How I List A Product with Variations - Amazon FBA Tutorial

How I List A Product with Variations - Amazon FBA Tutorial

Ben Alistor

1 год назад

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I do not recommend starting out selling on Amazon FBA with a product that has variations but if you do decide to do so here is the right way to list your product on the platform.


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mariah crawford
mariah crawford - 06.11.2023 02:50

Ok, I am having an issue that nobody on amazon help center has been able to help me with when submitting a new listing for the first time 😅 the listing has a variation (same product comes in two colors). When I am under the "offer" section of the listing, whenever I click submit the "item dimensions" all light up red and I am unable to submit the listing because of this. I have double checked with the supplier that I have the correct dimensions and weight, but still haven't been able to get the listing up after a week of this. Has anyone else ever had this problem? Anyone know what to do in this case to get it listed? (I have already tried recreating the listing) Thanks in advance!! :-)

Diogo Costa
Diogo Costa - 30.06.2023 13:31

Hi Ben. Can use Osome to set up a business account and to create a company in Portugal?
Love your videos. Keep up the good work.

S H.R - 28.06.2023 13:30

I am researching to weather i should join the Amazon fba course in the real world or no but every video i watch seems like a promotional

bearded dragon
bearded dragon - 28.06.2023 03:59

Hi ben, l'm a new amazon seller. Am l able to sell a private label brand if l am ungated for it?

Husain C
Husain C - 26.06.2023 09:55

Hi Ben - thanks for your vids, very helpful!.

Quick question - what if the variation I am trying to add is not listed here? i.e. how do I add custom variations?

I am adding water bottles and for the life of me do not see the size variant - just color and material.

Mr. Asfar
Mr. Asfar - 26.06.2023 03:31

Brother I have the £999 to become your student, but it's all ive saved so far from the stock market. I can sell them (on loss) to become your student. I just wanna do anything to become a rich man! Other than my stock market money, I can put in somewhere between 293 pounds a month. You think I should sell the money on the stock market to join ? People would normally say yes cuz they're going to benefit from the money but i want you to answer me like brother. Thanks :)
