Profound Near-Death Experience Account- David Bennett

Profound Near-Death Experience Account- David Bennett

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Dave Bennett shares his profound near-death experience while he was the Chief Engineer for the underwater research vessel Aloha in 1983. He also offers valuable insights and wisdom. The video quality is poor, but the content is EXCELLENT!

David Bennett, once a brash young commercial diver whose personal philosophy was “cut your way through life to survive,” was caught in a violent storm off the California coast one night where he drowned. While technically “dead,” he met beings of light, relived his life, and peeked into his future, resulting in a complete paradigm shift for him. Later, he discovered he had stage IV lung and bone cancer—so advanced that his spine collapsed. Miraculously, he survived once again, and this second close call taught him even more about living, loving, and how to find purpose in his life. The book "Voyage of Purpose" brings readers right into the heart of the near-death experience, including the sensations of dying, being surrounded by the light, and meeting the Soul Family. Part memoir and part guide for achieving spiritual growth, this book shows how to integrate the most traumatic of incidents into one’s spiritual path in order to live a more meaningful life.

Source: IANDS 2012 Conference

"Effecting change in oneself affects change in all of us. We can do this simply through our intentions."

**Dave also discusses his near-death experience in "The Story of God with Morgan Freeman". He is also a board member of IANDS.**

✨ David Bennett -- web site

✨ Book "Voyage of Purpose: Spiritual Wisdom from Near-Death back to Life" --

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