Kenshi Training Tutorial Pt1, Money Money Money, Thieving, Sneaking, Lockpicking and Assassinations

Kenshi Training Tutorial Pt1, Money Money Money, Thieving, Sneaking, Lockpicking and Assassinations

Francis John

1 год назад

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Pasta21 - 16.09.2023 06:25

your exploit just demonstrated monopoly and capitalism, everyone is out of money and you got all the money lmao, great video!

Santiago Vallejo
Santiago Vallejo - 10.09.2023 07:08

im having so so so so so much problems doing the gutters allies, idk why my slavers just let him (no face) wake up and he become a slave and follows me around whit out fighting the guards

queefedworm - 26.08.2023 12:56

I think you can do 1 frame assassination's attempts to make the process much faster, queue the knockout while you're close enough to do it, pause during the animation and do it again and over again, you can do like 5 attempts per animation. This only works if they refuse to agro on your which weirdly happened to me.

clbrans1 - 22.08.2023 02:05

The fact that you kidnapped and stripped a cripple to train skills on a "helpless" target, only to be forced to retreat when he started fighting back is why I love Kenshi.

domain mojo
domain mojo - 18.07.2023 16:19

You don't have to join the Shinobi guild- either in Heft or in Hub. You just go into the building- into the training area and sneak around, try lockpicking, assassination - all on the chests and the dummies. Try not to let them see you being busy doing those.

They won't attack you or anything- they'll just yell at you and be on their way. Lockpick until someone comes up the stairs.. then stop and perhaps sneak around to build up you sneak-skill... when they've left the room- practice on the boxes and dummies again, stop when then they enter the room, continue when they leave.. rinse&repeat.

It's one of my first activities as soon as I start a new Wanderer-game in Hub.

macelharen - 15.07.2023 23:21

you know, this tutorial is literally "robbing everyone blind" (because the shopkeeper can't see you, amirite?)

Barrett - 29.06.2023 01:15

Incredible guide!! Only snag I’ve run into is not being able to find an animal trader

Jim N
Jim N - 28.06.2023 09:03

the old soldier has buffed combat, why not start the prince in that slot?

ChicoPJ - 28.06.2023 01:54

Starting as a slave at rebirth you can exploit stealth by failing KO and sneak about. it works best outside the buildings at 23hs since its less guards around patroling. you try KO the slaves in poles and sneak around, if you food gets too low you'll get uncouncious so poo the chakles back and remove, it will get back at malnutrition once or twice. you get more xp by the enemies around by sneaking so you failing KO at the slaves will aggro momentarely thus getting huge stealth xp. so at the start Harp were getting both bonusses as being enemy to the cloud ninja and also the KO attempt. I think stealing blueprints at Black Scratch better since it weights nothing and you'll learn almost everything at the library there

Archangel - 26.06.2023 00:48

I wounder now, can you make a thief bull? Train their thieving skills and just use their backpack directly afterwards?

Ardbug - 16.06.2023 07:36

I never tried the stealing thing so this is rather fun. I bought the house in Heft and it has 2 skimmers inside, lovely, and no mercenaries on the roof of the bakery, is there a particular reason that it has to be the merc captain or will any target do over there ?
(edit) in fact I cant get the crossbow to do what you do at all, when I target the guy in the same chair as you my character just start running down the stairs, he has no melee weapon equipped and is on hold and passive ... was this fixed ?
(edit 2) nevermind, Im an idiot, he wasnt set to range :D

Norman Dico
Norman Dico - 15.06.2023 03:14

got a problem in my thieving skill, I don't get any EXP from stealing/looting in other NPC and loot box. I tried to create new games but still the same no EXP but in other talents I get EXP. what should I do? I'm just a new player here.

Texas Viking
Texas Viking - 10.06.2023 08:53

Stealth bull is my new favorite protagonist

Liednard - 09.06.2023 12:27

That's for the amazing tutorial, already did many playthroughs and watched many guides, still learned a ton, completely amazed you can ally Beak things!

VillanEx - 06.06.2023 22:23

Man why i never find out about you the commentary is just perfect was worth watching 1h vid and enjoying

Mike Burgess
Mike Burgess - 06.06.2023 00:58

About a year ago I was trying to level up a character making him mine and sell so I could buy more armies. They ate the money in food as fast as I was earning it. Is there a preferred character build to start and learn the game with? Also, are there preferred skills needed first?I've owned this game for a long time but I don't get it enough to get anywhere in it.

Clay Piper
Clay Piper - 26.05.2023 16:58

New Kenshi player here. Made a character, built up & hired other npc's for extra protection. It kills me how these bandits keep attacking the settlement I'm at but if you loot thier bodies you "got caught stealing". Like , CMON man , these guys just tried to kill the entire town.

RanOutOfSpac - 21.05.2023 10:13

“Find yourself a cripple.”

You got it boss!

Jacob Ellis
Jacob Ellis - 19.05.2023 07:10

dude literally robbing them in his sleep

Sir SavesALot
Sir SavesALot - 14.05.2023 23:39

How many hours have you played Kenshi? 😊

Arkten Arachlassair
Arkten Arachlassair - 13.05.2023 23:03

That part where you got rid of your bounty by just walking into the prison cell reminds me of Otis from the Andy Griffith show; he was so used to getting arrested for drunk and disorderly he just would get shit-tanked and stumble into a prison cell and lock himself up until morning lol.

TheMiniMadCat - 05.05.2023 13:50

I'm sorry to have to ask but what on earth is the or key? You mention it a few times in relation to stopping your pawns from moving about but IDK what you mean. Thanks for the vid!

IlusionDaCat - 29.04.2023 17:12

gawd dam

PhatD - 20.04.2023 13:13

what is an or key? i googled it and didn't find anything

Vinn - 13.04.2023 10:55

Is it possible to steal in the scrapyard?

Jp Fitzpatrick
Jp Fitzpatrick - 10.04.2023 04:16

Trader starts of in Heng with an adult bull, it's in the middle of heft and that way station you start at in the vid.

Can level the bull at the same time as your character. If its still a pup you can level it but need to wait until it grows so the stat modifiers comes off and you get your proper level.

Yami - 05.04.2023 18:46

"find yourself a cripple"
Funny quote

Joachim Kleiven
Joachim Kleiven - 03.04.2023 20:10

This is the 4 time I am seeing this.

Split Dimension
Split Dimension - 02.04.2023 09:45

I've watched most of your Rimworld playthroughs and your ONI videos and just all around having so much fun listening to you while you play. I know quite a bit about Kenshi, but some of the stuff like stealing from that one legged guy I did not know about. Discovering new things in this game and being entertained once again. I love love love the fact that you are playing Kenshi. One of my favorites.

R M - 13.03.2023 05:43

If you just wanna earn or are at a point where you need to earn cats, going to the swamp buying drugs (hash) then traveling to the flat lakes city is really good for making money. You don’t need to worry about being caught smuggling and you can just sell the drugs for a 705% mark up. Once you have a few companions and animals you can clear out at the hash and usually all the cats from the stores you sell them at. If that happens you can head to Mourn, however there’s an increased risk of running into beak things. Luckily most of the Beal things you run into a fairly well feed and won’t try to eat you alive.

Deus In Vitro
Deus In Vitro - 06.03.2023 21:20

Is it still possible to do the slavery part with no face? Just did about 600k and nothin

Hillbilly PB
Hillbilly PB - 04.03.2023 16:57

this video ruined kenshi for me LOL Allying with the gutters is so abusive and so funny. I did build a base in Gutter (whish as you said was fantastic) and don't even bother paying taxes because my base is surrounded by beak thing nests. The tax collectors get eaten before they get to the walls. Since I allied with the slaver factions, all I have to do when they come to "punish me" Its to stroll out of my base and heal up the knocked out beak things because the slaver factions are allied, they are not aggressive until they get to the walls. Which if they even do they're getting attacked by a swarm of beaks.

I'm running the kenshi genesis mod doing these things and that mod is pretty easy mode. I have purchased very few anchient science books, ect or even gone to ruins for them, because the scrap house in genesis is like candyland for a thief.

Went to heft, which is way different than in Genesis, and every day I knock out a robotics dealer steal his stuff which is high end and clean out the towns coffers selling it. Money has become an none issue, and so has research. Kinda boring now, but still fun.

Sicundercover - 04.03.2023 02:13

Not sure if they changed something but I was never able to get the Gutters allied. Spent 700k and never never got the ally message. Did manage to ally with the Slavers but not the Gutters.

qpAHT0M - 24.02.2023 15:18

you can reset 'stolen' flag from any items with Item Furnace for x2 profit. Or use item special container, like Boltbox for bolts

NickGreyden - 17.02.2023 08:43

Can someone please tell me what key he is hitting to stand still even if he has clicked somewhere. The "or" key? The "ore" key? And what key is that?
Edit: Found it further into the comments. It was the accent. He is saying to hit "The R Key"

Tarryn Cooper
Tarryn Cooper - 16.02.2023 22:06

Click the oar button
Took me several rewinds

Absolutely Fookin Nobody
Absolutely Fookin Nobody - 14.02.2023 19:18

The way to be allied or friendly with gutters I would definitely not consider an exploit with how much it cost lol

Bob Job
Bob Job - 13.02.2023 18:38

Episode 1: we are one with the beak things. 😂

MrVash - 11.02.2023 09:17

I use the same strategy of leveling thievery, but I start as a slave. Loving your series that is giving me the same meaning I used (up thievery) but in an even more fun and different way. Use some mods for aesthetics, like Weapons Look metal, Dialogue Expansion, Let s talk, racial diversity, fixing clipping, better crop fixes, Hives and Canibal Expanded, Reactive Wolrd, Animation Overhaul, Race blood, sensible spider range and Dark UI

Evan Warped
Evan Warped - 10.02.2023 06:41

"Having a reasonably fast stealth bull is pretty handy" not something I thought I'd hear today. 😂

Kazimir McFoster
Kazimir McFoster - 09.02.2023 05:11

What is the Or key you say stops you moving?

Jason Fennell
Jason Fennell - 06.02.2023 18:24

FJ you are a Master at the game.

tom foreman
tom foreman - 05.02.2023 17:40

She gets paid million by klaus schwab and the WEF to push their agendas and distract the idiots from whts really going on. The little gremlin deserves a firing squad
