Best Tips Grubby Got From A 12k Pro Support Player

Best Tips Grubby Got From A 12k Pro Support Player


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@aranyak1881 - 29.01.2024 14:13

playing pos 5 every game I mute everyone and disable chat. I can focus way more without idiots pinging my cooldowns every 5 seconds when they feed. My game sense has improved so much since doing so

@marcusdamarcus837 - 28.01.2024 09:54

Haha look at this asocial individual look at his posture and way of thinking. Are you really gonna take communication and decission makeing advice from this nerd?

@Cairn_August - 25.01.2024 02:59

well you can be right about everything but still lack skill...

@OG-zr3bw - 25.01.2024 01:08

Truly groundbreaking

@ibeast95 - 24.01.2024 09:04

Ari is brutally realistic, salute

@m8tig - 20.01.2024 20:08

How should i troll when i mute all in ranked?

@AndersJytzler - 19.01.2024 14:36

Thank you for summarizing this, it was great

@violence1429 - 19.01.2024 05:39

In SEA region, not many accept this out of pure ego but the best way to climb ranks fast is to play a full party with higher ranks than you are. But that's just one piece of the puzzle. You have to be willing to learn new ways to up your game as well. And one thing I learned from experience is that you will learn more from your enemies than your allies. It's very counter intuitive but it works. I went from Guardian IV to Legend 3 in less than 5 months. I play as a support for Divine and Immortal players. Sure you can say they carried me and they sure did. But as you may know a carry cannot "CARRY" a game if a Support don't do shit to enable him, especially in the early stage.

@demii6880 - 17.01.2024 04:09

why to wast time on a game that his dead xd

@demii6880 - 17.01.2024 04:04

so let me get this a game who his designe to pla has a team 5 vs 5 u advice to mute all no thanks this game sucks move on

@EdeYOlorDSZs - 16.01.2024 15:18

Mental attitude can gain you so much mmr. Team morale is important late game and in every bracket, teams that have a lead will play greedy and feed. One good high ground defense can snowball into +25

@Huntermyth - 16.01.2024 09:34

this 13 minutes of video is more valuable than 100 hours of actual gameplay imo

@ModaFaca - 16.01.2024 04:21

You got yourself a new sub. This channel is pure gold... I followed Grubby on dota 2 journey on day 1 first ranked ever, stopped watching and my man is now immortal. Amazing player he is. Really enjoyed this video, I hope to see more of improvement tips (wheter grubby based or not) in the future!

@realhero4356 - 14.01.2024 18:05

1. Don’t listen teammates ( listening them will keep you at that particular rank you currently in )
2. Watch pro player pro/pub games. Try to copy they patterns.
3. Different supp heroes, have different playstyle. Don’t autopilot. Be present and thoughtful, and play each hero around his strong sides.
4. Item build important.

@ardunodragner1943 - 14.01.2024 15:28

Mute or if possible make the chat window so small you cannot read it or turn it off xD

@accident0079 - 14.01.2024 13:36

Best video, thanks

@user-kv1kj9pn8p - 14.01.2024 11:04

This really demonstrates just how intelligent the top esports players are. This guys IQ is probably insane

@adepakeka - 14.01.2024 04:40

He is so much mature and wise dota player for 20 y/o guy

@jlee4361 - 13.01.2024 20:11

I think the best advice that is being overlooked is Ari mentioning mentality. If you can't find a way to stable your emotions during the game you'll lose focus and you know things go from there.

If you're a young online gamer, trust me, mastering your emotions is the key to improving in any game.

@TheSLashera - 13.01.2024 12:38

Generally great tips. Problem is Dota is so hard to solo carry nowadays. On top of that playing "proper" Dota in soloQ is not even the most optimal thing to do most of the time. There's separate set of skills you need to win in soloQ than you need to win in Dota. If that makes sense. Also as highly theoretical as Dota is, I pretty much came to the conclusion that it's mechanical skill that will carry your pubs, more so than your macro knowledge. (unless you support, but then you are heavily relying on others again.)
Bottom line is, even if you know exactly what and how things need to happen to win, you must also be able to translate that knowledge into gameplay. Think of all the Tinkers, Arc Wardens, Lone Druids etc. You gotta be able to outfarm and outplay everyone (up to 5-6k) Past that, it gets more complicated, but boils down to the same thing ultimately. If you don't possess that level of mechanical skill you either have to hone it or find somebody else who does so you can navigate him to "carry" your games.

@itsPicoDeGuyYooooo - 13.01.2024 11:47

lol if "i literally live in my moms basement" was a person

@azaz6951 - 12.01.2024 14:02

Bloke says mute your team but they chat all game in a pro match? Retard advice. Let's see them play a pro match while they all mute each other

@rovshankomilov4700 - 12.01.2024 01:04

About rosh and high ground tbingy. I disagree with him. If you follow your team knowing they are doing the wrong thing, doesnt matter how good you are, how your game knowledge is , you die with them like 4k. The enemy will kill you and take the rosh and entire map.

What works for most of the time for me is, I just push the lane creeps to t3 tower and say tp bot or top guys depedning on where rosh is and at least 2 guys follow me. Because usually I am mid or offlaner - most farmed man in the game. The other 2 guy may die, but who cares. They will come back and you will have aegis

@Ariocsneedle - 12.01.2024 00:04

This guy looks like a germ and hes there telling you to mute everyone. There is a softness epifemic you cant even talk to anyone anymore because germs like this are ruining everyones brain.

@eternalpride - 11.01.2024 14:03

perfectly explained

@avocadoarmadillo7031 - 11.01.2024 08:24

I don't hesitate to mute, but I don't mute each time. Recently played a game versus a mid laner who flamed me for not building BKB on my drow. Never built the BKB, partly just to spite the guy insulting me, but also because I really felt that hurricane pike and butterfly would be way more utility and fighting power.

@user-xl6yo5dr6p - 11.01.2024 01:01

Pick am, farm, take good fights. Avoid bad fights. Mute all. Split push.

@user-xl6yo5dr6p - 11.01.2024 00:58

Grubby the boosted man

@godsparticle7657 - 10.01.2024 07:38

I don't play only to win, I also play to have fun and for me that is not possible without All chat shinnanrgans😂

And let me say ari, grout or whoever is this
That playing a game without having fun is bad, really bad.

@TruePower44 - 10.01.2024 00:57

I mute all once the game starts. I only have chat unmuted for the pick phase, lol.

@danqomaxmoralesmontoya3314 - 09.01.2024 17:29

Welll that is working in lowker brackets from sure.. in My experience in low mmr is better to pick a tank support héroe cause u can sale much better early-mid games, and has str hero y can tank a few more hit as a support, but in high mmr is more about the skill of player wich Made the diferent and always as a support try to build a auras like Pipe or crimson + solar i don't remenber how Many pubs i win Even iff u don't have a decent cores un high mmr just cause i build 3 buffs + 2 ítems to scape or iniciation

@cojcio - 09.01.2024 17:11

I have been playing dota since 2014 with many breaks (Got around 6.5k houres in). At this moment got back after 1.5 year break. My peak was around 4.5k mmr (Ancient 4 back then). Never been focusing a lot on rankeds but playing normals is just like blank game not fun beacsue im always sweating and doing my best but not rewarding. I wish to change my way of playing dota and start learn the game and reach at least divine in next 2 monnths. I am unranked now. Gonna spam my strongest heroes to calibrate and update you here.

@alZiiHardstylez - 09.01.2024 06:47

Idk why but a 12k pos 4 gives me a scared feeling haha

@Dota2Addict-kh1xe - 08.01.2024 03:12

I reached rank 1500 all muted. 80% of Immortal players are clueless. And core players are especially bad at making strategic choices and their egos are just the worst.

@johnvalentino2521 - 07.01.2024 09:13

9 days since I muted all chat. I enjoy playing more now! Also got a few more wins. This might be the best tip so far since I'm enjoying the game now more than when chat's enabled.

@nunezdias8459 - 07.01.2024 08:55

Dude is immortal and got lecture like he was a beginner LMAO

@bigbigestwiner92 - 06.01.2024 10:15

I have chat on and I barely read it. It’s been ages since I learned how pointless it is to focus on other people’s mistakes. So I just focus on my own gameplay and write basic stuff like “back” or “x no bb”

@gateCodeKC - 04.01.2024 03:14

Whoa Ari sounds more mature than his age

@huseyin9154 - 04.01.2024 00:21

ari sucks we will see it in pro games

@GustyforEminem - 31.12.2023 17:18

From which broadcast is this recorded?

@stevedaguy9639 - 31.12.2023 08:37

I feel like trying to improve on chat and communication is like the only valuable skill you can obtain from dota.

Like I aint gonna be a pro idgaf about mmr, but developing skills in being able to communicate effectively with even the least sociable people for sure will come in handy prolly.

@frostburn4969 - 31.12.2023 08:10

Can you do a video on how Visage's gravekeeper's cloak work?

@scottlangley8373 - 31.12.2023 04:08

This is fantastic!
I was really stuck, not able to make any progress on my MMR as a support player. Now I mute all, play a hero with high individual impact, and buy FF... Win rate is now up!

@supermeepo6359 - 31.12.2023 02:59

And dont forget buy midas everygame, then ceb give him only magnus so he cant buy midas (esl KL qualifier)

@nykaloth9023 - 31.12.2023 02:05

When playing ranked I've been stunlocked for the longest time, struggling to choose between having chat on to try and communicate with my team or muting everyone and focusing on myself.
I find it really hard to internalise results from particular scenarios because sometimes the matchup that comes up just doesn't happen that often, or I don't play enough matches to have it fully sink in.
The aspect of trying to learn from losses and not get too down about them - I find it very difficult to move past because of how long the games take - I don't have that much time anymore to play lots of Dota and sometimes an evening will be all losses, which dissuades me from playing at all.

I've played since 2014, and I have a deep love for the game and have made a lot of friends from playing it. But I truly hate the game sometimes too.

I really want to get better, but it often feels like hitting my head against a brick wall over and over 😓

Great video, I've been watching your content for quite a while now and have learnt a lot, thanks so much! 🥳

@PawnerSawyer - 30.12.2023 14:06

I wish i didnt see how this dude looks, the lack of chin I can't even take him seriously

@gemteezy - 30.12.2023 13:54

Very right and informative video

@NoNTr1v1aL - 29.12.2023 22:48

I let my inner sociopath take over and it actually helps me win more games. Can't get pissed if you're emotionless.

@loverock8578 - 29.12.2023 17:26

Actually, this is a good tip but should not be abused. This is an online game.

If you are not strong enough to face emotional problems in the game, how bad will it be when you encounter them in life? For a normal game player and a certain age, I feel that the problems in the game are too light compared to real life.

@robinobser6475 - 29.12.2023 14:02

Hey Adrian, I got a new suggestion for a video. Can you explain silencer W and E combination? I don’t get it with „the effect is paused during silence“😅
