she's STRONGER? UPDATED Xinyan Guide - Artifacts, Weapons, Teams & Tips | Genshin Impact 2.8

she's STRONGER? UPDATED Xinyan Guide - Artifacts, Weapons, Teams & Tips | Genshin Impact 2.8


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Not-Not Nooo
Not-Not Nooo - 15.09.2023 02:32

I love her 😅

Alexander Waters
Alexander Waters - 02.09.2023 01:40

When i can c6 bennett im gonna think how to change my account. C2 atm. It because I'm completionist and the pyro resonance sounds fun

Alexander Waters
Alexander Waters - 02.09.2023 01:29

I have a 4pc bloodstained to move from me geo traveler so i cant think any better fits atm. At oeast for a 2 or 3 parts of the set. My traveler geo luckily has some of the best stats. Shame he rubbish

TheSylveonSurfer - 29.06.2023 01:18

I'm curious if other Infusions would be viable on Xinyan. Like, perhaps a team of... Xinyan, Candace, Xiangling, and a Healer/Shielder. Xiangling could perhaps provide the unlimited Pyro for a forward Vaporize Xinyan? Just a thought. I'm not really could at mathing shit out myself. I just equip things that make numbers bigger so that thing die faster. Lmao

not charli
not charli - 05.06.2023 02:39

is vaporise xinyan good tho? o-0
i desperately wanna use xinyan (like in a xinyan national team thing) but theres barely any info on her, and where there is info its either about how bad she is or how to build physical xinyan. i appreciate the mono pyro xinyan moment but i kind want her to have some variety lol.

🦋.xenø.vøid.🦋 - 22.05.2023 02:23

Ok so I've got Xinyan, Rosaria, and Fischl, but my Benny is c6 because that stupid red exclamation mark got on my nerves. Who else can I use? I could substitute Kuki as a healer and maybe add Sucrose? She's my only swirl unit ( using Jean for Sunfire Overvape )

Shokuou - 02.05.2023 23:46

my very invested xinyan is on a def sands since my only and best atk sands of pale flame is on my eula which is my accounts top priority. so my Xinyan actually runs a def sands with very good crit stats which won't beat out atk sands but helps her shield and charged attacks as well as my ocd to some degree

Hallbm03 - 26.04.2023 03:09

Any idea how she synergizes with Mika? I'm considering running xinyan, shenhe, Mika, and Chongyun.

Cee Eighteight
Cee Eighteight - 15.04.2023 21:43

How would 2pc noblesse 2pc severed fate fare against those artifact combinations?

Running a burst support xy

Purple Crab
Purple Crab - 15.03.2023 16:30

Xinyan could've been much better if her shield is based on her attack stat

WnderBoy - 11.03.2023 17:29

Mihoyo real don't liket heir black Characters and it shows

Hyunjinana - 26.02.2023 09:52


Jevi - 01.02.2023 15:09

I just started playing genshin and i only have xinyan, diona, chongyun, and xiangling :(((

amy - 27.01.2023 10:44

Im not sure if i should put eula weapon on her or wgs

Saimon Manalo
Saimon Manalo - 15.01.2023 07:24

Cuz i have been playing genshin for almost 3 years now... I want to play with other character like i did for amber for atleast 4months cuz i am bored... Yeah yeah i am amber main by default but i want to show love to xingyan now

Sandra Sosa
Sandra Sosa - 12.01.2023 17:33

I was yesterday in the blizzard domain, and on the last round to get artifacts, my co-op partner brought in Xinyan cause we needed to survive along with use Pyro, her Hutao kept dying, so she put in Xinyan and whoa, we finished so quickly😳 I am now here because I want to try and make her that good

Ko Keebs
Ko Keebs - 10.01.2023 02:26

Can I use her as a shied bot for my wanderer who needs a shield user?
Running the ToTM 4 piece set for the buff on wadnerer as well

808isBoBTime - 04.01.2023 22:41

I have loved Xinyan since her release but after bringing her to lv 60 abandoned her because I couldn't find a good place for her on a team. I recently decided to just go ahead and build her... I've been using her as a physical carry on a team with Layla, Kuki and Rosaria and I am blown away by how much damage I'm dealing with her.

Precious_Beann - 29.12.2022 08:48

Give her a skin

Larimari - 27.12.2022 05:07

Homegirl deserved a buff

Rey Rico
Rey Rico - 27.12.2022 03:43

Could you do an updated video on Xinyan and Nahida if it works? I’m wondering how well pyro xinyan with Nahida is

NaTsU_13 - 26.12.2022 01:06

Used her for 2-3 months and never realised that her burst do great phy dmg

GhostWithKnife - 25.12.2022 10:22

As someone looking to main itto, I am very happy to know the 4 star I really want likes his weapon.

Tegar Andito
Tegar Andito - 21.12.2022 09:47

I dont if know she exist before 2.8 GAA event

Japetinha - 18.12.2022 00:21

Xinyan is the case that she wants to go in a banner that I don't want lmao!

Jerrelle T-Finch
Jerrelle T-Finch - 15.12.2022 23:38

xinyan works well as a sub dps to eula. eula, xinyan, layla (ToM artifact set) and kuki is a nice team. gives superconduct, buffs shield strength, provides shields and healing, provides pyro, electro, overload, physical and cyro damage/application, and buffs physical damage. aoe and single target damage too. Cryo resonance and layla batteries eula, Overall just a nice well roaded team.

Omega Phoenix
Omega Phoenix - 10.12.2022 13:23

What about 2 piece husk and 2 piece chivalry/pale flame with atk%, physical and crit dmg main stats?

BMO - 25.11.2022 04:22

Redhorn is more aesthetically fitting for Xinyan than Itto.

🦋.xenø.vøid.🦋 - 29.10.2022 21:03

I used to be a Xinyan main and my god she was a beast, tearing through all the enemies and protecting her supports with that shield. It was so long ago I can't even remember what I gave her ( it was before AR 45 ). I do remember that I loved playing her.

Diogo Schneider
Diogo Schneider - 27.10.2022 22:51

Imagine if her burst scaled with defense too, she would be an amazing shielder and burst DPS for physical teams

Claidheamh Soluis
Claidheamh Soluis - 23.10.2022 01:48

Xinyan hardcarried me from the time she released up to me being AR 50 and in World Ascension quests... And I didn't know her CA can buff her Ult! I'll try that later and thanks for the info!

chips72 - 20.10.2022 04:53

xinyan best character canon

Iverson Rosa
Iverson Rosa - 15.10.2022 08:41

I c6 my bennet and all I feel is anger 😢

Wyspree Gamings
Wyspree Gamings - 14.10.2022 03:00

How exciting. Xinyan looking strong

Katarina Amaxas
Katarina Amaxas - 07.10.2022 00:36

I know this video is 2 months old by now, but watching re-sparked my desire to play Xinyan again. She's probably my favorite character from Liyue and, despite getting overtaken on my Eula team by Diona, I still built her up to level 80 and have her at C6 so it would be a bit of a waste to let her gather dust.

Name Noname
Name Noname - 05.10.2022 18:00

I hear you, i hear you but. You could've poured all those resources that you gave to xinyan on a 5* or something that usefulnes doesn't end with 1/2 teams

Punga - 04.10.2022 09:58

aight, ive been convinced. xinyan is gonna be the dps of my second abyss team.

lol - 03.10.2022 22:29

i used to shit on her so bad but look at my pfp dude she was like lvl 70

Pandikaw - 03.10.2022 03:33

She was my first main until I got Childe back in 2.2, and now I'm back to building her because I'm farming Crimson Witch artifacts for Diluc, I honestly missed playing with her :')

Lordoftheapes79 - 01.10.2022 16:08

I pulled like 4 Xinyans on her first run back in the day and she's been a pretty solid burst/support for me. Mostly I've mixed her with Childe for vaporize or Chongyun for melts. Her bursts do 40k+ damage to every mob it hits, then the pulsating fire application means I'm dealing 15kish hits every second after that. She's always been pretty under appreciated.

Lordoftheapes79 - 01.10.2022 15:42


I just came back after over a year away and after a week, I JUST got off the first island....

Flamez for the Gamez
Flamez for the Gamez - 27.09.2022 00:03

Xinyan will definitely be more appreciated if even a realistic approach of a Def-to-atk claymore of Homa was made and released. Like, I can imagine that it would be stack-based: after skill hits enemy x amount of times, passive "y" will be activated. "Y" will convert x% if def into atk for x seconds.

I know the change could be made directly for her, but that will force expectations for that type of change be made on other desired characters.

TheRealQT - 20.09.2022 04:22

i hope she goes on another banner bc i started when yoimiya was on the banner which was recently and i got c1 bennett not xinyan sadly

Katherine Howard
Katherine Howard - 10.09.2022 12:41

xinyan is so underrated, planned on building her w/ 2pc oblige 2pc crimson but i made it 2 pc pale flame 2pc chivalry, just need to get her to 70, 6,6,6 talents and snowtombed <3

Bored - 10.09.2022 12:27

I use xiangling as Xinyan's burst support, as well as pyro resonance! I slapped qiqi on my team for healing, though the last slot is yet to be decided. As of current, I switch between razor, barbara and ningguang.

_.evqene._ - 09.09.2022 07:01

ive been playing xinyan raiden rosaria n bennet n ive never had more fun doing abyss

Kevin M
Kevin M - 08.09.2022 00:17

I’ve been using her as a support for my razor team. I like claymore users a lot and razor and xinyan are no exception!

Nathan Truby
Nathan Truby - 06.09.2022 15:37

Xinyan comes rocking in to nuke your eardrums and your foes!

Durshi Ayodya
Durshi Ayodya - 01.09.2022 14:13

for my build as a main dps, im using 2 blood stained and 2 witchcraft thingies (2 sets for bonus pyro damage) is that pretty good? (i have her at C0) and im going t try and get dilucs sword for her. Any feedback? And im mainly focusing on overload
