Never heard “Right click” so much in a Mac video. There is no right button pal
ОтветитьLiterally the best macbook video imo
ОтветитьPredictive words is really bad for those that type in two languages simultaenously,
Ex speaking to my family in french and then switching to eng when speaking to frds, it would always try to correct words i typed correctly, so its always off for me
use full always <3
ОтветитьWidgets... in 2023 apple users were wowed by freaking widgets? Well no wonder a year later we discover mac OS is on the level of windows 98. Worst OS I ever used, and I use windows and linux both on desktops and servers. Watching this ia like watching "50 things your win98 can do" in 2024. What will be next? A fully implemented USB 2 that will be releast in 2035?
Ответитьты русский что ли? почему у тебя есть вк и русский язык в выборе языков раскладки?
ОтветитьOne I found recently: When you are in the Save dialog box, press / and it will bring up the Go To Finder dialog, letting you quickly change folders or drives.
ОтветитьWhen you showed a hidden tab with images of cats I thought that was too on the nose. Grab em by the P-word? LOL!
Ответитьis there any trick to open a folder in finder while in miniature view? cant open it just hiting "return" as 'd do in windows :(
ОтветитьThank you!!!
ОтветитьI bought the tomato sleeve its super sexy for my MacBook Air
ОтветитьAs a completely new Mac-user,your videos is very useful and informative.Thank you so much.
ОтветитьThank you so much for making this video it has helped me a lot more in understanding MacBooks
ОтветитьHi , please can you also create a video on what accessories could be used for Mac book , tsk
ОтветитьCreating a shortcut to the dock is legit game changer. Love this
ОтветитьHow is this video-recording App called?
Ответитьhow did you end up with rusian keyboard layout?
ОтветитьClearly a lot I still don't know about my Mac, even after having it for almost a year.. Learned a lot of great tips!
ОтветитьThank you for this.. after my school banned tablets, my grandpa immediately insisted on buying me this computer! However, ive had windows for 7 years so im watching all videoos surrounding this computer😅
ОтветитьPlease show on the screen all keystrokes mentioned please... eg: CMD-S
It's hard to take in all of your words, us humans multitask better when listening and reading, thanks!
caffeinate and summarize are definitely the coolest features I learned in this video.
ОтветитьWhy won’t an iPad be enabled as an aggregate device in the Audio MIDI Setup? If i have it plugged it it shows up in the list but is separated at the bottom by a thin line; it says enable right on it, but when clicked it brings up iPad as a device (just like any other USB device to be added in an aggregate device as I please) I could potentially add for about one second but then it goes away out of the list and shows up the same way it was again at the bottom and the button goes from “Disable” to “Enable” again…
I have authorized the devices on everything and trusted the devices.
Does anyone have any idea how to be fix this??!
And where are the incredible tips&tricks?
Ответитьwow thanks !
Ответитьbahaha "works really great for hentai"
ОтветитьLearnt a lot of new and useful features of macOS. Great video!!!
Ответитьthe caffine app lets you do the caffinate command without worrying about terminal
ОтветитьI've learned tons of helpful tips! Thanks!
ОтветитьGreat tips, I’ve come from 32 years of using windows to the Mac for the last 8 years. These tips are great and will make me more productive too. Plus I’ll have more fun
Ответитьthanks for the effort.
Ответитьthis was TOP TIER. thanks man
ОтветитьVery helpful
ОтветитьNow I can cancel Adobe pro thank you l!!!!
ОтветитьI’m 5 months late, but thank you so much for this!! 😊
Ответитьdude looks like a hentai fan lol
Ответитьi've used macbooks for over ten years and didn't know MOST of these tips O_O this is life changing wtf
ОтветитьAll of the tips ad tricks that you showcased that you have found in "10 years" were found in just 4 years by a 13 year old child in half the time you took. but still thanks! this video made me remind all of these tips again to use them daily.
ОтветитьSo good 👍
ОтветитьVery helpful, thank you!
ОтветитьCan I do anything I want on a MacBook and do I have to get other Apple devices for it to work well?