The Brunch SO5 EP45 With Lamin Dibba , Economist, Mustapha Darboe, The Republic, Yusuf Tailor

The Brunch SO5 EP45 With Lamin Dibba , Economist, Mustapha Darboe, The Republic, Yusuf Tailor

Kerr Fatou Media

3 месяца назад

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@SulaymanCamara-b2r - 16.11.2024 19:38

Our country is sinking under Adama barrow
We Gambians should be very serious

@SulaymanCamara-b2r - 16.11.2024 19:44

Everything happening in our country are all our faults we the citizens because we accept every shit from our government

@lallokanteh - 16.11.2024 20:41

Mustapha has been a while to see you in Television

@lallokanteh - 16.11.2024 20:46

Thank you wow Mustapha different types of account creators in the Bank and other partnership Institution

@lallokanteh - 16.11.2024 21:02

Wow Dan makes life more difficult for people

@bakebbajabbi2947 - 16.11.2024 21:38

Gambia wooo Barrow. We have on national TV and blame the players for not giving their all but yet want to defend the ministry and FA for our lack of qualification to AFCON.
Musa, be fair to the lads.

@mlj286 - 17.11.2024 08:57

GFF and people like you failed the entire country. Our hearts were all in shambles yesterday..No one should criticize the boys. They did their best!

@moralkhan9538 - 17.11.2024 10:49

I don't know how earth would the National Assembly allow themselves to step so low the level of this stupid executive 😢😢😢😢
