3 Reasons Why Your Child is Speech Delayed

3 Reasons Why Your Child is Speech Delayed

Agents of Speech

1 год назад

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Lynda Auch
Lynda Auch - 08.09.2023 23:58

How can I reach you, my son also struggling to speak

Kami F
Kami F - 20.08.2023 04:43

I understand it's not everybody's case, but I'm quite relaxed with my 3yo son's speech. I raise him as bilingual, and from the beginning I was aware he will speak later. And, I even don't like to call it "delay", as I believe it is just a way to learn different ways of communication in diverse environments.
Recently, I realized that my son uses words from two different languages while communicating with me, but when he is with his dad, he uses only his native language. I beat, he knows which one is mum's language and she can speak in dad's language too. However, dad cannot speak in mum's language, so he wouldn't speak to him in my language (anyway, I haven't seen him trying to speak to his dad in mum's language so far)
Yes, I'm quite aware he doesn't meet UK's milestones, but I'm not concerned at all, because, at some point, my son will speak fluently in at least two languages while his peers will keep trying to grasp their native language.
My advice to parents is: Chill out! Enjoy playing with your child, and include them in everything what you do, washing, cleaning, cooking, shopping, meeting with friends, interacting with other kids, etc. Communicate with them in both ways: your way (talk to them, exaggerate facial expressions and emotions in the tone of your voice, show excitement, or concerns, such as "Oh no!" poor kitten has boo boo" " need go hospital". And if your child would repeat after you "boo boo...pital" with similar worrying expression, it's all good! They know what you communicate to them. Keep talking to them. They will be practicing repetitions, and eventually, they will get there. And! prise them after their responses, even if it is just a "boo boo... pital" They are working hard. And most of all, kids love learning!!! They are LEARNING MACHINES. Trust them and trust the process.

Iaco B
Iaco B - 25.07.2023 21:51

Should hearing loss be added to this list?

Riot Gear
Riot Gear - 19.07.2023 20:00

My son just had his evaluation for speech and they said he's ahead in receptive language but behind in expressive language. What are some reasons the could cause this?

Romeo morrison. taxi world
Romeo morrison. taxi world - 30.06.2023 20:25

My son is 2 and he only say a few words and then stop

Daniel Lisa
Daniel Lisa - 21.05.2023 17:28

Best care for Autism with Doctor Isibor Herbal supplement, his treatment helps improve in speech and growth delay.
My son ❤️ can respond to his name and improved so well at school and I am very happy 😊😊

Xiomara Gonzalez
Xiomara Gonzalez - 18.05.2023 18:35

My son is 3 he had speech therapy, developmental therapy and tons of educational and stimulating toys, and he still not talking, he’s not in spectrum I went to the doctor many times already, he can repeat most of the things I said but he don’t talk or repeat by him self, he only copies but I’m not sure if he understands and he does not connect words, I have tried a lot and yes he has gained few words but he’s vocabulary is poor for his age, what I can do ?

Kendra Mendoza
Kendra Mendoza - 30.04.2023 22:56

My son will be 3 in May.
He doesn’t say mom or dad. But will call his brothers names.
He knows everything we say or ask him to do. He has slowly started to communicate with babbling and some half words.

I ask him where is mom and he point at me but won’t say it. I guess I’m just waiting for that moment.

Goodhope Mawuwa
Goodhope Mawuwa - 31.03.2023 17:21

are children with speech delay treated as special children..do they have to go to special schools etc

Zoe Kuhn
Zoe Kuhn - 22.03.2023 13:58

My child is 2 can't speak yet 3 in 4 months mummy daddy there's only what you can say is mummy and Daddy but she doesn't talk into it worry about it

Estelle Cain
Estelle Cain - 07.02.2023 16:45

Hi. Have you ever done a video on hyperlexia type 3? Would you consider it? Thanks
