot and recreation. Let me play pool, ski on a lake, fly a kite, shoot fireworks. Like for example, I want a mini-game to wear a cowboy hat, and ride down the street on a zombie trying to accurately shoot as many as I can within a set time. I want to go: giddy-up, fetch boy, or yell out "yeehaw!"
10. Make it more horrifying and scary, more foreboding and creep. I want to feel like I'm playing Darkwood, but in project zomboid.

@C2O4 - 16.02.2023 17:56

