Black Desert Online - Alchemy Stone Guide 2020

Black Desert Online - Alchemy Stone Guide 2020


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@bas2085 - 03.02.2020 02:57

What font do you use?

@MClaudeW - 03.02.2020 05:09

Chill intro music, calm approach. Thoughtful content. Clear spoken. I'm just starting my alchemy stuff. Thanks for the breakdown.

@satokhantv - 03.02.2020 07:45

Welcome back man !!

@idirbelaid2837 - 03.02.2020 09:13

back to BDO, huh, nice nice !! still playing archage ? just curious.

6 Bil, HOT DAAM !! do you a think it's a pursuable endeavor to make money ?

@christof5156 - 03.02.2020 22:42

Could you do a in depth guide on Alchemy? Great video! Very informational!

@tamahoms3126 - 04.02.2020 09:05

So archage is dead?

@foolzing29 - 04.02.2020 11:42

Woooooooo david is back , i support you bro

@justinyang9660 - 04.02.2020 11:53

Yaaaaaaaaaay yaaaaaay back to bdo

@nedbear1970 - 04.02.2020 19:57

It would have been good to actually see you enhance alchemy stones with commentary to see how it works in action and what to strive for

@l3ourbon - 05.02.2020 04:49

alchemy master lvl is needed?

@alohasnackbar9298 - 05.02.2020 08:41

Hey man I started BDO recently and want to get into alchemy do u have any videos or would u recommend any guides to start alchemy

@day8366 - 17.02.2020 07:39

I watched this, tried polishing it. (Blue Sturdy) and it failed, went down to Polished and failed 18 more times and didnt move. So i dont know but it seems like its more then a 40% chance of failing. just a heads up.

@Mcgiever100 - 28.02.2020 13:26

nice house bud

@พัสกรนาวงษ์ - 01.04.2020 22:28

From that you said colour>grade then after what grade that I should restart if I dont get a yellow colour to make I dont waste money

@Grizz0212 - 18.04.2020 17:52

Do you start at imperfect stones and go up from there?

@shmatic9665 - 20.04.2020 01:16

Great video! I just didn't get a thing... What grade and color do you start upgrading at? Imperfect yellow? Also you have to account for the price of the stone you work on when calculating profit. :) I might have missed that ... Anyway thanks for the video. I'm new to BDO and your videos are helpful.
Edit: I might've found the answer...

@elfire5381 - 24.04.2020 12:16

Very glad you’re back David. You’re videos are very in depth. Only thing I saw was missing was you can grind down the disposable alchemy stones for recharge material.

@CZ2_Delta - 29.04.2020 01:37

From time to time I do grow Destruction Stones for money, I mostly use Platinum Crystals (I buy the ores in large quantities and process it to crystals).

Are you saying in your video that Lead and Iron Ingots would be more efficient than those? I'll need to look into it. Also you probably answered that question in the video somewhere but when you say you made 2 yellow sharps, where do you start from? The previous form or from scratch?

TY for the video very informative!

@jameswilson1227 - 03.05.2020 03:51

So going full one with this via console. You upgrade from white imperfect. If it downgrade to rough blue or imperfect blue start over?
Is that how you used so many stones?

@superherofreggel3340 - 11.05.2020 04:02

Nice in-depth guide! Thanks for sharing those informations, i think im gonna start with it tommorow, do you have any tips or things i should pay attention on? Sadly i dont have near 1 billion or so. but i could invest with 120mio hmmm :/

@topshelf6073 - 22.05.2020 07:20

So I need a stone for fishing,gathering,processing and cooking would the blue life spirit stone be better than the blue sturdy Alchemy stone of life? Would appreciate the help thanks.

@ryankuster4443 - 15.06.2020 02:27

I don't understand on the spreadsheet what does the stones used mean is it like jewelry where you need another alchemy stone to enhance?

@Alex-gn6ii - 04.07.2020 02:42

Glad I stumbled on to this. I just might have to change a couple of my fences to some fruits and do a few life stone upgrade attempts on the side for some extra money.

@shawnvillegas3181 - 05.07.2020 01:43

how do you repair the stones?

@yautja111 - 11.09.2020 21:50

Do you keep going with rough green stones or do you get rid of those?

@c.s.wilson6584 - 02.11.2020 17:23

I ve gt tns of plywood and special sweet potatoes.
I had mods lywood long ago but never knew what could be used for.
I just got a alchemy outfit for my Shai .
How should start this ?.
Life stones I heard you say the % s.
Give me a idea of a list of materials needed .
Let's say I have a goal to make two bill in 1 month

@reyandrewruelos3262 - 20.11.2020 20:04

Hello David, do you mind sharing the spreadsheet? Thanks man. your vids are always of great help

@GamingNormaly - 27.12.2020 21:34

How do I make a stone? Or just buy a weak one?

@phamdat5328 - 04.01.2021 07:38

My RNG is just too bad, I've tried like 30-40 attempts to get back my 270m Sturdy Alchemy Stone of Life but all of them failed. I should've just bought straightly from the market tho

@ricktyrabidz1172 - 19.02.2021 23:10

Honestly its old as of now but very useful, its simple and straight foward, clear loud speaker's voice etc etc just over all great video much appreciated usually dont sub to literally anyone but you surely earned my sub.

@redx1170 - 15.03.2021 17:38

There's seems to be missing information, any chance you have a site that I can read? I'm confused with what level you have to be, what ingredients for the blood, how to get those ingredients? What is the difference from alchemy stone and spirit stone?

@Shamlaleon - 15.04.2021 02:17

first time upgrading a stone, would like to know if im doing anything wrong. Im upgrading a polished stone of life at 80% exp. currently at 75 attempts with no success. is it just bad rng?

@Eaodden - 07.06.2021 19:29

Hey dude, this guide was really really helpful and I noticed a lot of profit can be done, with such low investment or risk. Would u be so kind to share the spreadsheet model you're using? It would be great to track my tries and I'm not good at making one :( @Melting Seoul

@Triumvirately - 23.09.2021 12:47

Stones seem like a late game endeavor

@travisterry1901 - 26.04.2022 23:55

They should really add a fail buffer to making alchemy stones... like the cron stones are for high level gear... more people would try out alchemy if they didn't feel like it was so time consuming and risky.

@RedzicMuharem - 27.07.2022 12:45

very detailed and well explained, nice

@Nixcker - 12.09.2022 19:57

I guess you're the luckiest guy on earth.

@AlwaysEast - 26.05.2023 06:41

Lol, 6.5k per special strawberry, imagine that. Now they're around 30k each on EU.
