Carbon Capture & Storage - How It Works

Carbon Capture & Storage - How It Works


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@FreqFarm - 07.12.2023 17:45

Just plant more trees. Stop trying to engineer super expensive ways to capture CO2. Especially when they have side effects like contaminated ground water. Trees are cheap and have no side effects, beyond looking pretty. Utilize and work with Mother Nature and stop trying to fight her.

@Positive_Tea - 23.09.2023 01:30

This is not nearly enough to reverse the climate crisis. Sell off shares and shut down Shell forever.

@lifeleisuresa1229 - 06.09.2023 22:13

Creating a solution for something that is not a problem. Well done 😂

@krishnamohandravida4791 - 18.08.2023 14:02

To my knowledge Hydrogen is highly explosive how can it be preserved safely?

@bluedot6933 - 12.08.2023 12:04

does it stay underground? could they use it for something else? could they make carbon fiber out of it?

@richhughes2225 - 11.08.2023 14:03

How much carbon do you release to generate the energy to run the process? Shell, had you and other oil companies been more responsible, we wouldn't need to run carbon capture.

@containmentpiping - 09.08.2023 02:40

nice solution

@rodericde876 - 02.08.2023 11:14

For every carbon atom stored there ere two atoms of oxygen stored with it. That oxygen is taken out of our atmosphere when we burn carbon in whatever form, wood, coal, oil, gas or forrest fires. The way to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere without depleting our oxygen supply is to stop burning carbon.

@SrimanArcharyaJBC - 01.08.2023 00:12

The CO2 driven back into the storage cave can create some good pressure in the cave. Bio waste can be placed in the cave whilst the CO2 would cause enough pressure to form oil and New bio fuels. The entire fossil fuel plus energy harness can be recycled. With the modern Atar upgrade to add efficiency to making fuel sources.

@enaid54 - 30.07.2023 14:03

Pouring this toxic waste dump underground is no solution!

@fredbloke3218 - 03.06.2023 14:05

Let's do the sums - the average USA citizen emits 15 tons of CO2 per year and DAC is about $500 per ton
so the bill for a family of 4 is about $30 thousand per year so that is a non-starter, even at source
capture bill is several thousand $ and most other emissions are not concentrated enough, if all the CO2 that needs to
be stored to get back to less than 300 ppm in the air was solidified with the same density as water
it would form a film over 1mm thick over the entire surface of the planet... try to cover that in greenwash Shell.

@RamKumar-nt7uk - 27.03.2023 07:23

This is really fantastic very nice silution

@romanmax8561 - 24.01.2023 19:26

So why don't the climate change people spend all of there time and money investing in this type of technology instead of trying to force people into e cars and othe things that don't work right ?

@hafizuddinmohdlowhim8426 - 02.11.2022 07:25

It is a nice solution actually.

@lyngbykt - 26.08.2022 09:41

I am amazed by how ignorant the general public is about CCS

@DawnMarieCooke - 02.08.2022 19:49

Why do you believe the c02 is safe underground? Won’t it affect water tables or anything else in the earths crust?

@josejuanterrazasmaquey3303 - 17.05.2022 14:29

How many money you are investing on this technologi?

@abutorab1004 - 05.04.2022 08:20

Carbon capture is bull💩 and a scam. It prevents the earth from regeneration! Has done for bazillions of years. The earth is alive and heels itself! The jungles grow thicker! Its documented 🤷🏽‍♂️ once you do natures job and start taking carbon out of the air its stupid and nonsensical!

@robbiestirling1000 - 11.03.2022 14:05

Excellent work! 🐚

@jujuteuxOfficial - 01.02.2022 03:49

aaaaand it's been found it generates more CO2 than it gets rid of

@Jim54_ - 13.10.2021 04:50

They should reuse hydroelectric plants to power stations like these, while moving the grid towards Nuclear energy. Also, to those in the comments section berating carbon capture technology, I would point out that no amount of trees is going to capture all the carbon we burned from deposits in which it was stored safely for millennia. One plant over a short period of time won’t fix the problem, but it’s a start.

@philipwoodgate9555 - 09.04.2021 17:23

its 2021, did u actually do it ?

@hazsneax93 - 22.01.2021 23:27

I do not believe that pumping the planets Rock, that deep, full of CO2
(100 plus million tons) will have zero side effect
I see many earthquakes ahead of us and many tsunamis ahead of those that live near the shores

@abdullahalmadani5356 - 10.08.2020 23:16

how many holes you will create in earth before it got shaken?

@simonhaakonsson2537 - 20.03.2020 16:36

Please consider moving away from oil. Especially deep water drilling! Renewables are the future, and you cant innovate yourself out of this ciris you have created @​

@victoriacrook9590 - 27.10.2019 19:37

Too loud

@sean.g - 01.10.2018 02:44

Don’t for get that your geo engineering methods are illegal ! Biodiversity convention treaty

@sean.g - 01.10.2018 02:43

Congrats on more fracking and you should prob tell people how you make more co2 doing this then you “store”

@ahmedvahed5794 - 28.11.2017 03:59

It is great to see such a large company like Shell has recognized the problem and is taking the lead in mitigating it. The CCS is now mature and a technically proven technology. I hope other CO2 emitting companies and refining operations also follow the lead.

@riteshahlawat8709 - 15.11.2015 07:52

nice job Shell!!👍👍

@albertovillegas4123 - 09.11.2015 00:10

muy buena Solución, saludos de CODISA EL SALVADOR, macro Distributor of SHELL
