How TikTok's Algorithm Figures You Out | WSJ

How TikTok's Algorithm Figures You Out | WSJ

The Wall Street Journal

2 года назад

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@stunnerboy7730 - 04.01.2024 21:24

Y u dont talk about Meta😊😊😊😊

@reddish_orange - 28.12.2023 19:57

Beautiful video!

Yeah, it looks like our social media is a mirror reflecting how we see the world, and what are our most repetitive thoughts.

@Jarzula - 28.12.2023 09:42

Wow, I hope people are still not this dense today. Don’t want TikTok “listening”? Stop posting 😂😂

@tesla369-99 - 04.12.2023 11:18

elon musk is wrong...wont be just summonin demons... there will be gods...extreme ai multiple religions of ai's gods will be ter wont be like your average gods...

@posthocprior - 22.10.2023 19:48

A guess: when you sign up for a TikTok account, each user is assigned a random baseline based on age and IP location. That is, the model uses a poisson point process model that assigns each user a random covariate vector which has a normalized coefficient. This covariate vector correlates to the coefficient of each video's covariate vector. Success in the algorithm, then, is defined as narrowing the range of the user's experience on TikTok so that each video use is within the maximum parameters of the covariate vector. This is done by a recursive algorithm that randomly assigns videos based on what the users watches and stops to look at it. The random process of selecting videos, then, should be narrowed and correlated with the coefficient of the covariate vector. (This means, I think, each video needs an enormous amount of data on how it relates to each other video in this correlation matrix. This is the key -- not the algorithm -- and I'm not sure how TikTok does it well enough to insure accurate results.)

@bitsbard - 19.10.2023 05:07

This is a respectable piece. Should this topic interest you, a compatible book would serve you well. "Game Theory and the Pursuit of Algorithmic Fairness" by Jack Frostwell

@paulhill2366 - 10.08.2023 04:41

Why's the media so negative about something hugely successful? The BUSINESS is to put ads in front of people. They put ads in front of you by interspersing them with the content you want to watch. It knows what you want to watch very well and hooks you and shows you more ads. The media are saying TikTok is too successful.

@timyjoned7783 - 06.08.2023 20:04

Pausing + external keyboard data + microphone is a deadly combo

@uarmyhope-94 - 02.08.2023 22:57

This is qhy people say that the "for you" page has gotten too personal

@screamyboy4722 - 01.08.2023 18:20


@walhdamaskus2408 - 31.07.2023 21:51

If americans study harder they will be able to understand how algorithm works. Tik tok is like yt, fb or insta..... except tik tok is more useful and efficience for social media influencers. 😂

@akashshrestha01 - 31.07.2023 13:31


@Belugabros - 24.07.2023 01:18

it goes deeper

@robert9495 - 21.07.2023 09:35

My question is this:
Can tiktok track me, profile me, figure me out or whatever if i sometimes watch the shorts on yt from tiktok? I always wondered if that is possible. I'd like to know because if that is the case, i'll stop watching them effective immediately. I dont use tiktok at all, never cared for it never will but these shorts originating from tiktok and posted on yt are something i am worried about in terms of everything profiling, tracking and the likes
Thanks for whatever feedback you can provide pertaining to my question.

@STCKMN_ - 17.07.2023 23:26

So TikTok diagnosed me with ADHD...

@BlindGuy-vs5rc - 29.06.2023 18:33

This study that the Wall Street Journal did is flawed. They used bots not real human beings. Tick-tock also listens to your conversations and hears the words you speak and it also follows and trace is what you do on other apps to get its algorithm. Yes what it shows in this is partially what it does but it does much more. Save your soul and remove TikTok from your app and your phone forever

@aerospc001 - 10.06.2023 03:54

this is so scary

@sukorileakbatt294 - 05.06.2023 13:41

WSJ and legacy media been pushing depressing content for a hundred years. what you're looking at here is the 1.0 version giving out about V 2.0

@daughter44 - 30.05.2023 07:37

This seems like common sense since that's what they get paid To Do but I want to know more about the bots you made..

@Jethorus - 26.05.2023 06:22

It doesn’t listen to your microphone or read your sexy messages TO SERVE YOU PERSONALIZED VIDEOS. So it does do those things for other reasons

@trip0six - 21.05.2023 11:56

This is a small example of why social media was designed to control and figure us out… for the benefit of big brother! Our government! They’re good and a lot of us are blind to the reality of what’s really going on. Yet, we continue to let us get examined, used for scientific purposes that control us and keep us from empowering ourselves and being successful or living a simple life. We are being manipulated! Why do you think tik tok, instagram, facebook, snap chat.. ect! Why do you think it’s free? Everything else I. The net they charge for but these apps they don’t! They know where we’re at, where we went, who your with, what you like and influence us to go to certain places, track us, get us to spend money, they are drawing us in! All around! There’s so much more they benefit from us and we’re not seeing it! It’s crazy, beyond crazy but 100% it’s real!

@DL-wr6gq - 04.05.2023 04:48

tiktok Please figure me out! 😂 I need to know what I really want !!

@MsMrMaple - 24.04.2023 18:18

Recently, I checked my phone for battery use. The highest was Tiktok! I NEVER use it, and I did not install to app on purpose (I probably clicked something by mistake on twitter). Seems to me tiktok is gathering info even when you are not using it. I did scroll tiktok for about an hour a couple of years ago on my browser on my laptop. I decided it was going to be too distracting for me, so I just didn't do it. I did not knowingly install it on my phone, and never opened the app on my phone!

@gamezswinger - 20.04.2023 21:30

Superb video! Eye opening. Thank you for sharing.

@waleedalshoaibi - 18.04.2023 02:07

thank you

@Fingolfin3423 - 17.04.2023 23:48

If you use TikTok, stop. Delete the app and never touch it again. The sad thing is that too many people are literally addicted to it. It's a drug.

@RRNumber4 - 11.04.2023 06:50

Very informative video 💯

@nicolaslanos4250 - 05.04.2023 10:14

Is there more information about how the bot behavior was conducted available?

@timesread3810 - 01.04.2023 12:31

Instagram does the same thing. Why don't you talk about that?? These western media is worried about West's dominance.

@julioqueiroz9707 - 29.03.2023 19:36

This is real life AI manipulation

@fritzsmith3296 - 27.03.2023 05:34

This is all nonsense. The advertising industry and the church already knows and uses the stuff TiK Tok is uncovering. Even govt worldwide have been using this stuff.

My prediction? After watching Tik Tok, I'm firmly believe then Tik Tok will be a short-lived in social media.

I also believe the US Govt is trying to make trouble on China.

@thoughtthinker9300 - 24.03.2023 03:47

Tic Toc is nothing more then a Communist Chinese INFORMATION COLLECTION TOOL.

Anyone that can't understand this is lying, Communist, or as smart as a ROCK.



Next problem and Danger.

Pokeman Go.

It can target anywhere and everywhere at every elevation instantaneously.

A perfect instrument for war uses, for anyone that has access to its programming and data..


@youngsuit - 19.03.2023 05:24

So it does what the other social media apps aim to do but better.

@milly4071 - 18.03.2023 19:36

I fell in this rabbit hole. Straight to a mental hospital

@nuorigin - 14.03.2023 18:15

WSJ came out of the racist bigot closet all the way today. Wow.

@papicubbies1377 - 12.03.2023 17:08

If we say fb spy on us. So tik tok live with us. 🤣😂

@ImperialMJG - 03.03.2023 20:18

It would serve little purpose if it showed videos you dont want to see.

@ImperialMJG - 03.03.2023 20:15

LOL talk about revealing you use bots.

@LV-qr8fr - 23.02.2023 00:32

Tik tok makes me cringe so hard my face implodes with the force of a black hole 🕳️

@samiminer9338 - 12.02.2023 02:30

Sure didn't work for me

@438019 - 09.02.2023 22:07

I say again, the CCP is the SINGLE biggest threat to the planet.

* From their dark fleets overfishing and plundering international waters,
* to their voracious appetite for shark fins, rhino horns and elephant tusks and the accompanying wildlife trafficking in everything from indigenous cacti to all sorts of birds and reptiles,
* to the mineral exploitation and military applications in Antarctica - which are forbidden,
* to their colonisation of Africa (under the BS guise of "investment") whereby they are getting African nations into unbelievable debt to a sovereign nation that these countries will NEVER be able to get out of poverty,
* to the not-so-subtle threat to invade Taiwan and wish to dominate and bully most south East Asian countries
* to the shocking environmental and human rights abuses within China - the Uyghurs and Tibetan cultures are being destroyed, and, this is a country that does not have ONE animal rights law at all; if it moves, they eat it.
* to the digital hacker unit within the Army that targets Western institutions,
* to the Chinese spies pretending to be students at Western and American universities stealing scientific data.
* to the spread of HUAWEI and the spying and data gathering being directed by the CCP.
* And the Tik Tok psychological war on the West, wherein they are deliberately destroying the next generation with the depravity of Tik Tok masquerading as content.

China is out to destroy the West and America and it is doing so on so many fronts. It has an avowed mission statement to destroy the West and become the world's only Super Power.

And sadly, they are winning the war and destroying the West because too many Americans fail to, and refuse to see the nefarious hand of the CCP behind this vile App - get it now, the Chinese COMMUNIST Party controls Tik Tok.

And I truly do not give a toss if this comment is racist or xenophobic or insulting to the Chinese in any way. I don't like the CCP and I don't trust them at all. I don't care, because most Chinese are behind their evil government's ambitions,

The evidence speaks for itself, there are two versions of Tik Tok and the absolute filth and mind-numbingly stupid, inane, vulgar, destructive content the West see is totally different to what the CCP allows for their population.

That's the in-your-face clue, wake up America and the West and ban this App before it's too late.

@clairechua8265 - 07.02.2023 02:32

kentucky96 suddenly seems so human 🥺🥺

@vucanh7360 - 05.02.2023 06:26

Great piece of work 👍

@douglasforeman8627 - 31.01.2023 04:55

I will translate wall Street journal print edition.

Notice something a little different about you that is like a stumbling blocks.

You many times unaware of what was noticed.

Wisdom many if not most surprises very close good and bad news .

God very famous 3 square feet of space by yourself over their.

Personal space close. Topic.

@sebastianwardana1527 - 30.01.2023 00:19

omg theres no escaaaaape!

@scattagain - 28.01.2023 18:26

Recently, TikTok has updated their terms and conditions to allow them to track camera and microphone information to further optimize their algorithm

For example, before this change, it would be a small struggle point for the algorithm to find out which "type"of funny content you like, but now by just tracking your reaction such as smiling or laughing, it can understand you more than you do yourself

@augustlorenzberoy2027 - 23.01.2023 23:26

That's kinda scary
