THIS Needs To STOP Companions Imbalance Succubus Example Neverwinter Mod 22

THIS Needs To STOP Companions Imbalance Succubus Example Neverwinter Mod 22


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Altyd Honger
Altyd Honger - 30.08.2022 00:25

I mean it is just stupid, because some time ago Xuna was the companion to have for dealing damage and now it is the succubus and like you said there are a large variety of companions that are just not used or played with because they are useless.

Altyd Honger
Altyd Honger - 30.08.2022 00:21

Yes please and thank you!!! It is so unfair that some companions are practically godly while some are frankly useless! A better balance is indeed very needed.

- 24.03.2022 06:22

I totally agree. The companion should not do the killing for you.

Jason Horsley
Jason Horsley - 06.02.2022 08:12

I'm good with it, trash mobs save time

IamsTokiWartooth - 25.01.2022 09:28

this is 100%
funny thing is I found a pseudo dragon in my bank alt act (unbound) Now I dont know to sell or use

Aljaž Kolar
Aljaž Kolar - 23.01.2022 19:46

Can you name a few decent AOE companions for mod22 that aren't too expansive? i want to upgrade my first companion to mythic, and i don't know what to go for. I know you've mentioned wayward wizard in few of your videos, but what are other decent options? i'm playing warlock dps and healer but i'm more heal focused.

btw...i haven't done more than 250k damage since i came back to the game 2 months ago, seeing this damage from companion really is ridiculus..

jamezdaham - 22.01.2022 20:49

I've said this before and got massive hate for it but I'll say it again. Companions should be made class based. Only certain classes should be able to use certain companions and that would save alot of problems with improper balancing. Healers/tanks get dps comps, and dos get tank/healing comps. This would fix alot of the problems. Yes this comp would still be op but only have tue community could use it. The entire game should have item, mounts, comps, etc that are class specific and made to help that class and maybe have a system added where the companions work together when in a dungeon like the comps of the hall bonuses. Just a thought.

RE3P - 22.01.2022 06:51

Lol when I got her last year for 2 mill I was telling everyone shes broken but they said I was crazy and that xuna is still better lmao guess I was right.

unknown - 18.01.2022 22:07

I think that's awesome that the demon is a killing machine

Cykara Chronicals
Cykara Chronicals - 18.01.2022 18:03

Celeste is poppin. If your solo play and run into trouble, she lifts them in the air and you have a clear shot to kill the mob, like duck hunt

Jacob - 18.01.2022 10:56

500k from a comp LOL

CH@PPy - 18.01.2022 08:21

Hold up now... Who doesn't miss xuna??? 😂🤣😂... Now you're against the newest overpowered meta dps companion??? I've got the fiendish pack unopened because I use mystagogue... But still... Where are you going with this video bruh?

Yan Kelevra
Yan Kelevra - 18.01.2022 06:21

Waifu (the Succubus) is one of the few useful companions i had. I bought and upgraded her on my main char exactly because she had average+ damage and a debuff - meaning no outrageous price to acquire, or the danger of being next in line for the "balance" treatment. I guess Gozer will give more time for players keep on hemorraging AD/Zen to get these companions, THEN they will also be "balanced" into uselessness, forcing a new round of grinding for purchasing new companions.

If i was to keep on playing, i'd probably level an augment, one of the good healers for solo play, and that's it. No more companion rat race.

But, since prices are all jacked up and i don't plan on spending money on hardware because of just one game, Feb 15 i'll be out of Neverwinter for undetermined time. Good luck for you guys, and have a good game.

Sinnstiftung - 18.01.2022 05:51

Bought Xuna few months ago. Checked her out few days ago - unbelievable lol.

Terry Blocker Jr
Terry Blocker Jr - 18.01.2022 05:07

They will never do the work. This is not a problem for them. On X Box i get disconnected in the loading screen about 5 times a day. Thier only fix will be a nerf.

Ansfrida Eyowulfsdottir
Ansfrida Eyowulfsdottir - 18.01.2022 03:32

Four of my Alts have Max Bank Slots and one is full of companions since years back. I went through one time and found a BtA Cold Iron Warrior and 2 Unbound. They used to sell for 5,000 AD, which is why I left them in the bank so long. So I sold the Unbound for millions each and put the BtA CIW on my Main Cleric, to go with her Xuna (which I also found in a pack in the bank). A couple of months later they nerfed both from Top of the Damage table to almost the very, very bottom. I use Githyanki now, as she is free for all my characters from Gith Pack, and is in the top 5 or 10. And Xuna had already been nerfed twice before I bound her to me!

I had a Succubus, but sold her long ago before anyone realised how broken she is for AoE damage. Same as they claim Xuna was. I don't say they should nerf Succubus/Incubus, but they really should balance all dps Striker types to be roughly the same. It shouldn't matter which companions people use. Assuming they are upgraded to Mythic, they should all be roughly the same, over 10 seconds of combat. So we can summon one for AoE and one for ST on Bosses.

I recently realised I have an old pack with a Pseudodragon in it, another huge hitter. I don't know whether to sell or use it. If I sell it, I feel bad if the prices are gouging other players, but if I use it and upgrade it, THEN they will nerf it beyond uselessness! /oO\

But Craptrick always do this. I remember the Lostmauth Set costing millions and millions, because it did a huge multiplier of ALL damage, when it was only supposed to do an extra hit for Weapon Damage on a Crit. I think it made all damage hit again, for a Crit on All. That's why there were dps builds to Crit almost all the time, before they did that thing where you could Crit only half the time.

But as long as people are spending cash on Zen and converting to AD to get things like this from the Auction House, they don't seem to care about the quality of the game.

I got a few Duergar Theurge from Winter Festival. It's not in the spreadsheets made by certain players, so I have no idea if I should keep, sell or give away as Guild Prizes.


The Worrying Wolverine
The Worrying Wolverine - 18.01.2022 02:28

Well, said it before, saying it again - most of the active companions need to be buffed, so that players get a real choice in which companion they want to use.
DPS companions need to deal at least some decent damage to be worth summoning, melee ones should deal a bit more damage then range ones, since they have to be close to the enemies. Tank companions need to be able to keep at least regular enemies of my back for a while, and therefore should have a decent amount of Hit Poins. And Healer companions need to be able to keep us going until we can use another Health Potions.
It's not rocket science, and it probably would also be in Cryptics interest to do it, since players would be more likely to spend their time/money into something that won't be nerfed into oblivion at a later time. But all they do is jump on those companions that perform too good and nerf them into the ground.
The real fun part about this, the new Companion Enchantment gives even more +xyz% damage when being upgraded to mythic...

blenderbabysrevenge - 18.01.2022 01:55

Maybe a simple solution would to make the companion damage be based on character damage (like regular attacks are).

B 2
B 2 - 18.01.2022 01:47

Problem is they'll see this and nerf the succubus they wont actually attempt to balance anything then everyone will run Regis or mystagogue. Way easier on their end to just nerf and call it a day instead of going through every comp and adjusting.
