Founder and CEO of OpenWeb on the Future of the Online Interaction | #78 Nadav Shoval

Founder and CEO of OpenWeb on the Future of the Online Interaction | #78 Nadav Shoval

Felix Levine

2 года назад

4,882 Просмотров

Nadav Shoval is the founder and CEO of OpenWeb. OpenWeb works with publishers like Refinery29, PCMag, Salon, FanSided and others to transform traditional comment sections to highly engaged communities that are profitable for publishers and remain civil spaces for high quality conversations. On this episode, Shoval talks about how OpenWeb can potentially revolutionize the way people interact online, how he writes down notes about every person he meets to make sure he never forgets his interactions with them, and how he sticks to concrete daily schedule that allows him to maximize his efficiency.


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@ewindow453 - 12.04.2024 01:04

Today, I found out that openweb censor content racially. I want this bigot to prove me wrong. All platforms that use this for censorship should be boycotted. Who made them the internet police, and can't they push a narrative because they silence decent?. Let's see if this comment stay up. Stuff like this we should be voting on at the ballot box.

@christianhoffman7407 - 19.10.2023 05:33

I don't have to watch this to know everything he is saying about how good they are is a LIE

@Crustymarine - 04.04.2023 14:22

Still, censorship of opinions "they" don't like.

@pupdoggify - 19.10.2022 03:23

This guy straight up lied in the interview about 1. All those publication houses being the best content creators ie NYT, Vice, WSJ, etc…they are literally peddlers of misinformation/govt propaganda and 2. Their website being soo open about how they conduct moderation. What a clown!

@freakyfornash - 12.07.2022 08:05

Your comment program fucking sucks with all the drivel it allows everywhere! You don't even have an expand button either! Do the world a favor, and shut it down ASAP!

@JimDandy49 - 27.06.2022 07:01

This guy and Openweb make Twitter look like censorship amateurs. The AI in Yahoo's comment boards will censor trigger words words like raccoon, regardless of context, and delete your comment. It will automatically ban you if you post too many times in an hour. He has a nice vision, but the algorithm is seriously broken, and Yahoo will ultimately be the loser in the deal when their already depleted user base winds up all getting banned and going to other websites instead. Nobody uses the Yahoo search engine anymore, and if nobody can comment on news... RIP Yahoo.

@jukee67 - 23.06.2022 06:33

Like every other CEO...all about himself. Profits come first and for most. And then you have companies like OpenWeb. They create an army of bots that take to comment sections on media sites to engage with the many unintelligent humans that fall for their tactics and spill out their rage for the internet to catch in its web and cloud for eternity or as long as the Sun holds back an X flare to fry all these big tech creations. OpenWeb States it operates to get social media platform users to cross over to media websites. What is the media in 2022? A weapon being used by intelligence agencies against the majority of the world population - Divide and conquer in its purest form. Think of OpenWeb as the young guy in bar that starts a fight and pulls his friends into it or need them to finish what he started. I worked in night clubs and I have seen this used as a tactic...start the fight and slide out the side door or get to the restroom. When the dust settles the scumbag will return and use this as an opportunity to have a shot at one of his "friend's" girlfriends, specifically the one that has more than a few drinks. These type of companies engage in brewing hate to destroy a weak minded user of the internet and make them say things they may not understand and do not realize how these comments can be used to destroy a person in the future. It's like a hidden camera in a massage parlor or any compromising situation recorded and held to use against that person if they rise in power - business and especially politics. Companies like this should be dismantled and those that engage in this type of behavior in my opinion should be taken out on the ocean on a Cruise Ship and thrown off the back of the Ship when 5+ miles from shore. If they swim well and make it back, they can continue life. If they engage in such activity after that, take them back out to see far away enough from shore they won't even try to make it to shore. They are cold blooded soulless freaks that are part of main reason why Modern Humanity is looking like a failure that is close to hammering a final nail in the coffin. Did this puppet really create anything that this company sells? Who knows? He looks like the typical Big Tech CEO that was placed in the position or someone held the ladder. Anyone that pushes one side of a debate, argument, or topic is a danger to all around them. It is destroying what little in left in America and many fall for their tactics. In the end, they will get what's coming to them. A lot money laundering and outright theft is going on throughout all world markets. Where is all this money going or being used for? Big question is what do the ultra wealthy know that they won't share with the world population? Pay attention, read between the headlines, look up every once in a while and refuse to pick sides to watch the ridiculousness and maybe you catch a clue. No one cares to watch this video. It only exists so a scumbag behind these tactics can shadowban the comments or put my comment on a list as a enemy to their agenda. Your pathetic and in the end will fold out of fear...pick which method for quick exit out of chaos if surrounded...rope, gun, or chemical way...Good luck, hopefully you realize what you are or what your doing and quit to then expose some of the tactics that are unknown.

@joep9810 - 27.05.2022 02:09

Openweb is a joke. Nadav Shoval is a pole smoker.

@cccytdi - 07.05.2022 05:09

Your company is racist AF

@anonomess1 - 07.12.2021 15:20

Nadav Shoval is the founder and CEO of OpenWeb. OpenWeb works to ensure only liberal views are expressed and is modeled after the censorship prevalent in todays China and Nazi Germany.

@dukiesocial7310 - 21.08.2021 05:30

I know why all the Leftists love OpenWeb. It's because of how it pushes their preferred narratives to the top using bots that generate fake likes. Just look at OpenWeb comments on Fox or other sites. It's almost like half the likes are from a "guest" (though no legitimate person can actually login as a guest) with screen names that include a color plus a random noun, e.g. BlueSpoon, GreenWidget, RedHorse
Any system doing that is probably also shadow banning and other unsavory actions to create a false impression about the article where the comment appears.
