Blend & Paint, Blender Foundation training video

Blend & Paint, Blender Foundation training video


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@FranciscoWarmling - 16.03.2011 16:20

very cool! the music is kind of weird though :P keep up with the awesome work!!

@hunterchrys25 - 16.03.2011 17:29

David Revoy is the best artist in blender!!!!! *_*

@kizzull - 16.03.2011 17:56

nice exemples ;]

@temudjin1155 - 16.03.2011 18:12

On aura au moins quelqu'un pour redorer le blason du pays en ces tristes temps... Bravo David ! Votre travail est impressionnant et votre technique basée sur le chaos est très haletante. Etant moi-même un adorateur du chaos... ;) Bref. Je vous suis depuis cette vidéo relayée par blendernation avant la production de Sintel. Vous m'aviez alors scotché !

@nutzeeer - 16.03.2011 19:19

O.o stunning

@HiAdrian - 16.03.2011 21:34

Amazing Artist!

@Painrinya - 16.03.2011 22:40

Just keep coming ade some more tutorial please :)

@retif100 - 16.03.2011 23:40

nice pictures! please, fix blender url ^)

@Alex_ADEdge - 17.03.2011 06:34

Love this technique. The most difficult part of 2D art for me is composing the image properly, right perspective and dimensions etc, this way would help so much.

@zimbloggy - 17.03.2011 06:52

just wondering how much the 3d art is used in the end product. is it mostly for reference, or is it almost 100% traced?

@OttoRobba - 17.03.2011 21:56

@HKSDK O MyPaint é um programa de pintura sem nenhuma relação com o paint que vem com o windows. MyPaint is a digital painting app with no relation to the paint program that comes with windows.

@veggiet2009 - 22.03.2011 09:30

Cool, I wonder how easy this would be to translate into doing 2D animation... the way traditional animation is done with painted backdrops and simply shaded cartoon "layers" has always left me unsatisfied somehow, if this technique used more 3d rendering and less direct hand work would create some beautiful animation

@Helloooification - 23.03.2011 15:10

0 dislikes, naturally.

@JaiBii - 24.03.2011 23:41

1:12 The future Blender Movie Project???! :P It would be so cool if the next project will be a "science-fiction" story^^ ;)

@NikoKauppi - 30.03.2011 20:57

@carlosgoferreira You can learn more from videos than from any readable document. Paper or no paper. Visit blendercookie. com and see the "new to blender" button on the top. Those will teach you everything you need to get started and the rest of the site tutorials are just super well made too. Most of those are free even. Some advanced ones cost a bit but nothing too much I think if you need em.

@Postghost - 31.03.2011 04:50

Doesn't anyone feel a certain element, or even a large chunk of the magic involved in creating , admiring and displaying, has been removed from the whole essence behind illustration ? Don't get me wrong, its a great technique for it's purpose. Knowing this is how the pictures were done , just shrouds the pieces in a feel of no authenticity. What I'm saying is , there is no pic u can make in this technique that will ever make me feel admiration for the picture. Knowing it was done this way.

@JohnAllen3d - 31.03.2011 18:31

@Postghost Surely, you don't look at the Mona Lisa and think, "He had a model sitting there. Knowing that, I now have no admiration for the picture." Because that's bs. This guy has an awesome imagination, and like any and every good artist, uses the tools at his disposal to bring that to fruition. If you don't want to see the smoke and mirrors, don't attend magician's college. Keep thinking that he really made that card/quarter disappear. But I have profound respect for finding this technique.

@ronstero - 01.04.2011 19:29

i really want this..but i don't have a dvd player..

@Postghost - 03.04.2011 14:29

@tvguyjohn ... You may have thought this of Da vinci if you knew he had a PC with Mrs Gherardini's wire frame magically appear behind his canvas for him to trace the shapes, so he doesn't need to think about presence and form, yea , I would have no admiration for the painting indeed. One can get a photo of a person & trace it and simply make a 'masterpiece' that way ?? Would you be impressed? Is it still not using every tool available to you even if it means sacrificing the need for skills?

@Postghost - 03.04.2011 14:37

@tvguyjohn O and there's a big difference between imagining someone made something REALLY disappear with magic, and imagining whether someone, REALLY drew a picture or not .. I mean, come on ... ... i mean , If We're REALLY gonna do this now, at least put a little effort and realistic contextual substance into your argument.

@bespired - 12.04.2011 18:25

@Postghost Not sure what the difference is between making guidelines by hand and guidelines with a 3d package. The "paint" is no oil anyway. I don't think this is "paint by numbers". And even if it was, the "numbers" are still made by the artist and not by a company. But I think I get your drift here. For some its the road that counts, for others the result.

@Postghost - 14.04.2011 04:46

@bespired Well I have used blender for a while now and I really love making models but the thing is, it's rather easy. There are endless foolproof tools and methods to shape and replicate, mirror and generate. A lot went into the understanding of the internal essence of form and structure and how it plays out in an illustration. Now there is a large abyssal void. There was a real elation to be felt when hurdles are cleared through focus and determination. Art itself truly is, a dying art.

@dannydr - 17.04.2011 13:20

What kind of program is used to create the "subtitles"?

@cheaterman49 - 11.05.2011 09:43

@JaiBii You mean like... again? Have you seen Elephants Dream?

@JaiBii - 12.05.2011 15:40

@cheaterman49 No. I mean the SF with spacial ships and other kind of same things.. I have seen ED but its not really SF..

@cheaterman49 - 14.05.2011 01:44

@JaiBii Yes it is. Lookup on Wikipedia for the definition of the genre ;).

@SimonTygesen - 15.07.2011 19:59

Love the 3D artwork... but i also love the musical artwork... Who is the artist who made this catchy melody?

@SimonTygesen - 16.07.2011 02:28

@simonpetertygesen also would like to add that I of course like the 2D art results of this awesome workflow technique

@JohnAllen3d - 28.07.2011 17:17

@Postghost I'm sorry, can you make that make sense?

@SimonTygesen - 11.08.2011 01:24

I need to know who made this musical composition, can someone please let me know?

@eukleyvcardoso - 25.08.2011 00:59

@JaiBii it will be :D

@SimonTygesen - 29.08.2011 21:21

@DeevadRevoy I must have been blind... when I saw the video the first couple of times... but in the credits it says... Sound design: Kevin Mc Leod "How it begins" , incompetech . com

@Sashowow1 - 06.09.2011 22:26

Your work is epic

@PureGlitchingdotcom - 12.09.2011 09:14

simply amazing...

@super0spore0fan - 19.09.2011 20:49

3d max dislike it

@lizardpeter2249 - 22.09.2011 00:10

Hello! Its very-very cool! Can I use this technique for animation or just for a picure? (Of course without gimping all the frames one by one)

@kurentmalik - 28.09.2011 15:47

how to make a living with blender. :(

@AndreasFiliusAnimation - 29.10.2011 01:09

@Helloooification Only an envious could dislike it. Even an ignorant will have to admit the quality of this work

@TheBioshow - 25.02.2012 18:15

Well I recommended for those begginer(like me) search for vscorpianc,she's very good teacher.I used to watched her tutorials and become better but now I forgotten cuz I stopped using blender but now im back agaiN!

@hunarahmad - 16.06.2012 18:07

I wonder how some people dislike a completely free program which is only here to provide a good alternative for poor people?!

@masterod1 - 09.08.2012 03:45

so true..

@spymasterwade - 09.10.2012 12:33

well you got your sci fi wish dont know if it was what you where expecting but u got one

@EliasMartinsdedeus - 07.02.2013 21:50

é uma pena que não tem um treinamento desse em português. seria muito bom se vocês disponibilizada em português pra nos contenteza eu e muito outro que são fan do blenda compraria

@WeiserMaster3 - 25.04.2013 23:29

So.. If u were a dragon in Skyrim i would definitly kill u to become your skills :P very nice

@m.rosaprats4626 - 31.07.2013 19:53

me ha encantat es divi

@DavidRevoy - 07.08.2013 18:59

Yes, it annoys me as well, that's why I always mention it in the credit. You know this page at the end with annoying text around 3:05 :-D

@flickgeek830 - 10.09.2013 22:59

A question to anyone who owns this: is it still useful given that its teaching you with blender 2.5 while I currently have blender 2.6?

@wb3d35 - 30.10.2013 17:46

Hi This is great learning material, and I like the music too :)

@nanographics21 - 31.10.2013 10:39


@HardBoiledBanana - 30.04.2015 04:50

Ooh. Just found out about this one whilst checking out the store at the Blender website. I do believe I'll be buying this, even if Blender's the only one of the programs shown that I use.
