Brian Greene - Should We Ditch String Theory?

Brian Greene - Should We Ditch String Theory?

Science Time

1 год назад

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@wsxcde21 - 04.01.2024 20:50

but dude aren't the strings vibrating on something? strings are just as dumb as atoms and any particle. they are all dependent on a allcompassing medium. thats what everything is built upon. fields and more mediums. magnetic and electromagnetic fields are sure evident results. this is our base. or this should be our base of research instead of the nonsense we have today. the causes are still undiscovered. its just sad that the academy is just for fools.

@dnadnadna743 - 01.01.2024 00:34

primates beating on the chest look at me I dissed God- but DNA whats that? lol LMAO

@GLASSB182 - 31.12.2023 08:56

Ok clearly string theory hasn't brought forth the practical progress we were expecting. So where should we explore or revisit to explain the universe now? I'm asking for honest suggestions.

@magnushelliesen - 28.12.2023 15:10

Brian Greene is very intelligent and well spoken (obviously), but I'm getting more and more tired of hearing that "matter is filaments of tiny vibrating strings"... Is it though?

@fndrr42 - 24.12.2023 18:32

Scientists trying to be philosophers they just don’t realize it.

@JKDVIPER - 23.12.2023 21:08

1. IS MASS CAUSING EXPANSION? DISPLACEMENT THEORY?? If supermassive black holes can lock out empty space that belongs in a given cores volume, and we know this so well, because even our atmosphere displaces the EMPTY BLACK VACUUM only allowing it to touch our EXOSPHERE. There’s no blending and mixing with the empty black vacuum and our atmosphere. It completely makes space curve. Go around, whatever you’d like to call it. So if sponge like masses like earth can do it? How much does a galaxy core displace empty black space? Gravity being a catalyst, thermodynamics being boss, we see SPACE STORMS when we look out at these objects. Anything we see that is in light speed distances, we can assume is in the past. But when it comes to our ship (galaxy) we are on a HEAT CHASING COLD storm full of ENERGY not mass. DARK MATTER we came up with because our minds hadn’t realized that those galaxies are super charged and heat (star walls) and gaseous sections that create stars are swirling around a cold dense center. If you know anything about pressures and temperatures, absolute zero acts like a drain. No molecular motion means TIME STOPS. So all that life, all that energy is chasing it in a circular or elliptical pattern. If storms on earth can muster up intense speeds, and tremendous power here on earth. It’s safe to say that black holes and stars are far more dense so the intensity goes way up. But the premise remains the same.” Heat chasing cold holds the galaxy together.” The next issue would be gravity. With our planet flying at 70,000 MPH around the sun, and spinning, that would keep any matter near the vortex (HOLE IN SPACE) flying right with it. Even when we shoot out at 40,000 MPH and begin to lift off the earth, we’re still keeping that original velocity. That’s why when we get out far enough, the earth doesn’t just fly away on us. Think of you and the earth both falling from a building. Together. Your velocity in a rocket would be you going sideways AWAY FROM THE EARTH so you would actually need to brake or stop in order to really know what the gravity is. The sun chasing SAGITTARIUS A at 500,000 MPH is our next consideration. Those are both high velocities. But the galaxy is booking it at 1.3 million MPH towards the great attractor. Now that’s making us cover a multitude of distances as we make those corkscrew actions. Circles stretched out over wide expanses of space. So my issue is that it’s my belief that matter is causing the expansion from displacement. If we sink a beach ball into a pool it’s volume goes up. Similarly, matter in the universe makes the cosmological constant slide over. In effect, blowing out the edge. And I think our DARK MATTER is really is not understanding FORCE. Those stars could be looked at as BIG PARTICLES.”

@JKDVIPER - 23.12.2023 20:58

Yes, and here’s why. I always like to be humble because WHO AM I. I’m not here to tell people that had good families, and went to school that somebody like me who learned in the trenches is somehow superior. To the contrary, it’s my belief that if we work together as scientists in the fields, with learned scholars in the universities. That said, I’ll leave a list of ideas that might be important. 😇☕️💯☑️

@jadhabash3114 - 21.12.2023 12:48

These vibrations are the words of god all what inside the cosmos is the word of god

@jadhabash3114 - 21.12.2023 12:47

The string theory is too beautiful to be not correct its must be true

@jov876 - 14.12.2023 06:19

String theory is philosophy or religion at this point. It is not a theory in physics unless you can experimentally verify it or predict something that we cannot from existing ones. At this point, it is useless.

@MeaHeaR - 09.12.2023 16:49

ÕMĞ é PôWéŘ-PhÛľĽ Orrrsé-Strâylêans

@avibhagan - 04.12.2023 19:32

You cannot kill something that was never alive.

I pity people who spent their lives dedicated to string theory .
I personally puked and tossed it aside almost as soon as I started studying it, never to be bothered by it again.
I had not faith in it, from my first introduction to it in my undergrad years .

I always thought it was a hail Mary and a pipe dream.

NB - I would have been happy to be wrong about it.

@galgadsmith - 04.12.2023 02:01

Neil degrass is not scientist.

@Slowhobolicker - 01.12.2023 09:12

Maybe not completely but certainly cut a big chunk of the funding out and cut your losses..It's been 70 years now and the resources, brains, time & effort put into this vs other things stagnated physics as a whole.

@davidcrane6593 - 27.11.2023 12:04

Insanity.. . Running the same idea for 50 years and expecting different results.

@theephemeralglade1935 - 20.11.2023 23:31

Yeah, but if you keep moving the goal posts, it might be true...

@theephemeralglade1935 - 20.11.2023 23:24

String theory is a story, and an idea. It is not a theory in the testable sense. Tell 'em, Neil!

@blitzchamp3854 - 20.11.2023 07:53

So that means we are all made of energy?...

@wesleygibson5546 - 18.11.2023 07:15

Would string theory work with INFINITE dimensions though...

@eduardocardenas4920 - 16.11.2023 01:46

One of the main reasons is that it takes out of context the only constant in the cosmos, which of course is not the speed of light. In fact, all theories have meaning and relevance in different aspects, but none of them connect with the other due to the absence. of the ignored constant.

Fortunately, the unifying theory of everything is being developed and in a simple and elegant way unites and explains the processes of creation of the cosmos that includes a plausible and logical description of existence.

The process is started, the answers will be available very soon

Eduardo Cardenas

@BenQotsa - 15.11.2023 20:12

it never really made sense

@vincentrusso4332 - 14.11.2023 06:10

I think whoever built the Great Pyramid knew the theory of everything... I mean hell. It had no moving parts and made power.. via separation of hydrogen and included a few other abilities as well. Its a shame the summa beotch exploded due to the deluge

@vincentrusso4332 - 14.11.2023 06:05

As long as Edward Witten is still on board I'm gonna ride out this whole SST thingy..

@tywesley2047 - 13.11.2023 22:29

I think this is yet another break through in the science community! String theory never seemed like the end all to me, but it damn sure opened up minds to thoughts of what could be! We’re on the right path and I think that should be celebrated!

@aaronarmijo3626 - 10.11.2023 09:24

The vibration or the haze IS the random order. Then probability through such guides as entropy can help to make formal guesses

@VennieKembabazi-ey3di - 08.11.2023 22:07

This keeps time inside space

@grahamnewton4381 - 06.11.2023 11:55

We are looking for something that is inevitably outside our understanding by methods the results of which can be understood, using tools that our current understanding has enabled us to create. Good luck with that!

@kearseymorton2078 - 04.11.2023 15:10

Brian Greene is just like a Michigan alum who has just learned about Connor Stalions: 5 states of grief, starting with complete denial

@146maxpain - 03.11.2023 22:47

String theory is on life support.

@rahulbosebose1 - 02.11.2023 09:17

They should call it String hypothesis...

@gtensor - 30.10.2023 02:04

String theory is not dead, It has born dead already! I do not understand why such brilliant physicits insist in not put a rock on It.

@januslarsson - 29.10.2023 13:48

Yes. The answer is: yes, we should ditch string theory

@mehloser880 - 24.10.2023 07:36

Unprovable stuff. Basically a generation of talented physicists wasted their careers and Govt money.

@ChadwickJames - 21.10.2023 20:18

They’re just stringing us along, till the next paperback edition.

@aidanmargarson8910 - 17.10.2023 07:43

also .. the math holds up ..

@aidanmargarson8910 - 17.10.2023 07:37

due respect to all in this "discussion" at its base the universe is geometry

@colinwright5157 - 11.10.2023 23:02

Is string theory dead?
Was it ever alive?

@ethanwilliam9944 - 10.10.2023 09:18

Its dead but unfortunately the ones pushing it are not. Once they themselves are dead, remembering the great string failure will provide a laugh for future physicists and demonstrate that you can chase your tail for infinity but you will never catch it.

@King-jq5vt - 09.10.2023 09:01

My favorite thing about string theory is when they say that it unified gravity with quantum mechanics. Oh DID IT??? Lol.
They intentionally confuse math with physics. They have not unified gravity. They have no evidence of extra evidence of evidence of even... STRINGS

@BenjaminPalumbo - 03.10.2023 02:03


@christosgerakinis2628 - 02.10.2023 14:52

Look at women on the beach.
String theory exists !

@seanbordenkircher7854 - 30.09.2023 07:56

"dimensions we have direct access to through the human experience" wow, that got lovecraftian quick

@magick1969 - 29.09.2023 00:34

Classical Mechanics, Electromagnetic Theory of Maxwell, General Relativity/Special Relativity, Quantum Mechanics all have founding base Mathematics that one can expound upon to account for a vast majority of our reality and the Universe as a whole. String Theory starts with an insane set of base equations never resulting in a fundamental equation. Instead, the more you investigate to explain all these forces the more complex the solution(s) sets become. No one is saying E=mc^2 is basic and of course unravels with Tensor Calculus to show the complexity it contains to account for Electromagnetics and Classical Mechanics, nor is the wave equation of QT any different. But at the end of the day the big 3 start with a fundamental equation that hides what lies within to encompass those said theories.

The more we attempt to mathematically force with too many assumptions a framework the more it will fail. The beauty of Physics and Mathematics is the more we unravel our measurable states of the Universe the more new areas we discover to study and figure out how they work together.

Physics before Einstein declared nothing new to learn and then we discovered we have so much more to go. The same will be with the next big leap and still a theory of Gravity will not be complete.

@pp00xyzzy - 28.09.2023 17:55

String theory was never a theory but vague hypothesis and with 40 years of research nothing has made any meaningful development. Clearly time to pull the plug

@markuskoarmani1364 - 28.09.2023 06:00

MichioK 10th dimention brain knows he is wrong, but unfortuneetly he stuck in curent dimention of dilusional aspect that saying I am wrong on string theory is a dooms day for his career. To old to propose anything else.

@markuskoarmani1364 - 28.09.2023 05:52

"overfunding diversion":

The government is not interested in funding the fourth force of nature, gravity, at least not on a public level. The research is as important as the Manhattan Project and is secretly guarded by a covert private entity to protect its secrets.

On the other hand, to fence off competition on this subject and quiet down the hype on gravity research, it started to overfund theories that would divert attention from gravity research and covert research on gravity. One of them was string theory. String theory has nothing to do with physics and more to do with mathematics, yet it gained popularity based on false promises through well-orchestrated funding.

Physicists have lost 70 years of research on the subject of the fourth force of nature.

Today, we know that the government is in possession of alien crafts and has been trying to reverse-engineer their gravitational propulsion for a very long time. The questionable PhD physicist registry with no records of where they work coincides with the theory of overfunding diversions and covert research on gravity.

@DukeSlystalker - 27.09.2023 22:34

my question is when are they gonna censor the star trek TNG episode that confirmed a cosmic string fragment.

@michaelmcgovern8110 - 27.09.2023 18:37

Go ahead: show me one well-designed experiment that uses string theory or proves it.
