10 Modern JRPGs For Newcomers

10 Modern JRPGs For Newcomers

The Kiseki Nut

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@TheKisekiNut - 23.01.2022 02:25

In no particular order, here’s my modern JRPG recommendations for anyone looking to start in the genre!

My general criteria was that I wanted them to be easily accessible (on current gen hardware – PS4 is still current gen as far as I’m concerned due to scalping, and/or multi-platform). Also, that they encompass many of the strong aspects we’ve come to find specific to JRPGs. I think these 10 fit that bill.

@kanggalon5452 - 03.01.2024 16:58

now i'm waiting for some group to fully translate Kuro no kiseki : crimson sin into english, i don't mind playing with jp voice at all.

@KasumiR - 31.12.2023 20:28

13 Sentinels has to be one of the prettiest games I've seen. It needs a PC release!

@KasumiR - 31.12.2023 20:27

I agree with OSTs being important, FF4 basically has you push through the most boring parts (press attack to win) purely on how strong the combat, boss, dungeon and Baron themes are. Dragon Quest is known for having pretty good soundtracks in general, I need to check out the series more.

@KasumiR - 31.12.2023 20:26

Hard disagree on Persona 5 Royal cost to content ratio: right now it's on sale at 50% on Steam, leaving it at the same cost as buying Tales of Symphonia or Berseria... 20 times. Literally. I can buy, combined: Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross Remaster, Trails in the Sky FS, Final Fantasy III & IV 3D remakes, FFVII, VIII and IX, and still have money left over. For price of ONE Persona game... Which is what I did. Maybe on consoles it's different but on PC, there's so much better stuff like Grandia HD remasters and Squaresoft sales that it's a no-brainer skipping it.

@rofleur5674 - 10.11.2023 06:50

Glad to see 13 Sentinels on the list, very underrated game

@SargeWolf010 - 05.11.2023 16:49


@Trololo231 - 28.10.2023 09:31

I know that JRPGs doesn't mean it has turn based combat, but i can't consider stuff like FF7 Remake or Nier Automata as JRPGs. It's silly, they are good games, i just wish we hadn't lost turn based combats. :(

@l3nxhInvxlid - 23.10.2023 20:30

Tales of arise and nier automata are honestly the best for graphics

@Anpeo - 23.10.2023 06:46

New to the genre because of the recent Final Fantasy 16. I'm having a blast with Atelier Ryza and Trials of Mana. Also bought Ni no kuni 2 and Neptunia 4 Goddesses Online on a massive discount, they are next. So many amazing experiences, I fell in love with the genre already. Turns out gaming is not only about AAA titles. ❤

@THUGR4TED - 13.10.2023 05:44

Bruh Octopath Traveller is literally Comfort food JRPG how could you not include that. Its so damn good. And the sequel is literally a Masterpiece.

@dantevoncrowlley2243 - 25.09.2023 20:17

I don't anyone should start with Persona at all, the pacing will bore out everyone quickly, rather start with another SMT game or don't start with SMT as well since is hard for newcomers

@HikaruHitachiin018 - 25.08.2023 16:30

I love tales of arise! Like I can’t move on! 💕💕

@pilarpaksi - 15.08.2023 03:21

For the newcomers to JRPG genre and interested to play Nier Automata, I must telling you this, once you get invested to it you HAVE prepare yourself, I won't say more, JUST. PREPARE. YOURSELF. ENJOY.

@jonathansoko1085 - 29.07.2023 22:42

Persona 5 Royal is one of the worst options to offer a newcomer to jrpgs come on dude. It's 90% reading dialogue and 10% game play introducing a newcomer that way is not good you get a thumbs down for that

@eliotwildermann - 27.07.2023 04:56

I started ys 8 on vita but had to stop due to a broken analogue stick and haven't gone back but i just recently picked it up for ps5 on sale 😊

@eliotwildermann - 27.07.2023 04:52

I've played cold steel twice on each platform i purchased it for the ps3 vita and ps4 yup its a good game i love ng+ ❤️ 😊

@eliotwildermann - 27.07.2023 04:42

Lol Estelle in the beginning bit was pretty funny 😁 😊

@kakaoke4061 - 26.07.2023 11:27

Pokemon! Its the easiest introduction to Rpgs since the beginning of time

@taigaaisaka6305 - 21.07.2023 11:25

I loved DQ11, but yeah, the OST suck massive ass. What I did, I played on PC, was mode the music, there's a bunch of mods out there that add the songs for older DQ games, and that helped massively. However, even with that, at points I would just turn the music off and, funnily enough, put a soundtrack of any Kiseki game lol. Sad because the game is fantastic otherwise, the story is nothing groundbreaking, but it is told and exacted perfectly for what it is, and the combat only gets better and better as you level up and define the characters. But man, the OST, they really, truly dropped the ball on that one. I known this is going to sound bad, but, thankfully, Koichi Sugiyama passed away, because every single problem with the music in DQ11 and basically every version, was thanks to him. The midi format? He forced SE to do that because he and his family have the copyright on all of that music and they want to make more money, so he made the music in the games low quality on purpose to force people to buy the CD or go to their concert. Like, I have a lot of respect for the man for composing some relaly iconic music, but my god, he was such an awful and greedy human being. (That's withiest mentioning his political views which, oh boy, were pretty awful too). With him gone I am really, really looking forward to what they do with DQ12, it is a great chance to allow another talented composer to work on it, bring some fresh ideas to the series.

@unstoppableforcevsimmovabl1701 - 20.07.2023 19:59

Persona 5 is a hard miss. Too many social elements

@grobariza - 05.07.2023 23:16

my 1st jrpg was Ni No Kuni 2 and Dragon Quest 11

@Raphtor13 - 30.05.2023 02:54

Ys VIII - tried so hard to get into it but found it very basic and boring. Tales of Arise is the ONLY Tales game I didn't like (Breseria is my favorite). Also, could not get into Neir or Persona 5. I loved DQ XI. Hated Xenoblade Chronicles but loved Xenoblade 2 and Xenoblade 3. I am looking forward to Trails of Cold Steel when I get the chance to pick it up.

@stokinbusuklagenda2963 - 05.05.2023 08:16

my first jrpg ever is bravely default... goos but it's so hard (at least for me)

@jackero78 - 05.05.2023 04:16

Kinda sad I didn’t see fuga: Melodie’s of steel on here 😢

@untitledpornstar5530 - 02.05.2023 21:03

Yakuza like a dragon is my favorite game. I’ve played persona 4,5,royal, neo the world ends with you, nier automata and more.

Reason being it made me feel every emotion. And it never got old. The story throws you everywhere. Plot twists and game changing mechanics and amazing optional in game games. The characters had me sucked into their stories. Dialogue gives me life. I just love love love like a dragon. Nier automate is a close second. Different type of games though.

@saintsaber8491 - 27.04.2023 19:19

2B has the best chest opening animation EVER.

@DeadHawk23 - 19.04.2023 08:54

Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom

@thedancingdragon6401 - 31.03.2023 01:03

Ys and Trails are something special

@ztxxi - 26.02.2023 19:55

Tales of arise my lovely jrpg

@darharharhar1484 - 26.02.2023 16:12

I facepalmed so hard when you compared the DQ11 soundtrack to P5R. Like I agree with your take on the dragon quest music it's pretty bad, but almost every soundtrack is bad in comparison.

@ritsuko89 - 22.02.2023 14:58

I've already played Persona 5 Royal with Nintendo Switch. And I could say, I'm quite satisfied...the combat system is quite a step-up from previous Persona series, and it's quite fun too.

@robertdeffenbaugh9004 - 12.02.2023 05:15

Persona 4 was my first JRPG then I got into the Trails of cold steel all four games.
This month I’m getting Tales of Symphonia I read it’s a prequel to Tales of Phantasia.

@Wiseman108 - 04.02.2023 07:17

Not a fan of Visual Novels, but 13 Sentinels would have been much better without the combat, honestly.

@Wiseman108 - 04.02.2023 07:12

I don't know if I'd call Trails "unrivaled" in world building, the Suikoden series had some top class world building as well. Also a lot of western RPGs have amazing world building too, like the Elder Scrolls series.

@codysvlogdays - 01.02.2023 15:43

Okay the OST for dq11 is NOT that bad, not the greatest but jesus that's a bit of an over exaggeration

@GaspardTheGrey - 17.01.2023 15:26

Hey playing through one piece odyssey over on my channel and thats just the start i will be playing final fantasy 16 and more so come check out a new creator and show some support it would make my week! Thanks to anyone who checks us out!!!

@yuzuki3876 - 12.01.2023 09:52

start with fate grand order lolololol

@mrreddington777 - 11.01.2023 13:45

Tales of arise is so overrated. You didn’t mention how repetitive the enemies are and the sponge effect of the bosses. The game could’ve been 20 hours shorter and the last world you’re in is awful. You’re basically running down the same halls and into the same rooms with the same boss enemies you’ve already defeated. Rinse and repeat.

@PikaGuy69 - 10.01.2023 08:07

I do think Kingdom Hearts is missing from this list. It’s a good transition due to having a lot of Disney incorporated into it, its not too hardcore fairly quick to pick on and helps players get familiar with JRPG style. The story isn’t the greatest, but I think the characters and gameplay would be enough to have people start going down the rabbit hole.

@SuperTonigno - 07.01.2023 13:08

Nier automata never gets old

@HirschyKiss - 31.12.2022 09:09

I'm not sure I can fully agree with you on Nier: Automata... I'm not sure I disagree either. I think it entirely depends on how much experience you have with other RPGs, or story games in general, you have. It bends and breaks the molds in a way that enhances the story and emotions because it's not like other games and does things In that Yoko Taro way. Maybe play it near the end of the list you have made and it would still hit as hard as it "should."

Regardless, fantastic video.

@DongsMBM - 29.12.2022 15:26

I really dont understand why the cold steel game are so popular, its disliked by pretty much everyone in asia/china region, and that includes myself. I had to force myself through the 4 games, and it took me almost 3 years to do so. Any of the previous games is far supirior. I was playing traild of rivire and when I had to play rean's chapters, I just lost all my motivation to continue.

@TJ-bd3mc - 28.12.2022 09:17

I tried yakuza like a dragon, was enjoying it up to the point where they introduced button prompts during combat, and I just could not get the timing down(except for the moves where you just mash the button). So I was missing a lot of extra damage and taking a lot of damage because I could not get the block timing down either. Just did not find it enjoyable. Story was great though, of what I played of it.

@SulthanMuhammad - 28.12.2022 01:52

i've played dqxi and arise. imo there is one title that should be included called tokyo xanadu ex+ . its a port from psp , very beautiful graphic. persona-like background but i like it more cause i don't like how weakness work in persona.

@bensmith5288 - 27.12.2022 12:23


@icecp6532 - 27.12.2022 02:29

13 sentinels being here is a a certified pogchamp

@marketman2187 - 26.12.2022 13:31

I loved Ys 8 would you recommend any of the others in the series?
